Newbie question about non-fast days

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  tdanner1 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • First day was yesterday and so I experienced hunger for the first time in quite awhile. Should I wait until I am very hungry on my non-fast days as well before I eat?

    Hi tdanner1, my advice is just to eat normally on your non-fast days, otherwise this plan will end up turning into just another onerous diet like all the rest! Good luck with it! 🙂

    welcome tdanner1

    very good question sort like me when a newbie

    now i go as long as i want if i’m not hungry

    i still count it as a nonfastday

    here r past post that helped


    12:02 am on 4 Jun 13

    jeanius or michael or mimi

    eventhough i have been doing this since march 2nd and have lost 20 lbs

    i’m still confused over the fastdays

    if i eat @7pm sun a nonfastday
    then @7pm mon fastday 24hrs
    then tues a nonfastday @8am is that a doublefastday or 1 1/2?

    should i eat after 12am tues a nonfastday

    because i’m so hungry wasn’t b4 but now i am


    7:29 am on 4 Jun 13

    Hello, wiltdnrUSA – On the schedule you quoted, Monday is your fast day, and you appear to be saving the whole of your calorie allowance until you eat one meal at 7pm, thereby having fasted for a full 24 hours (from Sun 7pm until Mon 7pm). Then, what is recommended is that you sleep overnight on the Monday, without eating anything more since the 7pm meal. Waking on Tuesday, a non-fast day, you can eat normally, breaking your fast whenever best suits you. Some people prefer to wait for as long as they can before eating on the Tuesday so that they can achieve another substantial period of fasting. (From 7pm Mon until 9am Tues, for example, is another fast of 14 hours.)
    I assume by referring to 12am Tuesday, you are asking if it’s OK to break the fast at midnight, on the cusp between Monday 23:59hrs and 00:00 hrs Tues. Of course, the choice is yours – and what matters is that you find a timetable that you feel able to sustain on an on-going basis – but it would seem a shame to waste that easier-to-fast-when-sleeping overnight period by eating at midnight before you sleep, from Monday night until Tuesday morning. Whatever you’ve been doing to date seems to be successful, as far as weight loss is concerned, but if you’re finding your chosen timetable a bit of a struggle now, maybe you could try different timings. But, then, perhaps that might be just too confusing? Best wishes for further success in your efforts, whichever timings you choose.

    Good point StephB

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