Hello Audrich
I’ve been meaning to respond to one of your posts for the longest time but never seem to fit one in; it wouldn’t be a short one.
I don’t do short….
(I don’t think we have ever ’spoken’ directly to each other but once I found a lovely post from you to me on Cathyork’s thread but it was months after the event and I felt a bit of a berk responding so late in the day; I do apologise though for not responding. It always seems rude to me to not respond to someone who has taken their time to acknowledge your post. I also can’t remember you posting on THE LOACA thread because if I was ‘around’ I most certainly would have engaged with you………
anyways. Moving on)
I do read much more than I post on though and I have really sympathised with all the trauma and stress in your life and your perfectly natural and understandable struggles with your weight loss.
I think you were really wise to just give yourself (and hubby) a break from the forum and the FD for a bit; it can be seriously derailing and demoralising to read how ‘easy’ some other folk can find losing weight on this WOE (they do tend to be a lot younger than us however in the main….).
When you think about it logically; you generally have to be ‘in the right frame of mind’ to go on any ‘diet’ and your frame of mind has just been off the radar. You have had to contend with losing a beloved friend and another one very ill….you have had to support your FIL through his operation….
You sound as if you have a very stressful job….you have a family and husband to care for and keep ‘together’….
Lordy, who wouldn’t crack under all that stress and reach for the wine and chocolate?
Someone posted the other day that stress increases cortisone and cortisone blocks fat metabolism…..so all your good work can easily have come to nothing because of this proven fact. Look at what you posted on the 17..04.14.….
You stated the obvious yourself just recently; one of the only good things to come out of all this effort is the FACT THAT YOU HAVEN’T GAINED WEIGHT THROUGOUT! You could have been gaining all during this traumatic time and you haven‘t; so well done you.
And I also remember reading you saying that you ‘were worried about putting newbies off the FD if they read about how hard is has been for you’….
Well you aren’t responsible for every other person on this forum; they have to try it for themselves and see how they do.
With your thread and some others, including THE LOACA; I think we see how difficult it can be to stick to anything in life when life has seriously high levels of stress in it. Awful things in life that befall us all at some point don‘t just magically stop because we are on a ‘diet’.
Your account of the FD is a ‘warts and all’ kind of story and, in my opinion, all the more valuable for it. I hope things in your life calm right down and you are able to focus on the relatively trivial objective of losing weight.
With very best wishes
6:40 pm
23 Apr 14