Newbie with some questions

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  pdf061072 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hi All,

    Brand new to this diet, have a “mammoth” task ahead of me as I am a male, 40 year old and around 400 pounds! Don’t normally admit that to anyone.

    I understand the basic principle of the plan and have the book to read but just want to make sure I am understanding correctly.

    As I am so large I thought it may not be sensible to do the fast at 600 cals? so I used the calculator to give me a tdee which is 3350 now to me that sounds far too much for a normal day? basing the fast day on the quarter this would then give me a little over 800 cals on a fast day, but my understanding is that 600 is the upper limit on fast days is that correct or should I go closer to the 800 because of my size?

    My last question is how often should I recalculate the allowance if I start at a higher ammount should I do it after half a stone or a stone of loss? or weekly?

    Thanks for any advice

    I have no idea but I just wanted to say good luck on your ‘journey’.

    hello and welcome to the site, i had about 5 stone to lose, (70lbs) i started with 600 cals three times a week (it should of been 500) and then ate my normal daily cals on the other 4 days and still lost weight, what you suggest sounds a sensible way to start things off. i would try the 800 cals twice a week and then see how it goes, and adjust as need be, im not a doctor and only have my own results to go by, as long as you have no medical conditions i dont see anything wrong with changing the plan to suit your needs, good luck and keep us posted xx

    Thanks Chrissie for the good luck wishes.

    Fast thanks for the feedback well considering my doctor (who to be honest I think is a bit extreme at times) once suggested I go permanently on an 800 calorie diet (which I doubt could be that healthy every day!) I think I will try the 800 cals twice a week for the fast and then stick to around 2500 for normal days (if I find i’m losing too quickly may tweak the normal days a bit to closer to the tdee or too slowly tweak the fast days)

    Hi pdf and welcome! I also think you should start with 800 cals (25% of your tdee) and see how it goes. All the best and keep us posted!

    thanks fasting will do that!

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