
This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Fabulous@50 8 years, 8 months ago.

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  • So, first day yesterday. I ate everything I was allowed to (incl. wine),. according to my calorie allowance. Tomorrow will be my first fast day. I have decided to fast on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and shall have one meal per day in the evening when I get home. For the rest of the fast day I shall try to stick to water only – or maybe a bouillon at lunchtime, if really necessary. I know when hungry, that I usually feel sick and lethargic, so am not looking forward to tomorrow, but hoping for the best. I shall track weight loss once weekly just to see how I am doing. I need to lose 15 kilos. I am 49 and turn 50 in September. Good luck and lots of endurance and success to all out there – glad to have found you!!!!

    Hi Fab. I had my first fast day today(evening of 19th May in New Zealand) and it really wasn’t too big a deal. You’ll be fine! I’m 55 years and am doing the 5:2 with one of my daughters (mind you she hasn’t actually started yet). I had porridge and blueberries for breakfast at 6am, that was quite filling. I had a few tummy grumbles about 11 and instead of going to the tea room at work at lunchtime I went for a casual walk, and then got back to work. Mainly I stayed busy. I drank plenty of water, had a black coffee, and some tea during the day, and then a chicken curry for dinner. Had to be staunch to avoid the rice my husband was having with his curry. It was a good start and I think I’ll do the same again tomorrow as the following few days won’t be so good. I did feel quite thirsty, and I had a tiny headache but otherwise it was a good day. Maybe the first day of the rest of my life! Hope it goes well for you too

    Hi Fay, and thanks for replying! UP until now it is going good. I have had two coffees (albeit with a drop of milk) and water. A couple of nuts, too. I am going to have 0.5 l bouillon with some crispy bread (total 102 kcal.) for lunch and then a meal of 370 ca. kcal. for dinner. At the moment I am just soooo glad that I started this. I know I should have started doing something ages ago, but nothing was as appealing to me until now. Last week we had meetings and a colleague from the Geneva office was here. I am telling you, I just couldn’t recognize her, so I asked her flat out. She told me about this 5:2 diet and said she had lost 20 kilos in the last year. But she also cut out sugars and carbs. That was what inspired me to do this. And now I am just so pleased and motivated. I am tracking all my calories, walks, notes, ups and downs to help me stay focused. Good luck further to you – look forward to ‘holding hands’ on this 🙂

    Good stuff Fay and Fab!! Id swap the porridge for high fat low sugar yogurt and I wouldn’t have crispy bread as both are simple carbs that make the task of fasting more difficult. Awesome effort not to have the rice!! Having said that, awesome effort guys!!

    Good luck with it!!

    Bigbooty, thx for your tip!!!

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