Newby to the 5:2 diet

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Sassy 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Just wanted to introduce myself – my husband and I are on week 1 of the fast diet and have also chosen to do Monday and Thursday so am feeling very hungry right now. We live down under in the beautiful city of Adelaide and are both in our 50’s. We are also both TOFI’s like Dr Michael. I have never joined a forum before but this is the first time I have ever felt so passionate about a diet or should I say ‘way of life’ ? Feeling very optimistic about this idea.

    hi & welcome

    u may call me usa

    wish u & ur husband success in fdl (fastday lifestyle)
    “Michael. I have never joined a forum before but this is the first time I have ever felt so passionate about a diet or should I say ‘way of life’ ? Feeling very optimistic about this idea.”

    that is so so true

    this post hopefully will help u

    i’m actually going 2 add other vids 2 post that we have on our reversal diabetes site

    everything a newbie might want 2 c, use & read

    the vids that i was adding was

    u probably r aware because u r down under
    it started there

    The Real Cause of Heart Disease
    October 25 16:24 in Failed low fat diets, Heart Disease, Saturated fat

    also adding there i might as well give it 2 u first

    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 1 of 6: A New Hope
    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 2 of 6: The New Science of Diabesity
    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 3 of 6: Trial by Diet
    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 4 of 6: The Fast Solution
    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 5 of 6: Diet and Disease
    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 6 of 6: Dietary Villains – Fat Phobia
    Insulin Toxicity and How to Cure Diabetes
    Dietary Villains – Part 2: Salt Scare

    keep us posted on how u r doing

    happy reversal & nonfastdays & fastdays & 5/2 & 4/3 & 6/1 & adf or 4/2/1 or 3/3/1 or 5/1/1 or adf w/1 & the fdl (fastday lifestyle) 😀

    oops 4got 2 say clare sorry

    Hey Clare, welcome! After a few fast days the hunger will go down, don’t worry about that. Just have to push through those first few times!

    I’m sure you’ll do fine!

    Hi Clare, my husband and I are just about to start and we are from Down Under as well..a little town 45 mins from Bundaberg North Qld.
    I will be really interested to see how your first week goes.
    We are super excited to set this down as a lifestyle change as well as the change we have made from city to country.

    Hi Clare
    Welcome to you and your husband 🙂
    Over time you will probably find the hunger easier to deal with, as Nika says, though there can be days that are harder than others, depending on what else is happening in your life! But you soon learn how to deal with these – lots of herbal/fruit/flavoured tea helps me, and a coffee or two – and the fact that you are getting results and want that to continue. Almost everyone does start to show results after a few weeks, or much sooner if you are lucky (others have advised newbies to give this way of eating at least 6 weeks before expecting results).
    One of the many beauties about 5:2 (if you don’t have consecutive fast days) is that it is only ever a day until you can have what you crave on a fast day – with the added benefit that often when you get to the next day, you decide you really don’t want it after all.
    I, like many others, have found that over time we do start to choose healthier foods more often, and reduce the less healthy foods. But for many there is still room for the less healthy foods on non-fast days if that is what you want.
    This is also the first forum I have joined, which I didn’t do until I was many months into 5:2. It has helped me stay focused and given me motivation to get back on track when I lapsed. So make the most of the forum – seek help as you need, share stories and give help as you feel you can.
    Good luck with it all 😀
    PS I grew up in Adelaide and was there last week visiting my elderly parents, I visit every 6 weeks or so for a week at a time as they have no family In Adelaide any more.

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