Newbie from sunny Wales (UK)

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  hedgehogs 5 years, 12 months ago.

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  • Hi all,
    Seasoned dieter and regainer here.
    Am a week into IF and have bought the 800 book for my kindle. Have started it and had the gist of 5:2 from the documentary.

    I’ve a fair bit of weight to lose. Am currently 107kg at 5’3″. 62kg is my goal. I really want to learn a method of eating where I can sustain my weight loss and balance out in time. And honestly think IF may just be it.

    I’m veggie so low carb is an issue but will be trying to live a bit healthier. Also I have Bipolar. So at times emotionally eat and struggle with my moods. Am on medication which leads to diabetes and heart issues so hoping I can counter act this.

    So, I’m in for the long haul. My head knows stones and lbs, but have switched to KG to stop myself getting hung up on weight. I can’t find my measuring tape but will sort one and take measurement for record.

    I look forward to learning more.

    Hi Porffor
    Welcome to 5:2 from a fellow resident of ‘sunny’ Wales. This could be your best decision ever! After decades of yo-yo dieting (I am also an emotional eater with a family tendency for diabetes) I began 5:2 in July 2017 and dropped 30 lbs in 11 months and have maintained since then by continuing with 5:2 and a Mediterranean style of eating (Michael Mosley’s Blood Sugar Diet) and I am holding my weight at an all time adult low for me.
    I encourage you to throw yourself into the 5:2 way of eating but treat it as a way of life…… not just another diet. Good luck for success and a happy and healthy future 🙂

    Hi thanks for the welcome. Great to hear of real progress and maintenance.

    I am eating better in non fasting days and feel in control which is good. My Boyfriend is being supportive too so that helps, although I am not fasting weekends when we are together.

    I am looking forward to feeling better about my health and weight.

    Hi & welcome! A fellow seasoned dieter & regainer too…& a fellow veggie who’s sticking to low carb! I’ve found the support & info here really helpful, hope you do too! Check out the ‘Fat Busting Brits’ thread if you have time, we’re a friendly bunch & it’s good to have someone to turn to on FDs sometimes!

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