(Newbie) Any1 under 40 on the Fast Diet??

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Teejaytothemax 9 years, 4 months ago.

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  • I bought my book Monday and started yesterday and am worried I’m not doing it right. I made a Berry Peachy Smoothie 240 cal (took me from 830am-about 1030 to finish it) I ate my Lean Cuisine 190 cal. at about 730 pm for dinner. Are we to wait 8 hrs in between meals if we split up our 500 on Fast day? And am I to wait 8 MORE hours after dinner to have breakfast the next day??
    Also I couldnt help but notice everyone is older than me..Im 35. Anyone around my age having success on this diet? Im hoping this isnt a diet for people over 40 and I get down to my full month of the 5:2 and my scale hasnt budged I would be so hurt as Im getting married in February and so need to lose 25 pounds =^::(

    Hi Teejay and welcome:

    5:2 does not require that you eat at certain times, or have certain amounts of time between meals. Research shows that you get the same results if you eat the same number of calories regardless of when you eat them.

    Any diet works for any age – the formula is simple – the less you eat, the more you lose.

    Here are some tips that might help: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/the-basics-for-newbies-your-questions-answered/

    Good Luck!

    Ok thanks so much..I was beginning to worry. I tried the Super Shred and Krista Varaday’s Every Other Day Diet and my fiance gets so disappointed on my FAST days since he isnt dieting so I never stay on ttack or stick with anything..I tried the Jj smith cleanse and while I did lose 13.9 pounds in the 10 days I gained it all back because I got bored with the everyday smoothies. Im so glad this works as I really love to eat lol and it’s a diet I can stick too and is attainable..I dont even mind the slow weight loss..as long as its something when after a few weeks my scale will show a DECREASE vs a stand still at 188 smh. Im jus so frustrated and disheartened over that. I have lupus and had a kidney transplant and I HAVE to rid the extra weight or it puts my new kidney at risk and I cannot have that. My prednisone makes me hungry and increases my appetite a LOT while my fiance thinks Im just greedy. I visited my aunt yesterday whom I havent seen in awhile as she jokingly called me FAT smh. I was so mad lol but she is right..thanks for your optimism and motivation and taking out the time to acknowledge my concern. I plan to finish reading the whole book but Im so anxious and just wanted to get started right away on this diet. But I will be reading as many forum threads, amazon reviews and re-reading this book for things I may have missed. I am so determined to report back my weight loss results although Im going to avoid the scale for my first month for fear of discouragement and depression.

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