Newbie starting today

This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  TracyJ 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Morning all,

    I’ve started my first fast this morning. After years and years and years of weight watchers I’ve decided I definitely need a new approach and after reading the book I’m convinced. I need to lose quite a bit of weight but the health benefits are an inspiration as well. Plan to do Mondays and Thursdays. Breakfast was a slice of toast with an egg and some strawberries tea without milk.
    Dinner this evening will be chicken salad. Am I ok to drink coke zero? Anyway will let you know how my first week goes, feeling very excited and scared in equal measures. If this works it will change my life radically. After years of trying to restrict my food daily, doing it for a few weeks and then crashing and burning this really seems like something I could do for life!

    Well first day has gone well. I normally get headaches when I miss meals but to be honest I feel fine and so glad I’ve managed to get day one under my belt, well almost I shall be going to bed in the next hour.
    My son and husband have gone to play football and this would normally be the time I eat lots because no ones watching. But I’m sat with my coke zero feeling very virtuous. 🙂

    Good Luck to you, Crystal! Let us know how it goes.

    So back to a normal day to day and wasn’t what I expected at all. Thought I would be ravenous but I’m not. And now that I can eat whatever I want I don’t seem to want to if that makes any sense!

    It does. You’ll find it no problem to go for very long periods without food on non fast days too, especially once you’re used to dealing with “hunger” pangs. I’m on a non fast day today and haven’t eaten since 18:30 yesterday. I’m planning a nice big tea & oodles of chocolate when I get home from work 😉

    Can I ask do you eat normally though on non fasting days I mean whatever you want or do you generally try to be careful?.

    Ok day two and so far so good. I am finding it difficult to count any sort of calories on my non fast days but the book does say you don’t have to, anyway its quarter twelve and not eaten so far today. Can’t get in the kitchen at the moment as I have my daughter in law filming a commercial in there! Another story don’t ask.
    So plan to have an egg with some crackers shortly and then a salad with pork later on. Hope everyone is doing well x

    Hi Crystal Clear, yes, I eat pretty normally on non fast days. I try to keep under 2000 calories (aiming for something between 1500-2000 but I’m not strict, I don’t actually ‘count’ just guesstimate).

    I have recently started treating non-fast days as if they were fast days too until I get home from work and then allowing myself the 1500-2000 in one go (especially if I’m going out for dinner) or 2 hits in the evening. I quite like it and I find it pretty easy to do now but I think it would be a bit extreme to go straight into that as a new ‘faster’. Maybe try it a few weeks/months down the line, once you’ve got the hang of the (not real) hunger pangs 😉

    Good luck

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