Newbie – any advice?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Dumping 7 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hi, about to hit 50 and I really don’t want to be this size for my birthday. My doctor recommended this diet to me so I am now on my fourth day. Does anyone have any advice on the best way to lose the weight. I have been successful with SW in the past but due to menopause I am now my heaviest and it is just so hard to shift.
    Thanks to everyone.

    Limit your consumption of processed carbs. No bread, pasta, pizza, biscuits, cakes breakfast cereals etc. If its grain based don’t have it. Eat foods with a lot of fibre. Eat lots of non starchy veggies. Some fruit, beans, legumes. Some meat. Eat nuts and seeds to get your fats and protein. Avoid sugar at all cost. Avoid fruit juice! Limit alcohol consumption. Go to the maintenance section of this forum and ask people there how they achieved their weight loss. You’ll be surprised at the common theme that emerges. Good luck.

    Thank you – I will 🙂

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