
This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  LegoRebel 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Evening!

    I’m new here, been plodding around the idea of getting back on IF recently, I think today’s pizza has convinced me…

    I’m 29, 5’5 and about 175lbs. I’m a runner, but I could be ALOT faster if I was lighter! I was on leangains for a few months until that plateaued, but that’s more of a weightlifting/gym style IF plan. This one looks much more natural, and would seemingly fit in with my desk job, and my evening and weekend runs.

    I do need lots on encouragement and help – and that’s why I’m here. Hopefully a bucketload of weight will fall off, and my times will come down 😉 Exercise has never been too much of an issue, it’s always been the diet as with most people.

    Might even start tomorrow before the evenings hill session!

    First days fast and I feel fine!! about 600c..i think!

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