new too –

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  annette52 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Here i go ….I started on monday 27th july its my 2nd fast today and my hubby is doing it with me – so far so good 🙂 BUT i’ve had a headache since sunday (probably too much wine at a bbq on saturday!!)

    I’ve done weightwatcher – fine til i finish it and put the weight back on – i can’t be doing with points; paul mckenna – not my cuppa – i can’t stand his voice droning on everyday; intuitive eating – i don’t want to listen to my needs all the time – sometimes i get it wrong – i could go on listing all the diet plans/programmes etc ive tried but i won’t bore you.
    I’m 12 7lb and 5ft 7.5ins and 62. its about time i got this right – this is why i’m attracted to 5:2 – its seems to make a lot of sense.

    It’s great that you’ve got your husband on board with you – mine is ‘supportive’ but not prepared to take the plunge himself! Good luck with your journey, hereigo 🙂

    Hi Stephb, it is very good that he’s doing it with me as i’ve hummed and haa’d about starting it for ages and then when i told him about 5:2 he was keen to try it himself, then we watched the video of the horizon programme and he was convinced.
    The embarrassing thing is that i weigh the same as him and i’m at least 2 inches shorter….:(

    Be prepared for your hubbie to lose weight quicker than you do – it’s infuriating that men seem to be able to do that! But it is a real help if they do it with you, mine has been great about it too!

    It’s because they have more muscle mass and a larger surface area according to my son.

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