Newbie calling :-)

This topic contains 7 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  FastEnough 8 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hey there! 🙂

    I’ve tried the 5:2 a year back, but only for a month or so. I remember I really liked the way it felt on a fast day and the day after. So why did I quit??
    I’m not overweight,but could still lose about 5 kgs. Been working out and eating right for about 2 months now,but haven’t seen any major changes. So I thought I’d start fasting again, this time properly and hopefully with some good companions in this forum?
    My plan is to try 5:2 for 3 months and see how I get on. Anybody up for it?

    Thanks for the useful info!

    Just finished my first day of fasting this week, and I feel so good 🙂

    hoping to keep it up! Trying to focus on managing it all for now, everything else is a bonus.

    My story is similar to yours, I did the 5:2 about 2 years ago and lost 10kgs in 12 weeks.
    Now started it again last week.
    Feel great!

    Monday (today) and Thursdays are my fast days.

    Didn’t bother to eat anything today, just 3 big coffees plus water and green tea all day.

    I’ll prob try to not eat at all on my fast days, it feels easier to acomplish.

    Ahoy Tokyo!

    Nice going on not having anything on fast days, I wouldn’t be able to! I work with very few colleagues, and I’m not ready to tell them I’m fasting yet. So I have a 200 kcal lunch and save the rest for supper.

    On monday I even went to dance class after work, and didn’t feel hungry at all afterwards. I remember I used to go for a run on my previous fasts, maybe I’ll try that tomorrow.

    I was planning to fast on thursday like you, but then I’m going out with some friends for dinner, so I don’t want to be the one ordering salad leaves and water, haha! So tomorrow is the next day, I’m hoping I’ll get that same monday feeling 🙂 maybe even try to go for a run.

    All the best for your thursday fast!!

    Week 2 and first fast over and done with. Yesterday was a little harder than the two first, kept getting mood swings and couldn’t concentrate properly at work.

    I spread my calories throughout the day, so I think I’ll try saving them all for dinner on my next fast. Hope the next one is smoother than the previous!!

    Anybody else getting those mood swings? It was really annoying (probably not only for me!) to be that snappy/sobby one 🙁

    Hi all,

    Just starting and in a similar boat! I’m not overweight but for my height (5″2) I really carry any additional pounds. Ideally want to loose 7kg to be at my goal weight. Trying the 5:2 as I eat pretty sensibly and exercise a moderate amount which maintains my weight but doesn’t shift anything.

    Did my first fast day yesterday, probably went a little over 500, but it was useful to see what works best for me- the longer I can hold from in the day from eating the better as I need my dinner!

    I’m not going to do set days as my work and social schedule can be quite erratic but that feels like the beauty in the plan!

    Sound like your doing well. Keep it up.

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