Newbie, first fast day!

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  • Do you put any sauce etc on the chicken? How many calories? I’m looking some ideas for dishes, I tend to keep it really simple on fast days,

    So due to how god awful I felt on Monday, and therefore how badly I wanted something delicious and comforting, I’ve moved my fast days around a bit. So even though it’s Wednesday, it’s a fast day, so here I am.

    I’ve been doing a workout plan with a friend of mine, and we are on week 4 of 12 right now. It’s timed circuit workouts of mostly body weight strength stuff and it’s a lot tougher than I was expecting. I took pictures before week 1 and after week 2 and I will again after week 4… hoping to see some improvement after a month. But regardless of how I look, I feel great! Combined with 5:2 I feel like I’m really getting healthier and stronger.

    How is everyone doing on this fine Wednesday?

    Yesterday was a fast day for me, and it went well, so tomorrow I will do it all over again! I had 620 calories today so far, just having chicken later,

    I am wondering should I spread my fast days out more?

    Maybe have one on Monday as I weigh in on Tuesdays now?

    I know the official 5:2 plan says to have 2 non-consecutive fast days, but makes it seem like other than that you can schedule them however you want.

    I was thinking about that as well, since I have done Monday/Thursday the last couple weeks, but this week is Wednesday/I haven’t decided yet. I think my best option is Saturday, since I have plans Friday night to make sushi and I want to get back on schedule for Monday. Except I don’t like the idea of not being able to eat on the weekend, you know?

    I’ll be taking my next set of pictures next Tuesday morning… I’d like to have 3 fast days before then (today, Saturday (?) and Monday)…

    Would it be strong discouraged to do two fast days in a row?

    No, it doesn’t seem to be discouraged at all, but while so far I have found fast days easy, I dont know about two in a row, I find myself saying sometimes on a fast day.. ” I will have that tomorrow”.. I’m not sure how I would manage if I did two days running
    I think 4:3 might be easier than 5;2 with two fast days back to back? Any thoughts?

    Newbie here also , I’ve made it so far to my lunch hour at work , am about to have my 2nd cup of coffee . But was wondering about tea , prefer tea in pm. Hope I can pull off cooking supper for family, late night snacker here , i need to do this , just have too.

    Good luck Katter,

    I keep it really simple on fast days,
    In and out of the kitchen as quick as I can!!

    Today has been a particularly tough fast day… I had chicken broth and a garden salad for lunch because I was too hungry to have just the broth. And then around 2 I was STILL too hungry to focus so I had a small banana with peanut butter, but I’ve basically been feeling hungry all day. I just want to go home and have dinner, but I have some plans after work. I’m really hoping the hunger pangs will subside.


    Have you been drinking enough… I find on fast days, lots of drinks help, esp peppermint tea, and sugar free blackcurrant juice

    Hi Piglet,

    We had some Thai Green chicken from Asda & I cooked it with some light coconut milk, with some veg & half a cup of brown rice it was 431 calories. I prefer to just have water, herbal tea & some fruit during the day & save as many calories possible for dinner.

    Today is another fast day, for dinner I am having a jacket potato with cod. I will cook the cod in a parcel with some garlic & lemon & make a sauce from a bit of 1/2tbsp each of butter & corn flour to make a roux then add vegetable stock, cook down then add wholegrain mustard & lighter mayonnaise. With some veg this comes in at 397 calories.

    Struggling a bit today, drinking lots of water!

    I’m fasting today too. Just had a coffee this morning, and a bottle of water since. I dont know what I am going to eat today at all!

    I thought I was pumping myself full of liquids, but by the end of the day I had used up all my willpower and had a full meal, bringing me over 500 cal. But that’s okay, you win some you lose some. Looking back now, I probably could have had more water and tea. I’ll remember that nexttime. At least I don’t feel like I went out of control or anything, I just had a larger dinner than I’d planned, and I’m okay with that. It’s only my 4th fast, I’m still figuring out what works for me. 🙂

    I love peppermint tea and this “Raspberry Zinger” herbal tea… not really a fan of juice of any kind. Even as a kid the only time I drank juice was orange juice when I was sick.

    I usually like to drink seltzer… I have a soda stream and I go through so much of the stuff. But I didn’t bring it yesterday, so maybe that will help next time too.

    I find even just sparkling water really helps in the evening on fast days too.

    I try to make sure even on a fast day I eat some fruit, vegetables, carbs & some protein which is why I try to just have fruit in the day & a balanced meal in the evening.

    I am going somewhere with a buffet tomorrow, it is not a fast day but I am terrible for just eating mindlessly so I will have to be careful.

    This is my first fast day….and it’s going Ok i think. I’m trying to stretch my 500 cals.

    Breakfast – Banana & Black Coffee
    Snack – Black coffee (mid morning)
    Lunch – Salad (onions, lettuce, toms, peppers, cucumber) and 30g of feta
    Afternonn – Apple (to keep the sugar cravings at bay!)
    Tea – 100g Chicken breast, brocoli, asparagus, carotts

    I’ve already drank 2lt of water so far 🙂


    Good luck to everyone doing it…the vending machine near my desk & the cake trolley have all tried their best to throw me off!

    My first fast day went better than I expected, coffee , water tea ,about 9:30 I crashed I had a wheat pita bread with chicken salad , pita was 100 and salad was 2 tbsp. so 350 cal approx, but that was it, this am had a egg and no lunch since have America chop suey in crock pot for dinner. I don’t know if is my iminagtion but I feel great. Next week I will do mon and wed. Am proud that I had will power , since I am a snacker. I love reading all the inspirational stories . I am so excited , and motivated. In USA here , we can all do this.

    I ended yesterday around the 460 calorie mark

    Found it really easy.. But I am not sure I drank enough, although I would have drank 2lts.

    That is really good

    “This Ingenious New Food Strategy Burns A Little Body Fat All Day Long While You Are Only ‘Dieting’ HALF a Day”
    Click here:

    I’m glad to hear that the first fast has been easy on everyone. I’m down 2.6 lbs since I started 2 weeks ago which feels awesome!

    I think I’m going to make tomorrow my second FD this week after all.. I’m not looking forward to not being able to drink on a Saturday night, but a bit of temperance is probably good for me. Plus, I can plan to get all my errands and housework done to keep myself busy which will lead to a nice productive Saturday 🙂 Wish me luck haha. I’m gonna need it.

    How does everyone pick their fast days?

    Up until now, I pick fd around my work shifts.

    I’m a community carer, full day shifts are 7am \ 830pm. Half days are either 7am \ 1pm, or 2pm \ 830pm,

    So far I have only fasted on half days, if I’m on the early shift I go for a nap around 2pm and in effect sleep thru a meal, it really helps,
    If I’m on the late shift, I have a lie on, and again in affect sleep thru a meal.

    I was thinking I would need to eat on long days for energy,.. Any thoughts?

    Monday is my day off this week as I am working all weekend, I was thinking of fasting but my friend says I might be better to fast on a day when I busy, as opposed to a day off, any thoughts?

    Good luck to everyone over the weekend!

    Definitely have fast days on your half days. I generally go for a Monday and then either a Wednesday or Thursday and make sure it is not on a day where I will exercise.

    I chose Monday/Thursday as my fast days, though gave myself room to adjust if absolutely necessary depending on the week. I do exercise on those days, but I find it helps to give me something else to do at lunchtime which is helpful. Though I do stick to cardio and plyometrics on these days and save my heavy lifting workouts for feeding days.

    I thought I would be too exhausted, but on the contrary, I’ve found myself full of energy. This might be because I workout at noon on these days and therefore my body is already adjusted to fasting but not worn down (ie. not first thing in the morning when my body is expecting breakfast but also not after work when I’m dead regardless of if I’ve eaten.)

    Piglet, in regards to your question, I’ve definitely found it easier to fast on busy days than slow ones. Keeping myself occupied so I don’t think about food helps push through those times when you might not be ravenous, but you still want to eat. It’s good to have something to take your mind off eating… I think that if I were to try to fast on a day off, I would struggle. That being said, I probably would stick to fasting on your half days because your full days are so long and, like you said, you can nap through some of your half days.

    Good luck with whatever you choose!

    Hi all

    Weighed in yesterday, 2lbs off, that’s the 2lb gain from last week gone now.. So I hope to actually make a bit more progress this week, instead of on and off and on again!!

    I did two fast days, and on Monday (the day before weigh in) I just had one meal, at 4pm, and a slimming world cereal bar at 9pm. So while it was not a fast day.. I still finished the day under 800 calories,

    I think I will do this on Mondays from now on if its not one of my fast days, have one meal, and one snack.

    Good luck everyone, fasting, feeding, and weighing in!

    Ps, todays a fast day for me today!

    4 weeks in, 9lbs lighter!!!!! A loss of 3lbs this morning!! Delighted!!!

    Maybe helped by the fact that yesterday was a fast day, will fast again tomorrow,

    And on Saturday night I will have Chinese takeaway, but what I will do is eat very little on Saturday, drink plenty of water and peppermint tea, and just have takeaway that night. ( Did this last week too, so its like 4.5 \ 2.5! So while I’m not fasting on a third day, or eating below 500 calories, I’m not stuffing myself all day, and then eating takeaway that night)

    Piglet that’s awesome! So glad you’re seeing the results you want 🙂

    I took last week off, but I’m back fasting today. I’m feeling crazy bloated because I drank a lot of alcohol this weekend, and also I’m getting my period very soon. I’m hoping fasting today will help me reset.

    Weigh day, another 2lbs off ;O)

    That’s 11lbs in 5 weeks!

    I fasted yesterday, today we are having Chinese takeaway, so I will eat very little else

    On fast days I keep it really simple, ham toasties, toast and jam, slimming world cereal bars, etc
    I stick more to the calorie counting, and worry less about the carbs \ sugars etc, and so far it is working!

    Good luck to everyone feeding, fasting and weighing in xxx

    Another 1lb off! That’s 12lbs in six weeks 🙂 delighted!

    Hope to get the stone off next week!

    Good luck one and all 🙂

    Hi, piglet, I’ve just seen this! I joined last week, posted twice, but can’t find my posts.

    It’s going well, although, I did bash the wine last weekend.

    Still here!

    15lbs off in 11 weeks now,

    I’m happy with that, I still keep things really simple on fast days, in a bid to get in and out of the kitchen as quickly as possible! Tea and toast, coffee and a cereal bar etc. So far its all working out fine for me, fast days this week Monday and Wednesday,

    We fasted yesterday and then Thursday this week. Just been out to change a pair of size 14 trousers. I didn’t have the receipt and now they’re on the sale. Didn’t have 12 so I only got half back.

    Never mind. Loved trying on size 12 in Next – linen pants and top.

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