New to this diet and I have IBS.

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Kathieannie 8 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hey everyone!

    I’m a newbie to this diet and I have also just been diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Sooooooo, I’m wondering if this diet is helpful in reducing IBS symptoms? Or is it not recommended for people that have IBS?

    Please help!! 🙂

    Hi Aimes
    Welcome to the forum.

    Everyone with IBS has a very individual experience I guess and judging by some of the past comments on this forum, some people have been really helped and others not so. Perhaps take things slowly and monitor how you feel.f Possibly keeping a food diary might help if you have the time.

    I have suffered from IBS for many years, but managed to keep it in check by doing the low FODMAP diet. My gut has improved so much now that starting the 5:2 did not cause me any problems at all. There is a really good book called “Gut” by a lady called Guilia Enders, she also has a utube about her book. This is an excellent look had how our digestion works and she suggests that going without food gives our gut time to clean and repair itself.

    Good luck!

    Hi Kathieannie.
    Thanks so much for your response. Yes, I have just recently discovered the low FODMAP diet. I was a little unsure about it though, it just seemed a little overwhelming to be honest. However, you have inspired me to look further into it. I just want ant to feel better again. I will also look at the Gut book you mentioned. The more information I can get on this condition, the better.
    Thanks again Kathieannie! 🙂

    Hi Kathieannie.
    Thanks so much for your response. Yes, I have just recently discovered the low FODMAP diet. I was a little unsure about it though, it just seemed a little overwhelming to be honest. However, you have inspired me to look further into it. I just want ant to feel better again. I will also look at the Gut book you mentioned. The more information I can get on this condition, the better.
    Thanks again Kathieannie! 🙂

    Thats ok Aimes.

    I agree you with you, there is a lot to learn about the condition. One of the important revelations to me was that while I might be able to eat something one day and be ok, if I were to have the same thing the next day it would upset me. It wasn’t the food stuff itself, but finding the quantity and frequency with which my body was happy.

    Its also interesting to note that some medication can make you worse too. My sister who has IBS took some Imodium and really suffered! I developed terrible symptoms after taking amitriptyline for a while. My doctor said it couldn’t have been the amitriptyline which caused my IBS to flare up as its prescribed for IBS! He was wrong in my case though.

    Patsy Catsos’ book “IBS free at last” was really helpful for me as she shows you an easier approach to the diet which doesn’t involve excluding everything all at once, but one thing at a time. Some dietitians are trained to help patients with the Low FODMAP diet too so that might be something to explore.

    Best of luck.

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