Newbie (sorta!)

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  sparky501 8 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hey all

    Have dabbled with fasting in the past, but am so interested in the physiological benefits, plus needing to lose weight, I’m ready to get serious this time.

    I’m also thinking of combining 5:2 with Slimming World, with one “off day” per week.

    The main thing I’m worried about is caving on fast days. I know it gets easier, so I’ve just got to stay motivated those first few weeks.

    Wish me luck and would love to get to know some of you 🙂

    Hi F&H,
    I too am a newbie and started today on my first FD. I am not a breakfast eater, so lasted until 2.15pm before giving in too my veggie omelette sitting in the fridge at work. To be honest, this has been a lot easier than I expected, and I have only felt a bit peckish so far, although I know my hungry times tend to be afternoon/evenings so we will see. I too did SW for about 12 months, finishing 2 years ago having lost nearly 2 stone. However, sadly I put it all back on after going through a bit of a personal crisis, but desperate to get rid again. I didn’t like SW for it’s reliance on sweeteners and felt like if I didn’t eat another Mullerlight it would be too soon. The other thing I found is it didn’t really help me learn about portion control. That said, I know it would be a good idea to try to combine the two diets for good weight loss results, so I’d be interested in how you get along. I’d like to loose at least 1.5 stone before Christmas, but I don’t know if that is too optimistic…..😳

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