Newbie Checking in After 1 FD week

This topic contains 122 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by  audrich 10 years, 2 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 51 through 100 (of 123 total)

  • 11 weeks down, this week’s results:

    Starting weight (4th Nov 2013) – 12st 0.75lbs
    Weight on 19th Jan 2014 – 11st 8.75lbs
    This week = Loss of 2lbs since 12.01.14 (on 4:3)
    Total Loss = 6lbs
    Final Goal weight (Dec 2014) – 9st 7lbs
    Mini goal (31/1/14) – 11st 9lbs (to get me out of the ‘obese’ classification)… ACHIEVED!
    New mini goal (23/2/14) – 11st 3lbs, the lowest weight I will have been since 2009, when I tried a severe calorie restriction diet (but couldn’t stick to it).

    So, yes, finally out of the ‘obese’ classification – that 6lbs was a long haul, but I got there. I realise that I still have a very long way to go, but just to see those lower numbers on the scales has been such a boost.

    I still have not achieved my goal of starting exercise, however every evening has been ‘super’ busy as my 14 year old would say. We’ve (hubby & me, not the 14 year old, lol) been saving up for a bedroom carpet since 2006; every time we got enough cash together something else more urgent would pop up so the hard earned pennies would go on that crisis. No more! We now have a sink-your-tootsies-into-a-luxury-dream-carpet, but it took us every evening this week from when we got in from work to gone 10pm, clearing, cleaning, sorting, painting, replacing, etc. Does this count as exercise, lol?

    So not only did I lose 2lbs, my bedroom looks truly FABULOUS! 🙂
    Carrying on with 4:3 next week as I enjoy my fast days and it has become apparent that I need to stick to the harder path. Oh well!

    Good luck this week, everyone!

    Well done @audrich ….. of course all that cleaning and clearing counts as exrecise. I know from experience that it’s hard physical work. That fabulous bedroom – I love the idea of the ‘ sink-your-tootsies-into-a-luxury-dream-carpet’ and what a great reward – the 2lbs off for doing the hard work and the fab bedroom for losing 2lbs!!

    I’ve been doing 4:3 the last couple of weeks and I’ll be doing it again this week so will think of you!!

    Your final goal is the same as mine and my next mini-goal is 10st 7lbs (I’m 11 st at the moment). I’d like to get down to 10st before my hols in August and at my goal by the end of the year but if it takes a bit longer so be it. I’m in this for the long haul. If this darn rain would stop I’d get some walking done but I’ll keep on dancing round the dining room for now 😀

    Good luck this week x

    Just wanted to pop in and thank you for your encouraging words in my journal. After reading here, I think I’ll set some goals. Be well!


    Yes, aud, you’re doing a grand job. It’s great to have stepped over the no-longer-obese threshold. Enjoy your lovely new carpet, but don’t invite me round, or if you do, please cover it up as I have a way of managing to drop things on carpets. It took ours several vigorous cleaning sessions to get rid of the guacamole that slithered out of a non-fast-day sandwich.

    “Obese” is an odd concept. Probably 99% of people hear the word and think of some of the grotesquely overweight characters we see in the USA and increasingly in the UK (can’t speak for the Southern Hemisphere). Whenever we’re out and about and see one of these, my husband, bless him, always tells me “I don’t know what YOU are worryng about!”. If I go by the quack’s scales I ceased to be obese last summer, but have only lost a kilo since then:(. If I go by mine, which are considerably newer, I still am. Either way I am not a big fat lump. I suspect you and a lot of our forum friends aren’t either.

    Possibly because of good posture and carefully chosen clothes, by which I mean I don’t kid myself I can wear skin-tight stuff and have learnt to dress to direct attention away from my bad bits – like my X-certificate bingo wings, which even I don’t see very often – I manage to look if not quite slim, then pleasantly rounded, rather than the great heaving pile of blubber that the word “obese” conjures up.

    12 weeks down, this week’s results:

    Starting weight (4th Nov 2013) – 12st 0.75lbs
    Weight on 26th Jan 2014 – 11st 9lbs
    This week = GAIN of 0.25lbs since 19.01.14 (on 4:3)
    Total Loss = 5.75lbs
    Final Goal weight (Dec 2014) – 9st 7lbs
    Mini goal (23/2/14) – 11st 3lbs, the lowest weight I will have been since 2009, when I tried a severe calorie restriction diet (but couldn’t stick to it).

    So, I gained, not much I know, but that was doing 4:3, which I stuck to, even on Friday when I was so hungry, I even considered the old ballet dancer trick of eating tissues.
    I am surrounded by success stories, one lass on here lost 23lbs in 10 weeks doing 5:2. My friend at work has lost 7lb with Slimming World in 2 weeks. I really was hoping that 4:3 would *not* end up being a maintenance plan!

    Work has been so stressful these past few weeks, why does my physiology not react like some and dump the flab? I’m running around like an idiot both at work and at home and suffering with chronic insomnia. Well, I’ve sort of had a mini-implode. I’ve felt so ill all weekend that all I’ve been able to do is sit down or lie down. The family are kinda shocked that they’re having to fend for themselves, I suppose they’re not going to suffer too much after two days of frozen pizza and tinned ravioli? They keep asking me if I’m better and making me cups of tea when I think all they actually want is a roast dinner from me, lol.

    Sorry, all that sound moany and ranting, I apologise. I’m not giving up and I truly thank those who are so supportive. I’m still staying out of the obese category and hope to lose more. Another week beckons, HERE I COME!

    ::tired boogies::
    If this doesn’t make sense, I apologise again, I’m really not with it xx

    Oh aud, I do hope you feel better soon. Perhaps being out of sorts is contributing to your weight hitch. Take your time and get well – the family can easily fend for themselves, you’re not their slave!! 😀 When I’m feeling the way you describe, my instinct is to crawl away like a wounded animal and growl when anyone disturbs me 😀
    Don’t apologise…feel free to moan and rant. We all need to do that at times and you know you’ll get a sympathetic ear on here.

    Well done on staying out of the ‘obese’ category. According my BMI I am still ‘very overweight’- just below obese – even though my doc says I’m not. Can a ‘very overweight’ person wear size 12 jeans? I wish I could put a photograph on here to get your opinions. I’ve done 4:3 for the last 2 weeks and to be honest it doesn’t seem to make much difference. hey ho.

    I had an interesting conversation with my GP about BMI and how the National Institutes of Health in the USA ‘lowered’ the categories. The UK followed suit of course. Healthy weight was originally set at 27.5 and it was changed to 25, immediately making millions of people ‘overweight’! This was a huge ‘gift’ to the diet industry of course. But as my doc says, it takes no account of whether the weight is fat or muscle nor of the skeletal frame.

    Like hermaj, I use posture and clothes to conceal the bits that are not fit for display – so lycra is out, except for the magic knickers!!

    So on we go – another new week and a fast day tomorrow and weather permitting a bash at the ‘Couch to 5K’ programme.


    Yes, aud, rant away if you need to.
    And do get well soon. I would be inclined not to worry about sticking to 4:3 even 5:2 for the time being. Just being kind to yourself and as far as you can do what your body tells you to do. That something a little bit naughty might be just what you need. I believe that in the book, Michael advises us not to stick to the regime if we are unwell.

    If it’s any consolation, I still haven’t shifted more than 1lb since September. By comparison you are doing brilliantly

    Audrich- I hope you feel better soon.

    Maybe you are stressing your body too much? Maybe a good few days of feeding are in order? How strict are you being with your diet? Do you get all the nutrients you need? Take it easy til you feel better.

    Hiya sylvestra, hermajtomomi & piper,

    Thank you for your encouraging words, I’m grateful to hear them. I think this week will be a bit hit and miss as I usually Fast on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, however yesterday was my Spriglet’s 15th birthday and her special request was for Chinese takeaway – we probably have it twice a year, so how could I refuse? I did have a tea-plate full and prawn crackers *and* birthday cake so although I’d fasted all day until 7pm, I ate 1000 cals in one go! *YOMP*
    Boy, was my tummy full!
    Saturday we are going to the theatre (‘Anything Goes!’) and I’m taking her for an Indian meal afterwards, Seriously, I’m eating more calories in one week than I’d usually have in a month *headdesk*
    My sickies are just work related stress, other folk have it worse, I need to get a grip and get on with it.
    Tomorrow 😉

    Stay strong, everyone!

    Hi Aud, I really hope you are feeling better now. I’m sure the weight loss will show eventually – sometimes it is just not predictable. Feeling stressed really doesn’t help – but please be kind to yourself and don’t push yourself too hard as it may make you feel worse,

    Cath xx

    Thanks, Cath! I am very stressed.
    And drink wine when I am.


    13 weeks down, this week’s results:

    Starting weight (4th Nov 2013) – 12st 0.75lbs
    Weight on 26th Jan 2014 – 11st 11.5lbs
    This week = GAIN of 2.5lbs since 27.01.14 (on 4:3)
    Total Loss = 3.25lbs
    Final Goal weight (Dec 2014) – 9st 7lbs
    Mini goal (23/2/14) – 11st 3lbs, the lowest weight I will have been since 2009, when I tried a severe calorie restriction diet (but couldn’t stick to it).

    So, I gained again! I had two treats this week – a tea-plate full of Chinese food on my daughter’s birthday on Monday (as it was a fast day, but obviously went over). I also had a meal out at an Indian restaurant. I was served a HUGE portion and was only able to eat half. Fast days were Monday (not great as confessed), Wednesday (525 cals) & Friday (498 cals). So, it is evident that absolutely no treats are allowed until I get down to near a normal weight, as I am well up amongst the obese figures again.

    My hubby, who was doing the 5:2, has gained 5lbs in 2.5 weeks, so has abandoned the plan for a severe calorie restriction diet again as he is now the highest weight he has been ever and only has two pairs of trousers he can get into! He feels he has tried hard enough and also struggles with not eating in the middle of the day, so that’s fair enough, this WoE is not for everyone. Me on the other hand and SO DARN BUSY at work that I rarely get to eat until gone 2.30pm on my feed days so avoiding food is not a problem; eating it is, LOL.

    I’m keeping going for the next two weeks on 4:3 and then I’ll go back to 5:2 to see what that does. Some folk lose more weight in one month than I have done since Nov, I have to laugh!

    Better luck than me, everyone!
    Aud x

    Aud I am sorry to hear you and Mr Aud are struggling more than most.
    Are your clothes feeling more comfortable?
    You have like the rest of us, got through a tough time of year in food terms. Christmas, New Year, daughters party and all the horrible weather we are experiencing at the moment – its enough to drive anyone to drink! But its in the past so stop beating yourself up!
    How long did it take for you to get to what you decided was unacceptable? I bet it was longer than a couple of months.
    Chin up girl and stand up to the plate (NOT that plate!)
    Check all your measurements again and TDEE and BMR then stick to the correct calories for your fast days and make sensible choices for your normal days watching portion control.
    Oh by the way – you can have treats. A trip to the cinema, take Hubby bowling at the local alley or a dish of fresh pineapple (74cals from Tesco)
    Go for it Aud! x

    Poor aud. You and Him Indoors are having a rough time and it’s so unfair after your heroic efforts. I can’t offer good advice, all I can offer are commiserations as I’m not doing any better, not having shifted any weight since September!! But I guess I should consider it a blessing that I haven’t put any on – even over Christmas. Since then I’ve been very good, managing to stay under 500 cal on fast days and taking care not to compensate on non-fast days. As I said on another thread, some bugger up there is telling me “You’re FAT. Get over it!” I hope the same one isn’t talking to you two.

    I really have to admire your resolve, hermaj.
    I would be interested to hear what you have tried to break the plateau? The longest I ever tried was just over 4 months with WW, it certainly grinds you down, particularly when all around you are winning those prized gold stars, I was so jealous, lol.

    Lets tell that bugger up there to shut the heck up and let us concentrate on finding our thinner selves!

    Aud x

    14 weeks down, this week’s results:

    Starting weight (4th Nov 2013) – 12st 0.75lbs
    Weight on 9th Feb – 11st 9.25lbs
    This week = Loss of 2.25lbs since 02.02.14 (on 5:2)
    Total Loss = 5.50lbs
    Final Goal weight (Dec 2014) – 9st 7lbs
    Mini goal (23/2/14) – 11st 3lbs

    So I lost this week, and what a funny week it’s been. I’d tried so hard the previous week and gained. Work this week was just crazy, I was literally running around the office, on Thursday I took my slippers into work as my feet were so sore with all the running about, lol. I was due to fast Monday, Wednesday and Friday but on Friday I had a funny turn by the photocopier, ugh. My colleagues ended up force-feeding me custard creams and demanding I went home. Apart from the fact I didn’t feel well enough to drive, all my team are new and wouldn’t have had a clue to complete a task with a deadline that Friday afternoon and my manager was out so couldn’t help – arrgh. I phoned my hubby and he was EAT SOMETHING. So I did, I went out and bought a hot cheese and tomato baguette. I haven’t bought something for lunch in months, maybe years (it’s so expensive!) but oh boy, was it GOOD. Just to compound the fall from grace I had a Kit Kat for pudding, lol. You have no idea how much better I felt afterwards; suddenly I had energy, I could concentrate and even cleaned my house from top to bottom when I got home, normally I just crash into bed.

    So all that I still lost? I just give up trying to understand my physiology. I wish I hated food, but I love it. I loved my hot cheese and tomato baguette, I really enjoyed my Kit Kat and yesterday I had my favourite; jacket spud and salad.
    Hello, I’m Aud and I’m a food-lover.

    I’ve just noticed my mini-goal, that will need to be revised, there’s absolutely no way I’ll lose half a stone in two weeks unless I lose part of a limb! Any suggestions?

    Good luck this week, everyone xxx

    PS Lindyw, I love fresh pineapple, but it doesn’t love me.. I’m violently allergic to a lot of fresh fruit, like apples, peaches and blackberries, etc. Sometimes at parties when I’ve had a few *coughs*, I eat an apple so everyone can watch my face swell up *facepalms* You have to laugh!

    Love your party trick Aud! 😀
    Well done on your loss too!

    Hi aud,

    It looks as though your weight-loss mechanism is up and running, which is great news. Compared with some, it’s slow going for you, 5.5 lbs (2.5 kilos) in 3 months – about the same as me when I started – but you’re gradually getting there. I happen to believe that the occasional injection of naughtiness can somehow help things along. And I bet if you calorie-counted your baguette, spud etc., it wouldn’t be too horrific. It kind of epitomises the 5:2 approach. Two days of strictness, leaving you freer on the non-fast days to enjoy a treat or two which, as in your case, give you the energy to do stuff that helps burn up some of the calories.

    As for what I am doing to break the plateau on which I’ve been stuck for 5 months, I’m being extra careful to stay under 500 cals on fast days and taking reasonable care on non-fast days, which is not that difficult as I definitely can’t eat nearly as much as I once did. I’ve considered 4:3 but I’m not sure I could hack it and don’t want to beat myself up for a lack of self-control. I guess it’s a case of being patient and resigning myself, as the offspring of two fat families, to never being truly slim.

    Yesterday, we had a visit from my lovely niece-in-law and her two gorgeous boys. These family cook-ups have become a regular occurrence and we do it as often as we can. So far we’ve done Spanish tapas and a curry menu using recipes handed down from my niece’s late dad and “the aunties in Delhi”. Yesterday, we went Moroccan. As usual, I and the 14-year-old worked together on the mains, fish tagine and couscous, while she and the not-quite-five-year-old did the pud. My other half baked flatbread and took charge of all the washing up,etc.

    It all looked beautiful and tasted great. Not fast day stuff but very suitable and healthy for a non-fast day. I found myself eating very sparingly – no problem since the teen quietly hoovers up everything in sight and is still as slim as a reed, just like his mum, and well on the way to becoming seriously hunky, as well as a good cook. Some young lady(ies) is/are going to get very lucky a few years from now.

    Hi Aud,

    Well done on losing weight – but it really sounds as though you’ve had a tough time lately. It is important to listen to your body though – although often mystifying that you lose weight on weeks where you’ve deviated from the routine, but see no significant change on weeks where you’ve followed 5:2 slavishly!

    I think the way you felt after eating means a lot! Especially the burst of energy you had.

    I am a food lover too – and I know that one of the main reasons I love 5:2 (or 4:3) is that whilst I stick to the fasting during the week – Mondays and Wednesdays (and sometimes Thursdays too) – I don’t restrict what I eat or drink at weekends – although I am ultra aware of the amount! Maybe that is why I also keep fast days extremely simple (1 evening meal of beans on toast, egg on toast, soup etc.) as I just want to get through them and then look forward to what I can have at the weekend. As Hermaj says, that injection of “naughtiness” can help things along.

    Hope you feel a lot better – and less stressed – this week

    Take care

    Cath xx

    15 weeks down, this week’s results:

    Starting weight (4th Nov 2013) – 12st 0.75lbs
    Weight on 16th Feb – 11st 9.75lbs
    This week = GAIN of 0.5lbs since 09.02.14 (on 4:3)
    Total Loss = 5lbs
    Final Goal weight (Dec 2014) – 9st 7lbs
    Mini goal (2332/14) – 11st 3lbs

    So I gained again! At least I know the reason for that – Valentine’s Day fish and chips with my hubby (I know; we show ourselves our good time, lol). We washed that down with a large bar of Cadbury’s Fruit and Nut, I mean we BLEW it. On Sunday, weigh-in day, I was still full, lol. However, all that week I saw low numbers on the scales, really encouraging and I have lost another 0.5 inch off my waist.

    I keep reminding myself I mustn’t have any treats, at ALL. But it’s hard 🙂
    On the Saturday, I was busy-busy, collecting and counting for the Marie Curie charity and come 6pm I was *knackered*. In a moment of weakness, I bought a pair of size 14 skinny jeans to encourage me NOT to over-eat that evening.. you know, be good Aud and you’ll get into these one day. One day?! THEY FIT ME. Not only that but even I will admit they look quite nice… I can’t believe it! (My hubby later reminded me that our new scales are weighing heavier than when I started, so I’ve actually lost more weight than the numbers would suggest).
    I thought I’d never see a size 14 again!

    This Saturday I’m in London, volunteering at a fund raising event for Hearing Dogs for Deaf People ~ wish me luck as the Marie Curie take was half of what it was before the recession, THANK YOU to all those who stick a few pennies in a charity collecting pot, it is ALL welcome.

    Dear hermajtomomi,

    Sorry, I missed your reply. Your family weekend sounds lovely and I’m thinking of hooking up my 15 year old with your nephew, she is also stick-thin and eats like a horse. Can you imagine their grocery bills, lol. Today she has an op (just a minor thing) late this pm and already she is doing the dance of the dying swan with hunger – she can’t believe I do this three days a week!

    All the best with your renewed drive. I think I need to borrow some of that!
    Aud x

    Hey Aud – brilliant to hear about the skinny jeans – and size 14 is fantastic!

    You are so busy with your job, charity work and family that I am not surprised you are losing inches – even if those damned scales are unco-operative!

    Anyway hope you see movement in the right direction this week – and hope your daughter is feeling better.

    Take care

    Cath x

    Hi aud,

    I owe you a quick hello from yesterday. As it happens, if you are thinking of pairing your 15-year-old with my soon-to-be-15-year-old nephew she won’t have too far to go if she is in Norwich. He’s on the Suffolk-Essex border. Lives in Suffolk, goes to school in Essex.

    Nothing much to report. The day job has picked up considerably. Still hanging on in there with 5:2, vowing to keep away from the scales for a couple of weeks. Improvements in the weather have meant a fair bit more exercise. I’m afraid I’m a wuss when it comes to going out in a howling gale and driving rain without a very good reason.

    Being a keen cook, I’m constantly trying to find new low-calorie dishes for fast days and lowish ones for the other days. sylvestra has put up a lovely roasted veggie one on the caulifower rice thread that you may find interesting.

    hermaj xx

    PS Well done with the skinny jeans – result!!

    Hi Hermaj – and lol on our matchmaking. I’d warn off your nephew actually as my Spriglet, bless her cottons, will be a terrible housekeeper judging by her bedroom (and that’s NOT the way I dragged her up *sigh*)

    I am also looking forward to the spring, as is hubby; we just want to get OUT there.

    Thank you for the recipe pointer – will go and have a nosey!
    Aud x

    16 weeks down, this week’s results:

    Starting weight (4th Nov 2013) – 12st 0.75lbs
    Weight on 23rd Feb – 11st 9.5lbs
    This week = LOSS of 0.25lbs since 16.02.14 (on 4:3, LOL)
    Total Loss = 5.25lbs
    Final Goal weight (Dec 2014) – 9st 7lbs
    Mini goal (30/4/14) – 11st 3lbs

    So despite sticking to 4:3, having a really stressful week at work (again), watching my calories on my feed days (average of 1163 per day) and running around (literally RUNNING) at the Hearing Dogs Fundraiser on Sat & Sun, I lost just 0.5lbs. You HAVE to laugh. I’m still aiming to get down to 11st 3lbs as a mini-goal though goodness only knows how long it will take me.
    One new development through – after talking about investing in a rowing machine for years and delaying for longer, my hubby has finally bought.. an elliptical trainer, lol! It’s the most expensive thing we’ve ever purchased outside of a house and a car, it came on Friday and he put it together whilst I was at the fundraiser. He’s determined to fight the flab with renewed interest and has done 2 x 20 minutes already. I know I’m not in any way mildly fit (no exercise at all, remember?) so I’ve done 2×10 minutes. I was GASPING both times I staggered off (Bridget Jones, anyone?) It must be good for me, right? If it hurts it must be good, LOL.

    One other small goal – I want to get my waist under 35inches. It’s 35.5 at the mo.
    Here we go! ::DANCES::
    Good luck, everyone!
    Aud x


    Exercise is the best thing you can do for your health, but it may not help your weight loss at the start:

    Good Luck!

    Hi aud,

    Re weight loss, or lack thereof. You have all my sympathy. It’s one thing not to lose when you fall off the wagon, quite another when you are doing your damndest, not to mention hurtling around like a nutter taking care of work and other obligations, and still lose only a niggling half pound. You’ll get there in the end, though – as I keep telling myself.

    Re matchmaking. I don’t think my lovely nephew would give a monkey’s if your Spriglet was as messy as you say. He also lives in a tip and the general family consensus is that there should be a government health warning on his bedroom door.

    Thank you, simcoeluv, I need all the luck I can get.

    I have started very slowly; 10 minutes a day on easy programmes.. maybe some of you are laughing and saying ‘Just TEN minutes?!’ But I feel I need to start *somewhere*, you know? I am under no illusions that I’ll be a size 8 by next month and my primary aim at the moment is exercising for toning, suppleness and to help my thyroid issues, so far, I’m enjoying it; it’s a laugh 🙂


    I am not laughing! Any exercise is great, and I suspect as you lose more weight your exercise level will increase. Even if it does not, the exercise you are currently doing is good for you.

    Keep up the great work!

    Hi Hermaj!

    The thing is.. since I started 5:2 (or more commonly for me, 4:3, lol) I have stopped PUTTING IT ON.. which is at least one thing. I just don’t find not eating hard, it’s almost a weight off my mind (if not off my bum, ;)) to not have to count those blummin’ calories as air is calorie free! I’m sat here after a small bowl of homemade veggie soup, a roll admittedly and my slimline tonic and I feel fine *shrugs*
    Maybe we’ll start to lose when the weather gets better? Wishful thinking?

    LOL, on your nephew’s room.. sometimes I go into Spriglet’s and demand to know why she hasn’t told me that she’s been burgled 😛
    It could be a match made in heaven!!

    Hi aud,

    You are absolutely right about not putting any on. Amid all my whingeing and whining I’m happy to say that I have managed to keep the lost weight off. On the couple of occasions I did put a kilo or so back on, e.g. on holiday it soon came off again. Time was that a couple of meals out, or even worse a weekend with the ma-in-law whose policy was to stuff her guests until they burst, would leave me half a stone heavier. It would then take months to get red of it.

    You are also right about maybe losing again when the weather improves. With some bright sunshine and quite long periods without rain down here, I’m been out walking quite a bit. I hesitate to say it but I appear to have dropped a whole kilo.

    I’ve also decided that on non-fast days I shall stick to fast-day-style lunches. For some reason, I’ve started to that find sandwich lunches, which of course contain carbs, leave me feeling queasy, so I shall stick to a piece or two of fruit or the sandwich filling, usually some form of lean protein and salad, minus the bread.

    I had to smile at the idea of burglary. Maybe I’ll pass it on to young sir’s mum when she next decides to protest.

    17 weeks down, this week’s results:

    Starting weight (4th Nov 2013) – 12st 0.75lbs
    Weight on 2nd March – 11st 7.5lbs
    This week = LOSS of 2lbs since 23.02.14 (on 5:2)
    Total Loss = 7.25lbs
    Final Goal weight (Dec 2014) – 9st 7lbs
    Mini goal (30/4/14) – 11st 3lbs

    Unfortunately that loss is due to a week-long stomach upset so I guess when my tummy settles down, the weight will pile back on again. Still, it’s nice to see the lower numbers. I’ve been pretty good this week, an average of just over 1200 cals per day and minimal alcohol, also I’ve been using an elliptical trainer and this brings me onto my stomach upset. Does anyone know if using an elliptical trainer causes stomach upsets? I’ve googled that and found nothing but I can’t think of any other reason – hubby also suffered for a couple of days and at first we thought it was something we’d eaten (but Spriglet was okay). I wonder if it’s connected to some gynae issues I had following childbirth. Anyway, I’ve decided to give the trainer a break for a couple of days to see if the problems settle then start again, but much more slowly (admittedly, I did kinda *go* for it to start with – it’s FUN!)
    Alas, my goal to lose some belly inches has backfired – I’ve put an inch on (bloating maybe?) but some good news, hubby has lost over 5lb this week! He just couldn’t make 5:2 work for him, but the trainer obviously is 🙂

    Hermaj, I hope your fast-style lunches are working for you I hope you manage to keep that kilo off x

    Good luck everyone!
    Aud x

    Hi aud,
    Yes, the kilo seems to have stayed off, thanks for asking. And the fast-style lunches are working well. Tuna in brine mixed with spring onion, cucumber, capers and olives with a dash of wine vinegar had a nice Mediterranean feel to it.

    Sorry to hear about the bad tum. Not much fun. Can’t comment on the possible role played by the new elliptical trainer – well done, hubby, BTW. I confess I had to Google it when you first mentioned it. I honestly didn’t know what an elliptical trainer was.
    Hermaj x

    Hi Aud,

    Good to hear you’ve started exercising and lost pounds – but awful that you’ve been poorly! Do you think it might have just been a bug that has upset you – or does it seem to be sparked off every time you use the elliptical trainer? I do think you should start slowly anyway – and try to build things up gradually. I really hope you feel better soon and can figure out the cause – and hopefully it is not the trainer!

    I’d rather like one of those myself as when I used to go to the gym that was really the only thing I liked doing. I have still not figured out how I am going to exercise properly once I am in a fit state.

    My hubby has launched himself on a 2 week diet! He’s between jobs at the moment (as obviously I am) so is trying to fast with me on Mondays and Wednesdays and cut his calories significantly on the other days. I am not sure how much is down to him spending the last 2 weeks pigging out in front of me on my fast days – but he is deadly serious and is planning a day of gardening tomorrow as we still have loads of dead stuff to cut back and leaves/branches to clear. So he’ll get some exercise and burn some calories doing something useful 🙂

    I am trying hard again this week – no loss last week – in fact no weigh in as I had a few blow out days with my best friend who came to stay (large meals, much much wine!). As of today (after fasting yesterday)I was back to 11stone 11lbs which is what I weighed on 21.02.14 – so I am going to fast on Weds, but I am due to have my first proper night out with friends since my op on Thursday so I can’t add a 3rd fast day as I imagine a glass or 3 of wine will be involved. These days I only seem to achieve any loss at all if I do 4:3 rather than 5:2!

    Anyway – hope you are doing better,

    Take care

    Cath xx

    Hi Folks,
    I came across this thread while using up time before supper!
    I can really sympathise with Aud as I too have low thyroid levels and after a very stressful summer last year found that I needed almost double the dose! I am a pilates instructor and personal trainer and despite a lot of exercise have problems losing the excess stone.

    The reason one seems to weigh more with exercise is that you gain muscle; this takes up less room than fat and will burn off more fat eventually but starting from scratch is very hard because you seem to plateau on the scales.

    If you can find a Personal trainer near you(try to do your body fat composition you will have a much better starting point and see the results long before changes in inches or scales.Even better you can buy a set of Tanita scales which are fairly accurate and will give you a better idea of progress.

    Regarding the elliptical trainer it should not cause tummy problems; just make sure your posture is really good and that abs are gently drawn in; start off slowly and don’t increase time more than 10% in any one week. Same with any other form of aerobic exercise step bike or walking. Try and do a bit of exercise every day (ha ha LOL) and bear in mind that weight training will really change your body shape!
    Have fun and keep focused. My loss is just 2lbs in 3 weeks which is very good for me.

    Hi Jenni, Cathy & Hermaj ~

    Jenni, I hope you don’t mind me saying that it gives me a little hope if you struggle with thyroid problems but are obviously a fit and healthy person. Congrats on your weight loss – I would also be very pleased with that.

    I took a complete break from the elliptical and 5:2 last week as my stomach didn’t settle until the Wednesday so I just bumbled through the rest of the week, therefore I don’t feel justified in giving a ‘report’ lol. After speaking with a nursey friend, she thinks the problems may have been caused by gynae issues that I’ve had for years but that don’t normally give me too much gip. It seems to make sense.

    Basically last week, I gained 0.25lb, which considering I wasn’t exercising or following 5:2 is pretty good for me as I kept most of the ‘stomach upset’ weight off (normally, it just piles back on again). I have started again on the elliptical, trying to follow Jenni’s tips as regards posture (mine is quite frankly dreadful), just 7 minutes on the flat per day. Next week, I shall trying combining that with HIIT if all continues to go well.
    Back on 5:2, possibly 4:3, on Monday (tomorrow).
    Oh, by the way, I lost that inch off my waist – my goal of a waist under 35 inches is getting closer. I MUST do this.

    Good luck everyone!
    Aud x

    19 weeks down, this week’s results:

    Starting weight (4th Nov 2013) – 12st 0.75lbs
    Weight on 16th March – 11st 7lbs
    This week = LOSS of 0.75lbs since 9.3.14 (on 4:3)
    Total Loss = 7.75lbs
    Final Goal weight (Dec 2014) – 9st 7lbs
    Mini goal (30/4/14) – 11st 3lbs

    Gawwwd, this is the long-haul! I’m very happy for those losing hand over fist, but a wee-bitty faster off my hips would be appreciated, please, lol.
    Firmly back in the saddle on 4:3, combined with exercise on the elliptical – I started slow and have no problems this week so *phew*

    A couple of days this week I was 11.6-something on the scales so that was encouraging to see and this morning, the tape measure was a teensy bit under 35inches.. just a mm or so but enough to make me catch my breath.

    So the positives to get me over the snails’s pace loss – my clothes fit at the end of the day as well as the start (heck, they fit at the start as well), I can see some small differences in my body (no-one else has said anything, but that’s okay, it’s too early yet), I bought my first pair of size 14 skinny jeans *hugs them*, I’m more positive about keeping up this WoE for ever AND I FEEL IN CONTROL.

    Now, I’m logging off and going outside to enjoy this beautiful day.
    Good luck this week, everyone!

    Aud x

    20 weeks down, this week’s results:

    Starting weight (4th Nov 2013) – 12st 0.75lbs
    Weight on 23rd March – 11st 10lbs
    This week = GAIN of 3lbs since 16.3.14 (on 5:2)
    Total Loss = 4.75lbs
    Final Goal weight (Dec 2014) – 10st 7lbs
    Mini goal (30/4/14) – 11st 5lbs

    So far my average loss is less than a pound a MONTH, FCOL.
    I’m VERY fed up. I was doing okay until Friday, already 2 fasts under my belt and rushing around like an eijit, when after a massively stressful week (two friends struggling with terminal illness, my f-I-l being difficult about another op he has to have next month and work stress levels blowing through the roof) hubby and I decided to treat ourselves to Chinese takeaway as the pair of us are utterly sick and tired of salad. Did I not tell myself in Jan NOT to have any more treats? One meal and I’m back to where I was before Christmas (and I fasted yesterday and I spent 20 minutes on the elliptical).
    I’m going to take time out and think about where this is going.. maybe I’ll try ADF or something.
    I’m hoping to be back on the forum to support those who have been hanging in there but I think I’ll leave updating this thread for a while as I do not want to put the newbies off.

    GOOD LUCK everyone!
    Aud ::boogies off to think about things::

    PS I’ve revised my goals, but quite honestly, it’s pie in the sky at the moment, I wish it was pie in my mouth as I’m very hungry today!

    aud, I do feel for you. So much effort and so little result. I’ve been there, done that, but no, I never bought the t-shirt, I just didn’t want to be reminded!

    A couple of observations that may help. Quite apart from Fast Dieting, you have an awful lot else on your plate at the moment (not sure if the pun was intended or not!). Two terminally sick friends, f-i-l and his impending op, not to mention stress at work. I think you deserved your Chinese. And I think you deserve, indeed I think the stressed old bod demands, the occasional treat. For the time being, maybe you should just aim to eat healthily and tastily, possibly making an allowance for something a little bit naughty within your calorie count, and not worry too much about the weight. Above all, if you do fall off the wagon, don’t beat yourself up.

    As for salads, don’t we all get sick and tired of the buggers? Especially when the brass-monkeys weather returns, as it appears to be doing here in London. Would you or hubby have time to prepare soup instead? Maybe in a big batch so that you can freeze it in portions. It’s amazing what you can put in a soup and keep the calorie count down, in some cases to under 100. Only occasioally do you get one much over 150. The great thing about soup is that you can give yourself a much bigger portion without added calories, simply by adding more liquid. Recipes are all over the Internet, certainly BBC Good Food has a few.

    Hang on in there. BTW, if you are worried about putting the newbies off, maybe post on one of the other threads frequented by the “old guard”. Having a good whinge is an integral part of the 5:2 experience. xx

    Hi Aud,

    Oh I feel for you too! And as Hermaj says, you do seem to have an awful lot of stress at the moment – so it is very difficult to deny yourself a few treats.

    And please don’t think you shouldn’t post in case you deter newbies – this is a ‘diet’ for the long haul and there will be setbacks – sometimes you need a moan and empathy from others that have been there to help you keep going.

    I hope things pick up and your stress levels reduce soon!

    Take care,

    Cath x

    Hi Aud,

    Just thinking about you and hoping you are feeling OK….

    Cath xx

    Hi Cathy x

    I am really sorry I didn’t reply x I am taking a two-week break. My lovely friend Jill succumbed to the cancer she has been fighting for over 3 years, everyone is pretty much devastated. Work is challenging, the FD wasn’t working, so I thought ‘Two weeks off and see you on the other side’.

    My intention was to pop online and wish everyone well, but I’ve been either very busy or very tired or both. This coming Monday my f-i-l goes in for a fairly hefty op and I’ll be with him, I just need to find the gumption from somewhere. If this is from home-made golden marzipan cake at this moment then so be it!

    I am thinking of you though (still jealous as heck of your trip north of the border lol) You take care x

    Aud xx

    Hi Hermaj,

    Sorry I didn’t pop back to say thank you.. I don’t want to go but my lovely friend Jill was taken by the ghastly disease that is cancer.

    I’m bumping along and yes, right there with you on the soup.. THE saviour of ‘the-day-before-Tescos-gets-delivered’ evening meal!

    I have a BBC Godd Food account… shhhh, makes me sound old, lol.

    Hope you are well

    Au x

    So sorry to hear about your friend, aud. So very sad to lose someone you love to cancer.

    Keep bobbing along, be kind to yourself and relax as much as you can. Fingers crossed for your f-i-l. I’m sure the operation experience will be a tad more pleasant for him having you there. And if marzipan cake, cream buns, brownies or whatever will help you through this time, tuck in!

    As for me, I’m well and back in business, having finally got over a real humdinger of a cold which I appear to have shared with at least two-thirds of the UK.

    Oh Aud I am really sorry to hear about your friend – that is really terrible news. And so worrying about your fil’s op (though as it is Monday evening already I assuming it has happened already so I hope it went really well and he is feeling OK).

    You have had such a stressful time recently, the last thing I can imagine wanting to do is concentrate on fasting, so please don’t beat yourself up about it. Some things are more important.

    I think I am at a bit of a plateau – for two reasons – one is that I am 8 months in to 5:2 and almost at the 2 stone mark and I think my body is just clinging on to the fat. The second is that I have been a little too lax on fast days and non-fast days alike – so I really need to concentrate and try to lose that last 1lb and then try to start on the 3rd stubborn stone.

    Aud, be good to yourself whilst all this stress is surrounding you – and then pick things up when you feel you can.

    Sending you hugs and best wishes

    Take care

    Cath xx

    *waves to Fast Friends*
    Just popping in to say hi and wish you all well.

    My fortnight 5:2 break morphed into 3 weeks and now I’m into my 4th week sans diet.. and missing the discipline and healthy control feelings I enjoyed. So I’m online to announce that I’m back on 5:2 as of 23rd April. If I announce it, then I’m accountable, right?

    Thanks for all your well wishes. I’m slowly getting over Jill’s death (I just can’t call it a ‘passing’..), it’s hard, I downed a bottle of Baileys over 2 nights, I’m ashamed to say. (HOW MANY CALORIES?!) I’ve neglected my friend with Parkinson’s so I aim to remedy that shortly. My lovely father in law needed a lot of help and support with regard to his hernia operation, but hubby and I got him through it (yes we bicker like Steptoe & Son but I’ll grudgingly admit that we do make a good team when the devil rides, lol). F-I-L is well on the mend and does not need us there 24/7 anymore. Just as well, because after injuring my neck & shoulder on the elliptical trainer, I’ve now really done my back in. I had to stand to type at my PC at work and I couldn’t face going online in the evenings – so the very fact that I’m sat here typing to you must mean I’m on the mend!

    Good luck to those fasting over Easter
    Aud x

    PS MY weight has remained stable at 11.9-11.10, despite eating stuff and guzzling Baileys, which surprised me.

    Good to hear from you again, aud.

    You have had so much to deal with – Jill’s death (yes, I agree, “passing” and other polite euphemisms somehow make things worse), f-i-l’s op (great that he’s recovering well) and your own injury, who can blame you for attacking the Bailey’s?

    You know what? Who or whatever it is controls these things is rewarding you for your bravery and hard work by letting you get through all this without gaining a pound!

    Have a good, restful Easter.

    hermaj xx

    Hi all

    I’m new to this forum thingy but need to make a positive start to getting back on the 5:2 wagon. I lost about 7lb last year which has all plus some gone back on. I’d like to lose at least a stone but definitely want to lose weight from my waist & belly.

    I think I tended to each too much on my non-fast days last time too & now know that I need to be careful & not use it as an excuse to eat cake !! I am also trying to walk more as over the last few years I have become less active.

    Going to weigh in on Thursday & measure myself & fast on Thursday this week – used to do Fri & Mon as at work but have to change my day off this week to Friday.
    I’m going to give it my best shot as I know it works & hopefully next time I post I’ll be a bit lighter !

    Lou xx

    Hi Lou and welcome back:

    Not eating as much on your non-diet days will help.

    Here are some tips that might help:

    Good Luck!

    Hi Aud,

    How are you doing? Day 1 today???

    Hope you are feeling better

    Cath xx

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