Newbie with a quick question!

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Merryme 6 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hello!
    I’ve completed two fast days this week (Tuesday and Thursday) and today (Friday) and weds I have had a bit of acid reflux, just a burning in the back of my throat.
    Is this because if the fasting? Anything I can do or foods I can eat to prevent this and will it stop as my body gets used to fasting?


    Hi Larle,

    Acid reflux after a Fast Day(FD) is not a normal part of 5:2.

    On your FDs did you eat foods that you might have had a reaction to before?

    I can’t offer any suggestions of foods to eat as acid reflux seems to be very individual. I suggest you keep going with your 2 FDs a week, keep a log of what you’re eating and drinking. Also record what symptoms you’re getting and when. You may start to see a pattern emerge.

    Perhaps others may have suggestions for you.

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