Newbie to the forum, trying 5:2 again!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Redmoonstar66 7 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hi, just stumbled upon the forum while I was looking for inspiration!

    I’ve come to the conclusion (after messing around with different diets and lifestyle changes) that this is the only thing that works for me!
    In 2015 I lost 3 stones, which for me is great! Unfortunately I spent all of 2016 unwell and allowed the pounds to pile back on. I’ve spent the first part of 2017 messing around with diet shakes, slimming plans and hypnotherapy apps but have realised I only have the willpower and discipline to be good one day at a time. I think this is why this works for me!

    Well just wanted to say hello, it’s a long road ahead and I would love to reach a healthier weight. 😊

    Good luck Disney.

    I to did this 3 years ago and lost weight, went on holidays and didn’t have the willpower to start again. I broke my foot nearly two years ago and started gaining weight back, I to have tried other diets including shakes but haven’t been able to shift any weight so here I am again! Lets keep each other motivated!

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