Newbie Started On Monday – Vivid Dreams?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Dragon Fly 10 years ago.

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  • Hello All
    I stared the fast diet on Monday, Monday and Thursday are my fasting days, Mondays fast was hard as it was hard to work out what to eat and to stay within the calorie count, not to snack etc but in the main so far so good! except i’m finding i’m having the most vivid dreams not sure if anyone else is experiencing this? Looking forward to my next fasting day tomorrow.


    Hi Alice … great job on fasting Monday. My days are Monday and Thursday too 🙂

    Its strange you mention the vivid dreams, because I’ve been having some very clear although very mixed up dreams lol. I never even thought it could be connected with this to be honest.

    I’m looking forward to my fast day tomorrow. Good luck!

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