newbie in need of help…

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  • Hello there, after my best friend had such huge success on this diet I finally took the plunge and started yesterday. I have around 4 stone to loose :(. I started off well 2 cups of tea (cannot live without my tea) and a boiled egg, then a can of diet coke for lunch still feeling good, however started to feel horrible after lunch very dizzy and disoriented, in the end it freaked me out so much I went to vending machine and got a snickers, took a while before I felt normal again. Is this normal and should I of worked through it, bearing in mind I was at work and have a fair drive home in the car, should I eat differently, I don’t want to give up so have anybody got any advice or tips. Thank you x

    Hello, shop1240 – My impression is that you might have an issue with sugar spikes and controlling your insulin levels. Have you habitually eaten a lot of sugar and have you had a blood-test recently to check for things like insulin resistance or diabetes?
    I am not medically trained but have been reading a lot on the subject. As I understand it, if one’s ‘norm’ is unhealthily high levels of blood-sugar, then any drop to more average levels can set-up the kind of reaction your body had and a quick dose of more sugar ‘quietens it down’, so to speak, back to one’s own high ‘norm’. However, this is not a sustainable response and will only cause increasing problems. (As I understand it, the artificial sweeteners in fizzy diet drinks still cause an undesirable insulin rush from the pancreas, as it fools the body into believing sugar is on the way. Not a good result.)
    I don’t wish to cause you alarm but I would recommend that you discuss the matter with your Doctor and get your blood-sugar levels tested as soon as you can. In the meantime, perhaps look at whether sugar-cravings are a part of your life and, if so, ease off on the intake of all sugary and starchy foods (starch also being converted to glucose in the body, in the same way as sugar is). Best wishes to you for a healthy and desirable outcome to your efforts.

    Hello and thank you so much for the prompt reply. As far I know and being honest I don’t have a sugar crave, I prefer savoury. Not really a chocolate lover, although yesterday it was the only thing at work. I have been told by my doctor that im border line of diabetes which is a reason for doing this diet. What can I eat or do to get passed this hiccup. Are you saying that diet coke which is not something I drink as a rule is not the right thing for men to have.
    Thank you again for taking the time to help and put me on the right track, I am in desperate need for all the help I can get x

    Hi shop1240,
    I think the secret to this diet is planning and preparation. Work out one or two days ahead what you will eat and drink on your fast day, maybe using a calorie counting website, and shop for it in advance too.
    I started with breaking down my calorie intake into about 4 small meals throughout the day. Breakfast, 1st snack, 2nd snack and early dinner.
    It’s great that you like savoury, I assume that means you like veg? I made a list of all the snacks and meals that fit into my fast days and they are now my favourite meals of the week and really give me something to look forward to.
    Five weeks in I’m finding I only need 3 snacks/meals now and could probably cut that down to two in the next couple of weeks.
    Keep going, sounds like you have the determination. Once you’ve done one week you will never look back..

    Hi there

    I’m type 2 and been doing this life change for 8 weeks at first I got dizzy spells and headsches. I drink lots of water decaff black coffee and green tea. I’ve lost over a stone and 4 inches off my wasit in that time. Try and perserve as I worth it. I also use fitness pal so I don’t over do it on feed days I eat and try to stick to 1500.

    Good luck

    ahh thanks guys, I was so full of hope yesterday and did so well in the morning and by the evening I was doom and gloom. I was scared of feeling dizzy when driving home but what I should of done is stick with it. I guess you have to feel crap before you feel better. Thank you for all the advice. Im back to work tomorrow and going to try again.

    Hello again, shop1240 – I would say that if you are borderline for diabetes then you do already have a problem with your insulin control and need to learn how best to reset that, which I believe can be done by dietary measures and lifestyle changes, without needing to resort to drugs. And, yes, it can arise without a mass of chocolate or other sugary foods being involved, as I understand it.
    If it were me, I would research the subject online and, especially, check out the information and advice provided on various websites of organisations for diabetics – the forums can be particularly helpful, involving people who have ‘been there, done that’. Also, I would investigate the websites of health practitioners who specialise in non-drug methods for regaining control of one’s hormonal systems. And then I would get onto my Doctor’s Practice to see what health support/advice is available in my area to best tackle this issue without resorting to drugs.

    Here are some sites (of organisations based in UK and USA) which I have been exploring, that may or may not interest you:

    DiabetesUK – –

    Dr Mark Hyman – author of ‘The Blood Sugar Solution’ –

    Dr Ritamarie Loscalzo – Provider of dietary-based therapies, information and courses –

    Speaking personally, I am increasingly horrified by just how much our conventional Western health system is so oriented towards drug-therapy and treating separate, individual symptoms of illness, rather than exploring overall causes and adopting a pro-active, preventative approach, focused on wellness.

    A number of contributors to this forum are already diabetics and, hopefully, their comments and experience will be helpful to you. I hope you will find a good way to continue, experimenting and adapting the 5:2 system to suit your needs, and that you will experience many health benefits from eating healthily and appropriately for your circumstances. All best wishes to you.

    Shop1240 – I’m saying any artificial sweetener, and certainly any artificially sweetened drinks, are not the right thing for any human being to have – but I’m sure many people will not thank me for that statement. Keep well.

    Ohhh im a bit bamboosled now. Ok so stay off the fizzy drinks. Ive been speaking to my doctor today and he says if I have put on any more weight since I last saw him and he said I was border line diebetic then yes im most probably there now. So unfortunately I don’t have the recipe book, I will be getting it when pay days comes around, has anyone got any ideas for my fasting days for lunch at work that wont give me sugar spikes and send me into a dizzy frenzy. Sorry to be such a pain today but im so desperate to get myself well again, its my 50th in January and I want/will be slim fit and healthy

    i’ve ben having miso soup (with or without 25g prawns) and/or celery/cucumber/radishes/tomatoes.

    Hi shop1240,

    I’m not a doctor or a nutritionist but looking at what you consumed in the morning, you had 2 cups of tea and a can of coke, all of which are diaretics and will make you pee any actual water involved away. Don’t cut out your tea, if you really would miss it but don’t bother with any other drinks but water and plenty of it. If you are someone like me (you have a little less to lose than I did when I started this, so you might be a bit like me) and have always been pretty good at lasting a decent time between meals (many of my skinny friends would literally die and/or kill someone if they didn’t get fed every couple of hours) then you might try knocking breakfast entirely on the head.

    My first couple of months I did 600 calories. I had water all day, lasted as long as I could before starting to eat and then munched through a selection of carrot, celery & cucumber strips (which I never ‘counted’ as calories but should have – hense the 600 calories). I’d then try to last at least another hour (difficult once you’ve actually eaten something) then have 200 calories of poridge made with water and 1 teaspoon of sugar (which you also have to count into the 200). That would keep me going all afternoon and then I’d have a very small 300 calorie meal for dinner/tea, to stop me raiding the cupboards when I got home.

    Once I got used to managing the hunger pangs during the day – which you quickly realise are not REAL hunger at all – I now just go the whole day on water and have the full 500 calories in the evening (much more satisfying as a meal). I’m never hungry the following morning and I almost always fast at work.

    I have had 1 really serious headache during a fast day, the likes of which I have never had before and I think it’s something of a miracle that I managed to safely drive home in such pain, to then collapse into bed without even the energy to get to the kitchen and break my fast (much as I wanted to). But even that, I think was entirely the result of not drinking enough water during the day. That was quite early on – 1 or 2 months in I think – and has never happened since.

    I would recommend that you find the food/ timing combination that is most likely to work for you and cut out any drinks other than water and tea. If you need to have an extra few calories (in the shape of something wholesome like veg or fruit) in order to stick to your guns then do it. Whatever you can manage comfortably is a good start and as you get used to it you can reduce the calories down.

    Hi, shop1240 – if you have the time, take a stroll around this website for food advice – lots of people post details of their food plans, although they’re not all in one place, unfortunately. Alternatively, put something like ‘5:2 recipes’ into your search engine and many sites come up, giving ideas.
    If you’re not into recipes, then, for fast days, I would suggest lots of green vegetables (rather than starchy potatoes and other root veg) and plain protein, such as chicken (without the fatty skin), baked or steamed fish, eggs, etc. Many non-cooks choose ready-meals and there are increasing numbers of healthy options available in the stores to cater for 5:2 Fasters. My apologies but I don’t have time right now to trawl for the details of specific examples.
    If you’re not already practiced at it, I think you’re going to have to learn the art of food-label reading: checking the calorie content and, ideally, the carbohydrate/sugar and sodium/salt levels too. Be careful though, as many ‘low fat’ items, marketed as healthy choices, are chock full of extra sugar and salt, to compensate for the reduced fat.
    I can understand why you might now feel anxious, especially having just had your Doctor’s ‘probably’ news today, but you can find your way through this difficulty – just take it steady and learn as you go along. There are lots of people and resources available to help you and you are already headed in the right direction by deciding you need to act and make some changes. All good wishes.

    Here’s my Fast Days plan: I’m 71 and after 11 weeks in, I’m down about a stone (as you Brits say).
    Start with some coffee and lite creamer. Morning break – water. Lunch break – water. Afternoon break – water. Dinner – nice portion of soup with lots of vegetables and occasionally chicken.
    In between breaks, I drink a glass of water. We’re all different, but I exercise normally on Fast Days and rarely have been bothered by headaches or dizziness. Stay with it. You can do it.

    Hi All,

    I’m new to 5.2. One of my colleagues has great sucess and thought i would follow suit. Having followed WW before and now being sick of spending my life pointing everything. I am 5.3 inches and weigh 9.4 stones. I was hoping to loose some boady fat and hopefully some weight too. I as thinking that i would try and keep my cals to 1500 on non fasting days? and combine exercise? All information would be greatly appreciated.

    5ft 3 and 9.4 stones sounds almost ideal to me? According to my Wii, that’s exactly what it thinks I should be aiming for and I’m only an inch taller than you. Why do you feel you need to lose weight?

    Anyway, the 5:2 diet is for health benefits too and you’ll struggle to lose weight on it once you’re at your ideal weight, so it wont hurt you to do it if you keep between 1500-2000 on non fast days. If you’re just worried about ‘wobbly bits’ then it will probably redistribute your weight, so you might well feel and look better but don’t expect to lose much and don’t expect it to come off quickly if you do. This isn’t a fad diet it’s for life and your body will decide where it wants to stop.

    Good luck with it and I hope you enjoy the health benefits. My new skin, hair, nails and hormone balance have been a revelation to me.

    Hi Tracyj,

    Thanks for respoding to my post. I have exercised and watched my diet for most of my adult life, my weight has crept up slightly by 6lbs and was keen to take it back off before possily gaining anymore.

    Having spent this afternoon reading over the posts i agree that the health benefits are incredible and more important tahn weigh loss. I will keep with it and see how i go. Skin, nails and hair are always a plus in my eyes.

    Thanks for your information and good luck on your journey.

    Here’s to a healthier happier life!!

    Hi Shop1240,

    I experienced something similar to what you experienced on my 2nd fast day. (I am now on my 14th week). I decided to change the way I ate my 500 calories. While I admire those who can go all day and only eat at dinner, it doesn’t work for me. I eat a breakfast of 200cals. which includes 2 cups of coffee with half & half. The H&H is only about 5 calories a tsp. so I figure is costs me about 10 to 11 for 2 cups of coffee. After those 2 cups, I switch to water. Like you about 2 or 3 in the afternoon I eat and apple or some kind of fruit. This has taken care of that “wonky” feeling. Then I have a meal of about 250-300 cals. about 6pm. What I try to do is to have some activity in the evening of fasts days. Taking classes are good for this and that way I don’t think about food and I’m not close to my kitchen for 2 or 3 hours in the evening. This works for me. You will have to figure out how you arrange your food intake so you can make it thru the days without feeling too deprived. So you can stick with it and make this a “lifestyle” change, not a diet.

    Best of luck.

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