Newbie – Starting Today

This topic contains 16 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Iwant2Bincontrol 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Hi, Just starting today. So far so good. Feeling a little apprehensive. As, I have tried diets before and succeeded for a few weeks and then failed miserably by putting on more that I lost. I hope to keep the weight off this time. I’ve read lots of positives on the forum and would love more success stories and motivaters. I would love to drop 2 dress sizes by Feb 2014. Wish me luck!!!

    Drop2 you are describing all our previous experience of dieting to lose weight.
    Think of 5:2 more of a way of life than dieting as it has so many beneficial side effects. Read the book, watch the Horizon programme made by Dr Mosley and you will soon become an enthusiast and watch your shape change.
    Make a note of your weight and waist measurement too.
    You can do it – so many others already have.
    Many of us (worldwide) have our first fast day of the week on Mondays which is quite a thought.
    Good luck!

    Hi drop2sizes, welcome!!! this way of life is not like any diet you have ever been on. you will find it changing the way you look at food. like Lindy said, check out the Horizon program and book.

    Be sure to be gentle with yourself. be sure to drink lots of water and I find that going easy on the carbs(esp. the refined kind) works really well in avoiding the munchies. good luck ad keep us posted on how things are going.

    Hi drop2sizes Welcome to the forum, I have been doing 5 2 for three weeks now and have lost 7lbs. I am a little addicted to this forum and have found it so good to read others stories and advice. Drink loads of water and herbal teas are great too! I would recommend lemon and ginger tea, tricks your tummy in to feeling fuller. Remember you will find some days a lot harder than others, prehaps when your not expecting it. But just make the decision to stick to it, and push through those hunger pangs they do pass! And you feel so good the next day. Good luck 🙂

    Hi Drop2sizes!

    Welcome and your first FD is nearly over, how did it go?

    Good luck!

    Aud x

    And hey, Monkeyslim, well done on your 1/2 stone, woohoo!

    All that motivation and encouragement already.. I’m just gonna add:
    – You can do it!
    – It gets easier, so if it feels bad the first few days push through it
    – You can do it!
    – Did I mention you can possibly do it?

    Morning, Day One done and dusted. It went so quickly and I hardly noticed any hunger pangs. Thanks for your well wishes and tips. Looking forward to Day Two and beyond!!!

    Welcome to our world Drop2. When’s your second fast day?

    Hey SuzySu, I’m going for Thursday. Are you a long time practitioner or a recent starter like me?

    That’s great drop2!
    I don’t get hungry either, I feel quite guilty when you see folks say they felt ill and faint etc.

    All the best with your second day and your weigh in, whenever that is 🙂

    Aud x

    Thanks Aud, I have to say Day 2 wasn’t too bad either. The only issue I foresee going forward is trying to curb temptation in the afternoons when I get home. I work for 8am to 3pm, then I pick my son from school. A bad habit I’m trying to break is, whilst cooking and feeding him, I tend to snack and then have my main meal when my husband gets home. Well I managed not snacking yesterday and hope I have the constitution to continue doing so.

    I weighed myself before I started (Sunday) but have not weighed in since. How often should I be weighing in? I loved to hear you thoughts.

    Oh golly, I’m probably the wrong person to ask how often you should weigh in because a) I’m a newbie too 🙂 and b) I weigh myself everyday (but that’s just me and at the moment I can’t break that habit so I’ve decided not to be too hard on myself regarding that… one step at a time).

    I am very interested to hear what other folks think about the ‘how frequently should one weigh-in’ question. Every week? Fortnightly? Once a month?

    PS Well done for not snacking, I was tempted yesterday as well… but didn’t *amazed* One a feed day today.. yessssssssss

    I was previously a daily weigher and reactor (good result = food to celebrate, bad result = food to make me feel better). This time I did not weigh myself for the first month and it really helped get me into a long term thinking pattern. It also meant that if I had a really good day, I could think ‘if it doesn’t come off today, it will come off tomorrow’ without the stress I would previously have had about what I would weigh the next day. .
    So I have weighed once, and am not allowed to weigh again until I have lost another 4cm from around my tummy 🙂

    Hi Iwant2Bincontrol, I can relate to the ‘reactor’ bit.
    I am in awe of your self-control; I like the way (I initially typed ‘weigh’, lol) you think and hope to get to that state of mind at some point.

    Baby steps for me, but well done you!
    Aud x

    Sorry, back again ~ Drop2sizes,

    I just found this thread on the Forum, there’s lots of chat in there, I hope it helps:

    *hopes the link works*

    Haha thanks Audrich! I actually don’t have any self control though, so I make promises to my mum so I know I won’t break them. She is also a promise keeper for me not eating Nutella, and I send a quick promise her way if I find myself wavering on a fast day. If I just tell myself something I’m not as likely to stick with it!! Baby steps for me too 🙂 🙂

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