Newbie. Why not, It cant be any worse that the life i'm living now.

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Newbie. Why not, It cant be any worse that the life i'm living now.

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Melvz11 7 years, 11 months ago.

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  • I have been counting calories for 30years now and it has worked OK for me in the past but now I seem to be putting weight on and I am suffering as a result. Its time to try something different. Formerly a skeptic, and still not entirely convinced, this is something my husband is taking on board as well so that’s a good thing as he is diabetic and could use a bit of weight reduction.
    Wish me luck fellow fasters.

    Hi Shelly1966

    I lost a lot of weight on calorie controlled diets but found it difficult to maintain weight with just that tool. I think this also gets worse with age, as our calorie needs decrease over time and it can be hard to adjust to less and less food just to stay the same weight.

    I came to the 5:2 program after regaining 10kg. I am a month in and it’s going well so far. Once I have this extra weight off, I intend to use intermittent fasting long term as a way of maintaining my weight. I think it’s more realistic to have some days where we eat more than we need (eg social and celebrations) and days where we eat less than we need to balance this, so I think intermittent fasting fits into what I see as natural variation.

    I hope it goes well for you and your husband. Have a look through the forum topics (or use the search function) – there is a lot of good advice.
    I’d start here:

    How can i count calories when my wife gives me juiced vedgies ?

    Good luck Shelly! Calorie counting is fine, up to a point, but doesn’t leave a lot of freedom for life and social situations. I’ve been fasting 2 days a week, for 2 weeks now, and it feels like such a release to be able to relax my mentality a bit. (Not go on full-on binges, but eat like a “normal” person and know the occasional pizza won’t undo all of the good work!) The diet mentality is very much all or nothing, full of reproach when we aren’t “perfect”, whereas this can slot into a life more easily. Good luck!

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