
This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Chuckk 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • My name is Lynne and I am 56
    I live in Cardiff Bay South Wales
    I have been overweight from the age of 18, I have tried numerous diets and groups last one being slimming world, but do not think it suits my health problems being an underactive thyroid, so I have been referred to this diet by my GP as she thinks it will help with my health issues which will allow the weight to shift.

    Wow, that sounds like a beautiful place to live! Here, just lakes and streams, great lakes though. Ah, yes, the thyroid problems, my ma has that as well. I hope it works as well, glad there’s hope in this diet, I’m eager to hear if it helps! Perhaps resetting some of the natural parameters will occur, and boost your energy levels up to normal. Either way, this fasting diet makes so much sense, it’s quite incredible, and I am so glad you’re on track with it.
    -from Chuck.

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