Newbie Checking in After 1 FD week

This topic contains 122 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by  audrich 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Hello Audrich

    I’ve been meaning to respond to one of your posts for the longest time but never seem to fit one in; it wouldn’t be a short one.
    I don’t do short….

    (I don’t think we have ever ’spoken’ directly to each other but once I found a lovely post from you to me on Cathyork’s thread but it was months after the event and I felt a bit of a berk responding so late in the day; I do apologise though for not responding. It always seems rude to me to not respond to someone who has taken their time to acknowledge your post. I also can’t remember you posting on THE LOACA thread because if I was ‘around’ I most certainly would have engaged with you………
    anyways. Moving on)

    I do read much more than I post on though and I have really sympathised with all the trauma and stress in your life and your perfectly natural and understandable struggles with your weight loss.
    I think you were really wise to just give yourself (and hubby) a break from the forum and the FD for a bit; it can be seriously derailing and demoralising to read how ‘easy’ some other folk can find losing weight on this WOE (they do tend to be a lot younger than us however in the main….).

    When you think about it logically; you generally have to be ‘in the right frame of mind’ to go on any ‘diet’ and your frame of mind has just been off the radar. You have had to contend with losing a beloved friend and another one very ill….you have had to support your FIL through his operation….
    You sound as if you have a very stressful job….you have a family and husband to care for and keep ‘together’….
    Lordy, who wouldn’t crack under all that stress and reach for the wine and chocolate?

    Someone posted the other day that stress increases cortisone and cortisone blocks fat metabolism… all your good work can easily have come to nothing because of this proven fact. Look at what you posted on the 17..04.14.….
    You stated the obvious yourself just recently; one of the only good things to come out of all this effort is the FACT THAT YOU HAVEN’T GAINED WEIGHT THROUGOUT! You could have been gaining all during this traumatic time and you haven‘t; so well done you.

    And I also remember reading you saying that you ‘were worried about putting newbies off the FD if they read about how hard is has been for you’….
    Well you aren’t responsible for every other person on this forum; they have to try it for themselves and see how they do.
    With your thread and some others, including THE LOACA; I think we see how difficult it can be to stick to anything in life when life has seriously high levels of stress in it. Awful things in life that befall us all at some point don‘t just magically stop because we are on a ‘diet’.

    Your account of the FD is a ‘warts and all’ kind of story and, in my opinion, all the more valuable for it. I hope things in your life calm right down and you are able to focus on the relatively trivial objective of losing weight.

    With very best wishes

    Dear PreciousBooBoo,

    What a star you are. I was determined to log on tonight to thank Cathyork for her encouragement and I read this post from you, bless you, I needed that. I am under no illusions that the stuff of life which I have moaned about *g* is par for the course for many of us, but I have found it bone-weary tiring, indeed stressful, and I thank you wholeheartedly for your support. I still think very much of Jill, she was a USA gal, (SoCal) so your side of the Big Pond, (is that right?). She was comparatively young, I HATE cancer.

    I firmly believe that calorie reduction is the way to go to tackle the global obesity crises and that as we are all built differently, we just have to find the way that works for ourselves. I managed my first fast in a long time yesterday and will fast again tomorrow ~ I’m back in the saddle!

    {{hugs}} PreciousBooBoo and resolves to check out the LOACA thread again when I have more time as SO MUCH FUN, lol x

    Aud x

    Hi hermaj,

    Thank you very much for your encouraging words.
    I’m back on 5:2 and feeling good.

    Apart from my back, which I’ve managed to put out but you have to laugh!!

    *pops panadol*
    | hope you are dong okay too x

    Aud x

    Hi loobylou,

    I’m in exactly the same boat! 7lb lost then went off the rails, ugh. I need to lose off my waist & belly and also worship at the altar headed ‘CAKE’.

    So I’m hoping your planned fast today went *as* planned and that you are resolved to carry on. I fasted yesterday – which went okayyyyy – and fasting tomorrow.

    Aud x

    Hi, simcoeluv.

    Thank you for your comment; I appreciate it. I actually have that link already saved to my ‘DIET OMG’ folder and refer to it frequently, it’s ground roots advice.
    In fact, I think I need it on a T-shirt 🙂

    Thanks again
    Aud x

    Hi Cathy!

    Yes, day 1 (again, lol) was yesterday and it went okay 🙂 I was OMGSTARVING at 11am, but I ground my teeth Marge Simpson-like and knocked back the diet lemonade and was able to stave it off.

    I did succumb to the remaining Easter Egg chocky hidden in the fridge, (within daily 500cal limit) but when I got there it was obvious I’d eaten more than I thought over the weekend and that there was very little left, LOL.
    Today was a feed-day and I have just polished off a mushroom omelette, which was actually okay, edible and everything, lol.

    Fasting again tomorrow.
    Hope things are going okay for you,
    Aud xx

    Good to hear you are back in the game and feeling good, aud, I agree with Precious Boo-boo’s wise words. You were entitled to get derailed with the grief, the stress and no doubt a lot of those mundane problems that simply mount up. And despite all of it you haven’t put any on. Brilliant. Of course you think of Jill, but hopefully over time you’ll start to think of her not only with the sadness of loss but also with joy at having had such a great friendship with such a lovely woman.

    I’m fine, having to work hard. As I’m sure I’ve mentioned before, as a translator I go through periods of feast and famine. It’s definitely feast time at the moment, as I juggle two big projects. But I’m not about to complain. Moan I might, but I have the great good fortune to do a job I love and which, so I’m told by people who know about such things, I’m actually rather good at. Then there’s a dissertation sitting on the back burner. I have until end September to deliver, but I still have to stay on track.

    Of course, I could toddle off down the day centre for a nice game of bingo and a singalong to Vera Lynn (as some would have me do at my great age) but I shan’t be doing that any time soon – or ever!

    On the 5:2 front, the plateau began to crumble at the edges in early Feb and somewhere between 2.5 and 3 kilos have slowly but surely slipped away. Still sticking around the middle, though. But I do have very nice shoulders!

    Hi Aud

    I’m so pleased that my extremely belated post brought you a little succour as you re-start the FD. In a way, it might have had more ‘bearing’ because it was from a ‘stranger’ to your thread.

    I also thought, no I actually know, that when things are just so bad and relentlessly so, that you cannot see the wood for the trees, because you are valiantly trying to hold everything/everybody together.
    It’s incredibly difficult and extremely tiring being ‘strong’ for everyone when all you want to do is collapse with the strain and the pure grief and anger.
    It becomes almost impossible to stand back and be remotely objective or to even to just cut yourself some slack.

    No, I’m not from over the pond; I’m a Brit like you!

    Of course you still think about your friend Jill; you’d be a funny sort of a friend if you didn’t.
    Have you tried Bach Flower Remedies at all? You could try the Honeysuckle (for living in the past); it worked markedly on long held grief I was carrying around. Have a google of them; though that is not always a positive experience and it really should be.

    My attitude to them is: I KNOW they work but not for all of the people all of the time; they cannot harm you at all because they are simply the essence of flowers and they don’t cost very much anyway. So well worth a try. Also Rescue Remedy when you are filled with stress.

    Another thing that occured to me was the way you give all your specific details at the start of every week; it’s totally up to you of course but if it was me, I would give that a rest and just post about weight loss details when you want to.
    I can go weeks without mentioning any weight loss but I’m still plodding along with it all.
    Just a thought Aud; some people like and thrive on giving out all the (gory!) details (like going to WW and getting weighed in front of the class) but for others, like me, I prefer to just mention my weight loss/gain when I want to.

    Anyways, I wish you well this week but honestly, don’t be hard on yourself at all whatever the result. As you know, there is a lot more to life than how much we weigh.

    BooBoo xx

    Thanks simcoeluv for your advice – much appreciated.
    Day 2 today & I’m finding it much easier than last time – I have started having breakfast later on a fast day (9.30 instead of 7.00) & lunch too (1.30 instead of 12). Weigh-in is going to be a Thursday so hopefully I’ll have some good news by the end of the week.
    That’s all for now as need to crack on with work.

    Hey Aud,

    How is it going? Not heard from you for a while. Hope everything is going well and the nice weather is lifting your spirits 🙂

    Cath x

    Hi Aud,

    Thought I might find you here. Our paths haven’t crossed for a while, so I thought I’d track you down, just to say hello. Hope all is well with you. I’m now in the final straight of the MA, working on my dissertation at a time when the day job has also picked up speed, so I’m a busy bunny.

    However, I did have the time to go with my gorgeous great-nephew – the one you thought your daughter might like – to see War Horse. We both loved it and he was great company, so easy and so interesting to talk to. Thankfully, he’s not a paragon of virtue. There are still moments when he sits scowling in a corner, hoody up, as if to say ‘I’m 15 and I hate everybody’. Kids. What are they like!

    Hi Cathy and Hermaj and anyone that’s reading 🙂

    I’m just bumping along – I was sticking to the fast days, doing alternative 5:2 and 4:3 (fellow work colleagues just cannot believe I go all day without eating) and not losing. I tried ADF last week and lost 2lb… then promptly put it on again on Saturday after a lunch out – not an especially big meal, just one with chips! Arrgh. I’m still on a BMI of 29. Trying ADF again this week, just had a 420 cal dinner from the book and nibbling a teeny piece of fudge that my neighbour brought back for me from her holiday. Making it laaaaaaaaaaaast, lol.

    If anyone has any suggestions, I’m all ears.
    Aud x

    So Sorry, hermaj, I forgot to say all the best with your dissertation. I am at the other end, kicking the a$$es of the dissertation markers so I can input and process students’ results who might actually like to graduate this year, lol.

    Going right into my busy period.. I don’t catch a break until week 3 of July, but I am taking this as a positive as I don’t much time for a break, let alone lunch, so HERE WE GO, FASTING HERE I COME!


    I guess I would confirm my TDEE and count some calories on my non diet days. That usually identifies the issue.

    Good Luck!

    Hi aud,

    Thanks for your good wishes. I should have got back to you much sooner. Like all the other would-be MAs embarking on their dissertations I had to do a work-in-progress presentation, which went down amazingly well. It’s weird, I can’t handle parties or other social gatherings, but I can stand up in front of a bunch of people and speak at some length and feel really good about it.

    Am I right in thinking you are in uni admin? At UEA by any chance? Do you fancy moving to London and showing some of our admin staff – in Registry to be precise – how to do their job? While the academic and library staff and one excellent departmental administrator at Birkbeck have been amazing, the whole of Registry should be sent to bed with no dinner for at least 6 months. Since 2010 when I started the conversion course which preceeded the MA they have:

    Lost my degree certificate and my PGCE and tried to accuse me of never having sent them in in the first place – forgetting that without them I wouldn’t have been admitted to a post-grad course. The above-mentioned departmental admin lady fought like a tiger on my behalf and eventually got Registry to a)admit they’d lost them and b)pay for replacements.

    Told me in September 2012 that I only had a conditional offer for the MA, because I hadn’t provided references. In fact I had, both of them from Birkbeck staff, way back in January 2012! Fortunately I’d kept all the relevant emails telling me that they had been submitted. Then they claimed I hadn’t paid the first installment of my fee, without which I couldn’t be admitted, when it already showed as paid on my credit card a week or so before.

    Finally – and I’m not sure who got this one wrong – some other bunch of admin twits claimed in January 2014 that I hadn’t found myself an MA dissertation supervisor (which I had way back in the autumn of 2013)or submitted my proposal (which I had in December 2013). The prof in charge of the MA programme, who knows and likes me – she gave me my best-ever grade – was kind enough to email me that she had been pretty sure that it wasn’t me who had to screwed things up, the problem must have occurred at their end.

    As you can imagine, all this palaver had me feeling paranoid and wondering if someone up there was trying to tell me that I should toddle down to the day centre for a nice game of bingo rather than try to pretend I had a brain. Fortunately, the feeling didn’t last very long. In any case, being dyscalculic (number dyslexic) I wouldn’t be much cop at bingo!

    Hi Hermaj!

    Replying to your comment today on my thread so as not to block up Cathy’s.
    Thanks very much for replying both times. I really was at the end of my tether on many fronts but my two week break certainly helped (of course I caught a right stinker of a cold after I had returned to work much proved extremely virulent and I infected at least 4 other people. Aud=Typhoid Mary!
    I do work at the UEA, I admit and I was reading your comment with my toes curling up, as your poor customer experience rings familiar. Staff funding was slashed in 2011, cut in 2012 and we’ve just had another restructure. Aside from the two bods who have retired from my team, folk keep leaving as they just can’t cope with the workloads. With such a high turnover, the customer service we provide (or not!) has obviously taken a hit, and ours sure did this year, the student admin support service got totally pasted in the student satisfaction surveys. And The Powers That Be are surprised!! As a Team Leader, I can’t work any harder; I regularly do two-three and sometimes four peoples’ jobs. I know I am not rescuing people from burning buildings but we are constantly pressed to improve productivity and we are all breaking. I truly believe my constant stress levels battle with my attempts at weight loss and it doesn’t take much for me to go off the rails.

    I’m not giving up though and despite the fact that the new academic year is looming, I’m resolved to try harder and try to get under 11 stone by Christmas. 7lbs to go.

    Keep well and I think your dissertation must be due?? I wave the chequered flag for you!

    Aud x

    *waves to PreciousBooBoo if she is reading and wish her well*

    What a lovely surprise, aud! Such a long email when you must have so much other stuff to deal with.

    Thanks for your sympathy. Hearing things from your point of view as a uni administrator is salutary. Clearly reductions in funding are leading to all sorts of foul-ups, as people are overworked and probably having to meet all sorts of impossible targets. No wonder you are stressed out.

    What really got up my nose was the way in which the admin people kept trying to tell me it was my fault that all these things went wrong – that I’d forgotten to do this, or I hadn’t paid that yadayada… Oh BTW, since we were last in touch I realised that I never received my Graduate Certificate in History of Art and Architecture, i.e. the qualification at the end of the pre-MA conversion course. Fortunately, I got a sensible person on to the case and got an immediate replacement free of charge.

    I’ve since learned from a translator friend who ran a workshop at Birkbeck during the vacation period, that the admin people denied that they owed her a sum that ran into thousands, i.e. payments made by attendees at the workshop – B’beck were just providing the venue. After a lot of to-ing and fro-ing when they refused to budge, she set the Society of Authors (of which the Translators’ Association is part) on to them and they paid up double quick.

    Yes, I’m in the middle of writing my dissertation, on French cinema in the 1930s and the British New Wave of the late 50s and early 60s. Fortunately, this has been a good year for translation so I can just about afford to duck under the radar and not take on any paid work until the beginning of October. I’m feeling positive as I’ve done most of the necessary research. It’s now a question of cobbling it all together in a coherent and readable way.

    Finally, progress report on gorgeous great-nephew – the one you thought might suit your daughter, so that together they can hoover up all the food and still remain whippet-thin. He’s now nearly 6 ft, seriously dishy and basically a very nice young guy.

    It’s GCSE time, folks, and he does seem to be getting his act together and the forecasts from his teachers are excellent. Once the mocks are over, he’s going to apply to various sixth-form colleges to do his A-levels. That way he’ll have to raise his game and not carry on being like great-aunt Hermaj was, slobbing around but still getting annoyingly good grades. He’s dead keen on going to uni, but as a good all-rounder he’s not sure which way to go although the word “architecture” has cropped up a few times, but it’s still early days yet.

    Lovely to be in touch again. Look after yourself,

    Hermaj xx

    Hi Hermaj (and anyone else reading)

    I hope things are going well for you all x I haven’t been updating as there was nothing to update as nothing much has changed either with weight or work, lol. Freshers week is finally over and boy was it tough, my feet still ache from all the running about! I had 5 folk off sick for days here and there and had to manage some willing but untrained temps. BUT I STUCK WITH 5:2. Out of the last 4 weeks, I’ve done 2 x 4:3, 1 x 5:2 and one sort-of 4:3… a kind of 4.5:2.5, lol.

    I am keeping the weight off and even saw some numbers on the scale I hadn’t seen for years. Folk at work keep asking me how I can manage when there’s treats everywhere on desks (bribes so we don’t flake out!) but I’m determined. Fasting doesn’t bother me one iota now, I eat on feed days and don’t on fast days. I drink a LOT. I still can’t get out of the habit of eating carbs with my fast day dinners though, and I think editing those out will be the next ‘thing’ to try.

    I appreciate it’s just not coming off as quickly as some folk are enjoying (and I cheer them on!) Next month will see my one-year fasting anniversary. I’ve 5:2’d about 10 months out of this year and lost 11lb – one pound per month, hardly earth shattering. On Saturday I had to get some new clothes as I kept putting off buying new ones in the hope I might be in the position to donate my outsize clothes but as the weight loss is so slow, my togs are actually wearing out before that will ever happen, lol. What a thrill to find the 16s were too big! The 14s are quite neat on me though, so even more of incentive to KEEP GOING.

    Good luck to anyone fasting tomorrow – me too!

    Aud x

    Hi aud,

    Very, very quick hello. Lovely to hear from you. I’ll read your post nice and slowly and then reply at length on Tuesday or Wednesday. The dissertation is due by 6 p.m. tomorrow so the hatches are well battened down.
    Happy fasting tomorrow.
    Hermaj x

    Oh gosh, Hermaj, everything is crossed for your dissertation!

    (DON’T reply, lol)

    Aud xx

    Well, I haven’t posted for ages, RL went totally pear shaped, nothing too ghastly, just normal stuff that was very distracting, I’m sure you know ~(poorly relatives, bad back, work stress, same old)

    The last time I did was 23rd March, so let’s dust it off to focus my attention:

    *63* weeks down, this week’s results:

    Starting weight (4th Nov 2013) – 12st 0.75lbs
    Weight on 21st Dec 2014 – 11st 10lbs = EXACTLY the same as 23.03.14! (You have to laugh)
    Total Loss = 4.75lbs
    Final Goal weight (Dec 2015) – 9st 7lbs
    Mini goal (30/1/15) – 11st 5lbs

    So, it’s obvious that I’m just playing at 5:2 and need to seriously re-evaluate. I had fasted variously on 5:2 and 4:3 at intervals from March, but some days, when something else went pear-shaped, I just couldn’t do it.. however I seem to have found a reasonable maintenance plan, lol.

    Anyway, my scales had been needing a new battery for yonks and I was just too busy panicking about something else until finally I sorted that out and got a terrible shock when I stepped on. Sod what folk say about not weighing yourself everyday – for me the practice focusses my attention and ensures I don’t go off the rails.
    I immediately did a PROPER fast day the following day and another yesterday. I am pleased to report the 3lb extra has gone and although I might seem to be a bit rubbish at this, I actually feel much more in control and can feel my physiology heaving a huge sigh of relief. I’m now on holiday from work and was oh-so-glad to leave behind the boxes of Christmas biscuits, chocolates and crisps etc., to the office skinnies, then I came home and gave away all opened treats to my neighbour who was having an impromptu family party. It feels SO GOOD to look in the fridge & cupboard and see only normal food. Alcohol, Diet Coke and carbohydrates are banned from my house for the next four days!

    Today is a feed day but I’m not going mad. Lunch is steamed fish and carrots, tea is boiled eggs and toast, (oops, small carb) followed by fruit. Here we go again!

    Odd time of year to be on a diet, but bring it on 😀
    My New Year’s Resolution is all about exercise so I’m hoping my back will be much, much better by then.

    Good luck to anyone struggling x
    Aud xx

    Hi audrich,

    First let me congratulate you on your guts and fortitude and positive attitude! I admire you! I haven’t read all the posts on this thread but enough to get the gist. How great you’re hanging in there.

    Here’s what I’m seeing:

    You have definitely lost several pounds.
    In the time since your first post, you haven’t put on the weight you would have if you’d neber started this. If you added those pounds to the one’s you’ve lost how many would that be?
    You’ve lost some waist size.
    You’re learning more about what is healthy to eat and what isn’t.
    You’re learning more about how your body works.
    You’re actually enjoying fast days sometimes.
    You’re retraining your body to know when it’s hungry, and when it’s not.
    You keep your sense of humour through thick and thin, and you are a very funny lady.

    I find it helps to call my 5 days non- fast days, rather than eating days. It seems to help me to not over indulge.

    Sending you a Christmas wave from across the planet.

    Thank you Merryme and sending a wave right backatcha! ((( 🙂 )))

    And yes, I do fear that I would have just kept popping up another couple of pounds every year but this year… not. YESSSSSSSS. (And I’ve already shed another pound since Sunday and I’m not hungry at all – my body knows what it is doing even if I don’t, lol.

    Aud xx

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