Newbie on a journey!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Dragon Fly 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hi!
    I’m a Mummy of 3 and (almost!) in my mid-forties … how did that happen?!
    I have 52lbs to lose and that’s having lost with Weight Watchers in the past, but I only managed to keep 1/2 stone off from my start weight so decided it was time for a re-think. I went to see my lovely GP and she recommended 5:2 as the best way forward – I hadn’t seen her for a while as my husband has had two serious illnesses in the last 18 months and I haven’t had a chance to think of myself as I juggled his hospital stuff, the children and our family business .. But now that things are a bit more settled its time to start sorting myself out!

    So, I started last Tuesday and fasted on Wednesday and Friday (yesterday). Its not quite a week in but Saturdays will be the best day for me to WI going forward so I hopped on the scales this morning:

    Start weight: 192lbs (13stone 10)
    Today: 190lbs (13stone 8)
    Target: 140lbs (10 stone)

    I’m 5’3″ so aiming for 10stone as my target but I’ll see how I go WHEN I get there!

    I don’t find the fasting bit too tough – I had a small bowl of porridge with some honey each morning and then held off till around 6pm when I had an apple (as the children ate their supper!) and then a chicken stir-fry with masses of veggies, 1/2 chicken breast and no rice / noodles – and went to bed early! I did have a cup of coffee mid-morning, with a splash of semi-skimmed milk and a sweetner, and I do like the odd glass of pepsi max though I am trying to cut back on those! Lots of water – and masses of determination!

    I also walk quite a lot – to and from school as often as I can – but I’m planning on starting the couch to 5K running programme next week as I think I need to up the exercise!

    Anyway, that’s me! I’ll check in each Saturday with WI updates so I can keep track of how its going!

    Hi windmill, thats a super plan! It worked for me! I was about 12 1/2 stone when I started in Feb, and now I am nearly 10 stone. I am also 5ft 3 or 4. GOOD LUCK!!!! Get in touch if you want to chat….

    Hi windmill 🙂 Your plan sounds good! I’m another 5ft 3er! We can do this 🙂 Good luck with your goals.

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