New to this and struggling…….

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Couscous 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hi, this may sound slightly mad but I have scan read the book and still dont understand how this actually works??
    Eat normally for 5 days and then nothing for 2days or eat anything at any time under 500 calories…. Sorry really confused all your posts seem so positive and I can’t wait to start but want to do it properly..
    Any help gladly received

    Maria44 I strongly recommend you read the book properly and look at the faqs on this site. All will be revealed.

    Eat normally for 5 days, eat 500 cal per day for 2 days. The 2 days should not be consecutive. Some people eat anything they want for 5 days, some try to stick to below a ‘normal’ level (2000 cal for women) Hope that helps.

    Hi maria44, you asked a question and have had two very good responses, here is another explanation/suggestion. Use a Sunday as your start point. Eat “normally on this day, your last meal being say no later than 7pm – 8pm. Go to bed. Monday is your first fast day. Use your 500 cals in any way you want, when you want. Dr Mosley, on his fast day eats his main meal around 7pm. Go to bed at your normal time. The next day, Tuesday, eat “normally”, again having your last meal in the evening time. Go to bed. Wednesday is now your 2nd fast day. Plan your 500 cals as you did on Monday. Eat the last meal when it suits you. Go to bed. The next day, Thursday, eat normally as you will the next four days. The following Monday, repeat the fasting process.
    Once you fully understand then adjust/ change your fast days to fit in with your lifestyle.
    Good Luck.

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