Newbie Checking in After 1 FD week

This topic contains 122 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by  audrich 10 years, 2 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 123 total)

  • Happy Monday!

    Well, here we go, Aud’s first week down.
    Results = 1.5 lbs. lost, 0.5 inch off my waist.

    So, not spectacular results when compared to some folk who have done really well, (congratulations to you all!) but I expected this as I’ve always found it difficult to lose weight, right from when I was young.
    How have I found it? Absolutely fine! My Fast Days were Monday and Wednesday, they were going to be Monday and Thursday however I was going to be involved in a charity bake sale at work on the Thursday and knew I’d never get through the hour without sampling at least something, so I’m already loving the flexibility of this approach.

    Despite thinking I would be unbearably starving hungry on the fast days, it wasn’t too bad; I suspect there are good days and bad days trying to manage that. Inexplicably, I also found myself being ‘good’ on my feed days, averaging 1200 cals per day (before anyone sucks air through their teeth, I am a lady of a certain age who due to a recovering bad back is fairly sedentary and have been averaging 1500-1600 cals per day on those weeks when I’m not dieting). I recall one feed day when I knew I had a secret Walnut Whip (I wonder if non-UK forum folk are now going a WHAT?!) stashed away, but I still didn’t eat it, unheard of for me.

    On Saturday morning I was stuffing Christmas Child boxes and came home very peckish so to avoid delving into the kids’ lunchbox goodies I’d bought on the way home, I decided to distract myself by emptying out my kitchen cupboards, cleaning them and rearranging them.

    So not only am I a wee bitty lighter, a very teeny bit smaller, I have truly spectacularly organised kitchen cupboards. Yup, this diet is really working for me, LOL.

    Week 2 I’m planning to keep going with 5:2 and also start Wii fit yoga as I think my back can take it now (with the hope I can start some actual proper exercise sometime soon).
    Anyone inclined to wish me luck, please go right ahead, week 2 of any diet is hard for me – and there have been a fair few in my life – thank you.

    Take care everyone, have a good week!
    Aud x

    Hi Audrich,
    Welcome to the forum. You have done very well at 1 1/2 lbs, the book says a pound a week. You will find some weeks are up others maybe the same. I have been on the plan for 5 months and managed to loose most of the weeks and a few stayed the same, luckily for me not put on any of the weeks.
    Keep going it will come off, a bit of excerise of anything will help.

    Good Luck

    Your post made me giggle Aud!
    Looking forward to seeing more of your results! And if they usually go a bit slower for you don’t worry, it’ll come of slow but steady!

    Thanks Symba7!

    Five months of discipline is something I need to live up to, well done you! ::applauds::
    It’s now 11.45am and nothing but water has passed my lips since my porridge this morning, only 8 hours to go


    Hi Nika, Thank you ~ I am so happy with my clean cupboards *beams*
    If the dieting gets harder, I may end up with a house organised to within an inch of its life :)

    On Saturday, when the rest of the Ladies Of A Certain Age were stuffing the Christmas Child boxes, we decided we should do this to music but all we could get on our old radio was a modern station, so we ended up trotting around the tables getting a bit of a workout, a sight to behold, LOL.

    Haha having fun whilst working is the best way to get in exercise as far as I’m concerned! Sadly I’m a pure desk jock at the moment, doing all kinds of intern jobs… “Make screenshots of every aspect of this videogame please.” … oh joy.

    Cleaning up my room always makes me feel so happy and organised! I can’t really be arsed here because it’s not my appartment and I’m only here for a couple months though. And I’m always doing the same stuff anyway (watching movies or series on my laptop from the couch thing).

    Well done Aud! Not sure how much you have to lose but it really is a marathon not a sprint so slow and steady is great – and seeing half an inch off your waist already is fantastic!

    I think we have a fair bit in common – I am also a LOACA and usually working (albeit I don’t have kids), with a dodgy hip and some back issues that prevent much excercise. I’d love to be able to do more activity to help with toning as well as speed of weight loss.

    And I too am using distracton techniques to stop me nibbling. On Wednesday I ended up ironing all my husband’s shirts. Now I hate ironing and have made it a rule in our 10 years of married life that we each do our own. He’d managed to delay his current ironing pile for so long that every single shirt needed doing. But it kept me busy during my “danger time” in the early evening before my meal. And he was amazed, delighted and grateful. I didn’t mention the fact I’ve ruined the best one by applying some stain remover which has made the colour go weird – I’ll have to break that one gently…

    Perhaps I’ll try the cupboards next.


    Two weeks down, hurray! ::boogies::

    Alas, this week’s loss was only ¾ lb and no loss of inches. This is typical of my dieting efforts; weight loss stops and sometimes reverses in week 3 despite not doing any different but I’m determined to carry on. I’m only on my 5th fasting day and so far this has been the most difficult as regards wanting something eat, but it’s been mind over matter and I’m still okay. I’m saving 4:3 to when I hit a plateau.

    The week ahead ~ I was averaging 1425 calories on my feed days so I suppose I’ll be looking to drop that further. I was hoping to start some exercise this week but that all went out the window when my daughter got sick. I spent most of the time (when I wasn’t at work) doing laundry! That’s the thing about me, I’m always so busy-busy, but nothing of what I’m busying doing burns up any calories; washing, cooking, ironing etc., but those jobs have to get done. (Alas, no further progress on the kitchen drawers!) Therefore starting exercise is on the list again.

    The most disappointing thing this week is that my hubby, who was doing the FD with me, has decided he can’t manage it and he feels it’s not working for him. He’s an impatient person and always wants quick results, but so far, continual extreme calorie restriction (we’re talking years) and then binge eating has resulted in him putting on more weight than he loses each time, so that’s not working either but I can’t tell him that at the moment.

    I’m hoping slow and steady wins the race, but if I get any slower I’ll be going backwards, lol, but rather than focus on the negative, I think I might follow/steal Cathyork’s example and look at the long term picture:

    This week’s results:

    Starting weight (4 Nov 2013) 12st 0.75 lbs
    Weight now (15th Nov 2013) 11st 12lb
    Loss this week = 0.75lb
    Total Loss = 2.75lb (must have mis-counted last week, lol)
    Goal weight (Dec 2014) 9st 7lbs

    My Mini Goal (16 Dec 2013) is 11st 9lb (which would mean I’m no longer obese, ‘just’ overweight, which would be a very meaningful thing for me and I know that losing 3lb in 3 weeks will be a difficult achievement for my slug-like physiology).

    Have a great week everyone, ::boogie:: with me!

    Aud xx

    Hey Aud! What a doozy that husband of yours. I understand him, but it’s not very smart… what he’s doing now isn’t helping either is it? Let’s hope you’ll bedazzle him with your weight loss and amazing transformation and he’ll come back crawling!

    Thanks, Nika x

    He’s just so driven and always wants quick results, I’ll support him and I’ll guess we’ll see.
    With me the weight went on slllooooowwwlllyyyy so I reckon it’s going to have to come off the same way if it’s going to bally well STAY off, lol.

    I stupidly stepped on the scales after a feed day today and had a major panic but then heard on the news that the situation in the Phillipines is even more dire and it put it all into perspective.

    Another day starts!

    Haha oh I recognise those panic attacks. I’ve actually started weighing myself daily, not sure why… or whether it’s smart, but it gives me a bit more motivation to stick to the fast each day.

    I’ve been weighing myself everyday since 2001 when I joined WeightWatchers – I have wee notebooks filled with useless measurements LOL.

    I suppose we should really weigh ourselves once a month to really show if what we are doing is working, but I think you’d have to have the iron wills of Winston Churchill and Maggie Thatcher combined to avoid the scales for that length of time! That ain’t me, for sure 🙂

    Daily weighing at least reassures us that weight can fluctuate wildly for unknown reasons being good and bad and that a bad result on a weekly weigh-in, might not be that bad after all and we shouldn’t givve up after one or even two bad weeks.
    Does this sound like I’m deluding myself? LOL.

    I’m other news, it’s a Fast Day and for the first time in 3 weeks I’m so hungry *sucks end of pencil*

    Hi @audrich
    Your words made me think. I remember doing WW once and keeping records of everything I ate, what it’s points were and how much I weighed. I struggled with this total focus. Lost 10kg then put 8 kg back on when I stopped the total and absolute daily focus. Remembering this makes me truly grateful for this style of eating. The focus has shifted and I now start selecting foods for their health value not their rather abstract point value.
    Long may we fast!

    The point value isn’t abstract, it’s just 100 calories = 1 point. So you’re paying a lot of money for… calorie counting. Ayup.

    Weighed this morning and was 300 grams heavier than yesterday, but think that’s awesome because yesterday I weighed after a fast day and this morning after a large evening meal. Some people say they get best results the second day after a fast day, but I only eat in the evening so all that weight from the evening meal is still in my system in the morning 😉

    Freefalling, I absolutely agree with what you say: “Remembering this makes me truly grateful for this style of eating”

    I keep thinking to myself ‘I’m only on a diet for 2 days a week’ Oddly, I am still being compartively ‘good’ on the other days. It’s bizarrely liberating.

    Yesterday, by chance I came across a co-worker who also does 5:2 and I said to her ‘You do NOT need to slim’ (and she doesn’t; she looks fantastic) and she said, ‘I really must because the weight creeps on and on, I think of it as my lifestyle and I enjoy my fast days’.

    I honestly though I’d be dead by 60.. now, after re-watching Dr Mosley’s programme and giving this a go… I am more positive about my life prospects than I have been for decades.

    Words for me to live up to, and yes, long way we fast!

    Nika: “Some people say they get best results the second day after a fast day”

    ::blinks:: I’ve so found that!

    All the best with your weigh in, whenever that is 🙂
    Have a good weekend!

    Aud x

    Hey Aud, how’d week 3 go?

    Thanks for asking about my progress, Nika, accountability is always good, lol.

    Three weeks down! ::dances::

    This week’s results:

    Starting weight (4 Nov 2013) 12st 0.75 lbs
    Weight now (25th Nov 2013) 11st 10.75 lbs
    Loss this week = 1.25 lb
    Total Loss = 4lbs (4lbs! Really? Is that right?)
    Goal weight (Dec 2014) 9st 7lbs

    So this week’s loss was 1.25 lbs and I’ve lost another half inch off my waist. This is actually very good for me as the third week is when my body tends to figure out what’s going on and starts to compensate, so I’m.. well… astonished.

    I also dropped my Feed Day calories down a bit (even with stuffing up Saturday night) and started Wii Fit yoga. Okay, I wrenched my neck with the first go *rolls eyes at self* but I felt so much better by Sunday, I was able to sand down and Creocoted my tired garden bench – it looks fantastic now! This is more exercise than I’ve gotten in quite a while, and my Hubby nearly passed out with shock, lol.

    There’s more, my mini goal (16 Dec 2013) is still 11st 9lb (which I’ve explained before would be a massive hurdle for me) and twice during the week, I saw this figure on the scales. TWICE. I had begun to doubt that the figure even existed for me and had resolved that I would just get bigger and bigger until I had to be transported everywhere by a JCB. Maybe not now…could there be a slim person inside me? Even one that was a normal BMI would do for me and although I know it’s a long road, having seen that 11st 9lb, I’m even more determined to get there.

    So today, I’ve put on my most flattering outfit, done my hair & make-up, (yes I know that involved looking in a mirror but it was okay, I had my eyes shut at the time, lol), and I’m out the door, shoulders back, Fast Day today, bring it on!

    Have a great week everyone!
    Aud x

    Hi Aud – that’s briliant! Makes you feel better when you see those scales huh? I’m sure you can reach your mini-goal – and well done for your loss to date 🙂

    Cath x

    Thanks so much, Cath. I’m still in a state of disbelief but well, I’m not giving up just yet!

    And I’m about to ask how you got on but I can see you have posted 🙂

    Whoohoooo! *high five*

    Four weeks down!
    This week’s results:

    Starting weight (4th Nov 2013) 12st 0.75 lbs
    Weight now (2nd Dec 2013) 11st 11.75 lbs
    This week = 1lb GAIN
    Total Loss = 3lbs
    Goal weight (Dec 2014) 9st 7lbs
    Mini goal (23/12/13) 11st 9lbs

    Well, I knew the Chinese food on Saturday would be a problem and I was right, I really, really need to watch what I eat on weekend feed days. It’s a shame really, because aside from that day, I’d dropped my feed day intake to below about 1350 cals per day. It brought up the wider issue of weekends and how I manage them, or don’t as the case is. I definitely seem to sabotage what I achieve during the week with my erratic weekend eating patterns. Saturdays I’m usually running errands like a woman possessed – all those jobs I don’t get done during the work as I’m out at work and Sundays is usually just housework, nothing aerobic, but shoring up the boredom with a hundred cups of tea. Does this sound familiar to anyone? I’ve kept an eating behaviour diary and weekend days usually consist of high calorie snacks snaffled throughout the day followed by a decent dinner, but with larger portions than I normally have and frequently a glass of wine or two. This is my pinch point, which I have now acknowledged. I need to plan my weekend eating as rigorously as I plan the weekdays.

    I had to attend the doc last week on what I thought was a routine appointment but I left there feeling quite ill, lol. My thyroxine medication has to double and I’m also anaemic, so at least I know why I’ve been so tired lately! There is also the prospect of a wee op sometime in the future, but I tried hard to ignore that bit, lol. Today, I still have a tummy-hangover from Saturday night (I felt truly awful yesterday) but today is a Fast day and I am nearly halfway through and feeling a bit better, I was HAPPY today was a Fast Day!

    In other news, hubby and I had a heart to heart. I’ve decided that for a short period at least, I will eat fish again (I am.. rather was a vegetarian of some 13 years standing). I’m still not sure how I feel about this but I think it will help. I’ll let you know how I get on? Tonight’s Fast Day tea is therefore steamed fish and carrots.

    And after all my good intentions, the two hour walk on Saturday knocked me for six and I did absolutely no other exercise (I could barely walk yesterday and survived on paractemol, chocolates and cups of tea). So all in all, not a great weekend (as the week actually went well) but I’m not giving up. I’m back in saddle and despite the fact I still feel a bit poo, sod it, I’m carrying on with this and may even try 4:3.

    Shoulders back, smile affixed, bring it on!
    Have a great week everyone and sorry for rambling

    Aud x

    Hi Aud, I know you are disappointed about your 1lb gain but I am sure this must be affected by your health issues and meds. And how on earth did you manage all that rushing around, housework and a 2 hour walk whilst feeling so tired?

    I think your approach is very logical though – keeping the diary so you can see in black and white where the calorie intake is and in what circumstances. It puts you in control and helps you to plan – at least so you can avoid tempting situations.

    I hope that eating fish helps and it is great if your hubby really understands how important this is for you. Have a great week – and good luck 🙂

    Cath x

    Thanks, Cath.

    It was less rushing this weekend, more plodding and drinking lots of tea 🙂
    Life is a bit like that now, though, isn’t it? You end up rushing around and around and then end up not doing anything particularly well.
    I go around saying ‘I used to be good’, lol.

    13:29 and not broken my fast, even though I couldn’t even bear the thought of breakfast. *pops another panadol and slugs back Diet Coke lol*
    Aud x

    Hi audrich,

    All a bit discouraging, isn’t it. And as Cath says you have health issues and meds to contend with that don’t make your life any easier. It’s great, though, that you and your husband have had a heart to heart.

    If you can bring yourself to eat fish again, it will give you a far wider choice. White fish is low in calories and can be the basis of some delightful 5:2-friendly dishes. There are quite a few on the BBC Good Food website, many of them well under 300 cals making them ideal as a main meal on fast days. Salmon and other oily fish are a bit more calorific but have all sorts of health-giving properties. Maybe you could fit them in on a feast day, or make sure to have only a small portion on fast days. Smoked salmon can work on a fast day too, accompanied by a nice leafy salad.

    Also if you haven’t already got it I can heartily recommend to you and everyone else Michael and Mimi’s Fast Diet cookbook (no, I’m not sucking up to Sir and Miss). There’s some amazing stuff in there, whether you want to stay veggie or include fish, and there some good things for carnivores. The same applies to Angela Dowden’s 5:2 Diet Recipe Book, another good source of yummy but virtuous things. No doubt some of yellow sufferers can recommend other useful cookbooks or recipe websites.

    Hang on in there!

    Whoops! When it comes to typing I was always rubbish so it’s not a question of losing it. That penultimate sentence should read “No doubt some of our fellow sufferers…”.

    Haha I was already wondering what yellow sufferers were.

    Good on you, aud, for not getting smacked down by bad results for a week. Sounds like you’re busy and well on your way to figuring out your own little 5:2 method. Keep us posted (and knock your hubby over the head with it)!

    Yeah, Nika. You’ll get used to hermaj – aka Ms Dyspraxia 2013 – and her typos. A more recent one on another thread was when I told the world I was studying for an “MA MA” and was obliged to explain. Maybe we should run a competition, be the first to spot hermaj’s latest typo and win a major prize.

    Sometimes I catch myself typing the weirdest thing when my mind starts wandering a bit. I write stories / novels myself, and sometimes I read a bit back and am flabbergasted by some of the things I wrote. Recently I did this:

    “I put on my headphones to drown out the repetitive noise of the traffic. The honking, the engines, the people screaming… sometimes it felt like I was part of a large freak circus that got lost and decided to take over a town.
    Maybe I could be the clown, although I usually don’t menthol.”

    Not sure why I was thinking about menthol. But I was.

    Menthol? Hmm. That is TRULY weird, Nika. Some of my weirderies happen when I try to recast a sentence without remembering to clear up the ensuing mess. It happens when I’m working (as a translator) but then there is usually at least one editor checking my stuff. Apparently at places like the UN and European Union HQ in Brussels, translations go through about 18 checks before they are released, as a mere typo could in theory cause World War III. I shan’t be applying to them for a job any time soon. I now have an additional excuse – a new keyboard. While the usual qwerty keys are the same, some of the other keys like “delete” (my favourite) are in completely different positions.

    Hi Aud,

    How is your 4:3 going this week?

    Cath x

    Dear Cath, Hermaj & Nika, and anyone else who is reading 🙂

    Sorry I haven’t been back much; I was horribly distracted by work, it was a really tough week, and the next two will be even more challenging, so that will test the Fast resolve for sure!

    Yellow menthol sufferers, huh? *Aud’s mind boggles* 😉
    I will never blame anyone for typos as mine are the worst – you that ‘teh’? UGH, I hate that and I do it all the time. My problem is reading backwards – on another thread I thought Lindyw’s favourite exercise was hanging upside down in her garage. DON’T ASK, lol.

    Hermaj, I’ve ordered a 5:2 diet book, one rec’d on another thread with lots of veggie recipes in it, but it’s not here and I want it NOW! (along with the border punch that accidently ‘fell’ into my online basket. As they do). I’ll let you all know what its like.

    Cath, 4:3 went well! Mon, Wed & Fri, done & dusted. Friday was so tough, my poor students are panic, panic and the only one they feel they can turn to is Aunty Aud, it can be very stressful, I worry for them all. We have been given loads of Christmas goodies, piled high on a desk 5 feet away from me, in my direct line of vision no less. Thursday I indulged within my normal calories (couple of bikkies, small cakey thing) and I thought I’d bomb out on Fast Day Friday. Not so. They were there, but I didn’t cheat all day. THIS IS NOT LIKE ME, lol.

    Then on the way home, I came over a bit peculiar (well, more than usual), I felt really ill and I couldn’t put my finger on it. I now think it was my body *needing* food. Needing as opposed to wanting. Wanting is a feeling I am familiar with, and I perhaps didn’t recognise the need feeling.. is it too much to hope for that my body is finally chowing down on some fat cells? I do admit I ate asap, at 6pm, so only 11 hours between food, but I felt much better after my 254 calories 🙂

    Next week I’m not sure how much I’ll able to come on the forum and catch up with you all, so I wish you all the best, my Fast Friends. You better believe that if I’ve lost I’ll definitely be here on Monday, lol, and if not, I should try to come on and tell the truth, or I may just be crying in a corner somewhere!

    Aud x

    Interesting update Aud! And you should read my novel, it’s mindboggling 😉 However it doesn’t talk about yellow menthol sufferers.

    Anyway, I think at some point your body will tell you it NEEDS food, instead of just going ‘Oh ok, yeah I guess I want some food. Oh, those carbs there look good. Yeah, gimme that’. (I know some bodies throw more of a tantrum, going ‘OMG give me that NOW I’m STAAAARVING geez come ON we NEED chocolate!’). But sometimes it’ll just sit you down for a chat, telling you very reasonably ‘Ok. I’ve done my best. But if you don’t give me food soon, I will shut down.’

    I guess it’s a lazy teenager vs. tantrum-throwing kid vs. reasonable adult. So maybe you should just get into your Aunty Aud role of the reasonable adult… sounds like you already did though, not giving in to those Christmas goodies!!

    If I calculate correctly today is a measuring day… 😉 Spill it!

    Have to make it quick today!

    Five weeks down!
    This week’s results:

    Starting weight (4th Nov 2013) 12st 0.75 lbs
    Weight now (9th Dec 2013) 11st 10lbs
    This week = 1.75lb loss (on 4:3)
    Total Loss = 4.75lbs
    Goal weight (Dec 2014) 9st 7lbs
    Mini goal (23/12/13) 11st 9lbs

    That week was hard, not really as regards fasting, but work was horrendous and won’t calm down anytime soon, I am beyond stressed!
    I can’t say any clothes feel looser and certainly no-one has said anything, I wouldn’t expect them to with such a small loss. Mostly they’ve been asking if I’m okay as apparently I look so ill, lol.
    So it’s onwards and hopefully downwards. I am trying to decide if I’m doing 4:3 again this week because I was so wiped out by Friday and I needed to be full of energy for the busy weekend I had but didn’t, so it was an uphill slog for sure, but if that’s what it takes…

    Still, reasons to be cheerful: 1.75 loss, big job at work done (as was working yesterday), Christmas presents all bought (now the anxious wait for the postman), helped out a charity sale on Saturday, always a laugh and found some really cute baby cardies for a pregnant lass at work (which she loves).

    Back to work for a rest, LOL!
    Have a good week everyone, I’m not sure when I can check back in but wish you well in your endeavors
    Aud xx

    Pfft you sound really busy, sorry to hear you have all that stress. Try to decide what’s good for you, not just what gets you the most loss over a week. Maybe do 5:2 and cut a little bit on your normal days? (People saying you look ill isn’t always good…)

    Anyway, you know yourself best, so won’t shove too many useless tips down your throat 😉

    Good going , aud, especially with so much stress and all the edible prezzies from your students lurking close by. I agree with Nika. Do what’s good for you and not what loses the most over the week. I would even go one stage further, prompted by what you said in an earlier post about feeling ill and then realising it was your body telling you it NEEDED food. I would consider ditching the diet for a day or two if you are under severe stress – OK don’t go totally bonkers and binge on cream buns, but do allow yourself a little leeway. As I have found, if you do decide to digress from the diet, you’ll find you can’t eat as much as you used to pre-5:2. If I remember correctly, Michael says something in the book to the effect of don’t fast if you are feeling ill. And, more comforting still, if you do blow it there is always tomorrow.

    Thanks, Nika & Hermaj x

    Feeling a little better today (feed day) so busying about post-work.

    Amazon delivered of me a new 5:2 recipe book (Kate Harrison). Yay! A vicarious treat for later when my jobs are done!

    Aud x

    Haha those are the better kind of treats!! You should make a post after you read it and tell us the differences between Kate’s and Michael’s approaches, I think that could be really interesting. If you want of course 😛

    Don’t forget to dance!

    ::clings to internet::

    Well, that was an interesting fortnight, I never thought I’d see the end.

    I would have been here on Monday to give you Aud’s scores on the doors but I didn’t because a) I was flat out at work and at home and b) my scales are broken! *WAILS* So, I have absolutely no idea what I weigh, although, after another 4:3 last week, I had lost another inch off my waist.
    The scales join the other things broken this week; my hoover (parts ordered), the dishwasher (repaired by a lovely man yesterday), my collectable Star Trek mug (don’t laugh, lol) and my home PC! Since we all use it for work, homework etc., we felt we had to get another one before Christmas ~ that’s what everyone needs to spend money on which they haven’t got, right? To cap it all, I went out to the car this morning and a nail in a tyre has ensured yet another unexpected expense. Oh well!

    Doing 4:3 again this week out of desperation and terror of piling it all back on, (NO SCALES, *MEEP*) so fasted Tuesday, fasting today and also Sunday. Done absolutely NO exercise, but don’t know if running to stand still at work and at home really counts. Stress levels are high!

    I can see loads of posts by you all, I must catch up, but first, off to have the tyre sorted out, let’s hope they can repair rather than replace :S
    I get paid today and will be dashing out to buy some scales soonly!

    Are you all okay? I must try to find out.

    Aud xx

    Wow you have had a stressful time!

    I hope you managed to sort out your car and replace/mend your other malfunctioning items and get some rest over Xmas.

    Cath xx

    Hey Aud! Okay do this with me.

    Breathe in…

    Keep it in a bit longer…

    Okay blow it out forcefully. Try not to spit on your new computer though!

    Feel better? I hope so! After such a stressful time with everything around you breaking, I commend you for even jumping on here! Do try to relax for a tiny bit though, don’t go screeching into 4:3 because of fear or gaining weight again – I’m sure you’re doing fine. Just sort out all the stuff at home first.
    From what I’ve been reading around here everyone is just fine, so don’t worry about us 😉

    Hey Aud, long time no posts! how are you getting on?

    Cath x

    Okay, here we go, 6 days late, but hey-ho!

    Eight weeks down, this week’s results:

    Starting weight (4th Nov 2013) – 12st 0.75lbs
    Weight on 30th Dec 2013 – 11st 13lbs
    This week = Gained 3lbs from last weigh-in on 9th Dec
    Total Loss = 1.75lbs
    Final Goal weight (Dec 2014) – 9st 7lbs
    Mini goal (31/1/14) – 11st 9lbs

    So a combination of having no scales and Christmas has resulted in a gain of 3lbs. I managed to purchase new scales last weekend, what a relief, but it was a shock to find I’d put so much of the old weight back on after working so hard to lose it. My daughter (whose weight is thankfully very stable) insists the scales are weighing 2lb heavier than the old ones and indeed I have only gained half an inch on my waist, but whatever; I resolve to start again and I will keep starting until I get somewhere.

    The Christmas period was a little stressful; not only did I come down with a filthy cold but my father-in-law did also; it went to his chest and he had a couple of wobbily moments one of which resulted in a fall whereupon he cut his hand quite badly. Rather than the quiet Christmas I’d planned, it ended up being a difficult, stressful period with something going on everyday which needed me to ‘sort out’. I did absolutely none of the exercise which I’d planned, well I did a lot of running about but not the type that’s any good for you, lol. I ate too much, (even doing 4:3!) and drank too much. One really great thing is that my Wonderful F-I-L (TM) is on the mend and I was actually glad to go back to work on Thursday. I decided to fast on that day and actually felt my physiology waking up a bit. The next day not only did I feel better, I’d lost 2lb! I know that won’t stay off, but it’s made me even more determined to get back into the swing of things in 2014.

    Next week I’ll go back to 5:2 and I need to find out more about HIIT.

    Have any of you made New Year’s Resolutions? Mine is always the same since I was 13; lose weight, but this time I have a specific, attainable goal, I’ve shown I can manage this WoE and I have support (on this forum x). A mini-resolution is to have started 30 minutes exercise at least once a week (as I do none at the moment) by the end of the month and everyday I have to do something which shows that I care about myself (as I don’t the moment). In just a few minutes, I’m off to have a soak in a bubble bath with my fav smellies. Normally this would involve a glass of wine, but this time I shall be accompanied only by a cuppa tea, my library book and Badedas 🙂

    I hope you’re all doing okay, here we go again!

    Happy New Year Aud!
    Everyone know its a rare thing if two sets of scales weigh the same – so just go with the new ones and your measurements.
    I felt I was out of control even though weight gain was negligible over Christmas.
    Had a really good fast day yesterday and today have eaten healthily so now I am feeling in the zone again.
    One of my resolutions is to join the local Gym (later this week) and to treat myself to something special at least once a month. A pedicure at our local beauty salon is first on my list closely followed by a visit to the hairdresser to try a new colour.
    Love Badedas, would prefer the wine – please don’t drop the library book in the bubbles! Enjoy………


    “Next week I’ll go back to 5:2 and I need to find out more about HIIT.”

    Here’s some info on Tabata HIIT.

    Firstly, thank you, Rockyromero regarding the HIIT info – I’m going to look this weekend when I have more time (and am less tired). You’re a star x

    Nine weeks down, this week’s results:

    Starting weight (4th Nov 2013) – 12st 0.75lbs
    Weight on 6th Jan 2014 – 11st 12.5lbs
    This week = Loss of 0.5lbs since 30.12.13 (on 6:1)
    Total Loss = 2.25lbs
    Final Goal weight (Dec 2014) – 9st 7lbs
    Mini goal (31/1/14) – 11st 9lbs (to get me out of the ‘obese’ classification)

    After nine weeks I guess a 2.25lb loss is quite frankly laughable, but I refuse to give up. That rather pathetic loss is masked by new scales and Christmas, so onward I go!
    I am now thinking of doing 4:3 this week, what the hey. My hubby has shown renewed interest in the 5:2 WoE, odd since I’ve not done that well, but he did say that he’d noticed I’d ‘lost a few pounds’ before Christmas. Of course, it would have been helpful if he’d said it at the time 🙂 He was following a traditional calorie restriction diet and has unfortunately gained quite a bit of weight over Christmas. Actually I’m a bit worried about how much, but softly, softly catchy monkey, right? He’s thinking about trying a fast tomorrow, but I did have to explain why he couldn’t have an orange and a cuppa soup in the middle of the day.. the clue’s in the NAME, lol.

    In other news, I can zip up my knee high boots ALL THE WAY TO THE TOP and have had to use tighter hooks on a certain ladies undergarment. This is good, right?
    And my f-I-l, who was so poorly at Christmas and needed lots of support, is now doing much better, YAY!

    Lindy, my library book stayed dry and the 10 minute soak with the door firmly locked against the world was heavenly. In just one minute, nail polish will be applied, lol.

    Hi Aud,

    What did you decide about the 4:3 this week?

    And well done on the boots and clothing – many people do say that even when they don’t lose pounds they are still losing inches and that is real progress. Although I know the ideal is both!

    Tricky about your hubby – although from what I’ve read this week (there’s masses of articles everywhere all of a sudden about 5:2) men generally both love the diet and do really well on it. My husband struggled with his weight for a number of years but then lost 3 stone whilst I was away in Asia running a project for several months(late 2011 – early 2012). He was absolutely transformed – in fact we had to buy a complete new wardrobe as none of his clothes fit. I tease him that this was the “pink” diet as he couldn’t be bothered to cook so lived mainly on bacon and sausage sandwiches).

    Anyway he has regained about 8-10 lbs and I know he is really conscious of it – but he is an insulin dependent diabetic so the fasting is probably not a great idea. But I have persuaded him that he should eat the <500 calorie evening meals with me on my fast days so hopefully he can shed a few pounds. It makes a big difference to his diabetes control – but I can’t do it for him – just try to encourage him. Softly softly catchy monkey as you say…

    Anyway good luck over the next week…

    Cath x

    Firstly, thank you, Cathyork regarding the info about your hubby. Amazingly, he did fast with me last Wednesday and Friday and he fasted today. He’s stayed strong. He is one of those folk who are leaving it a while before he weighs himself, as he’s really hoping for some weight off. He *does* sometimes over compensate on his feed days though – I have to gently remind him it’s a feed day not a FEAST day. Oh well, we’ll see how we go!

    For me:
    Ten weeks down, this week’s results:

    Starting weight (4th Nov 2013) – 12st 0.75lbs
    Weight on 12th Jan 2014 – 11st 10.75lbs
    This week = Loss of 1.75lbs since 06.01.14 (on 4:3)
    Total Loss = 4lbs
    Final Goal weight (Dec 2014) – 9st 7lbs
    Mini goal (31/1/14) – 11st 9lbs (to get me out of the ‘obese’ classification)

    So, yes I did 4:3 last week. I can see that the weight is hardly dropping off me, so I’ll be doing 4:3 again this week. I’ve changed my weigh-in day to a Sunday, still a day after a fast day because work is just insane and getting a break at all is a small miracle, let along using lunch to go on the internet as I’m not getting lunch!

    Fast Days are Mon, Weds & Fri and I’m trying my best to be good on my feed days. I’m usually okay on Tues & Thurs (1300 cals average) but the weekends are proving difficult as I have so much on. One feed day evening meal was over 700 cals which is way more than I normally have but was absolutely starving. My sister in law was hoping to come up again this weekend to help with my father in law but she has now fallen ill. I’m not quite sure how I will manage this week but I will muddle through somehow!

    Oh, and I did no exercise at all. I really don’t know where folk find the time :/ I could barely put one foot in front of the other and that was this morning; I would have quite happily had a duvet day!

    Anyway, enough of my whinging, all the best, ye fellow fasters and STAY STRONG!

    Hi Aud – wow great about your hubby!

    And encouraging results for you too – well done! I know 4:3 can be tough but it is lovely to see the weight come off and you stand a great chance of meeting your mini-goal at the end of the month.

    And they do say that slow loss is best – and prevents sagging etc.

    I think you are great to fast on a Friday. Psychologically I have to have my weekends free – although when doing 4:3 it means I have to do 2 consecutive days in the week, which isn’t so great. Anyway I don’t think a 700 calorie evening meal is so bad in the scheme of things.

    Sorry your father in law is still unwell. It must be really stressful trying to juggle all the things you do – so don’t be so hard on yourself 🙂

    Take care, Cath x

    Thanks for the support, Cathyork x

    I don’t really mind 4:3, I think I screw up at the weekends, I’m both mentally and physically stressed then and *need* the energy :/

    “Prevents sagging” = music to my ears, lol.

    My hubby? Gained 0.5lb after his fast day. I told him it’s because he gorged the day before but he wants to give up again, arrgh.

    Feed day today, had 1389 cals and have the munchies *sigh*

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