New to the forum and two weeks in – Hullo!

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Lemonthyme 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hullo everyone

    I’m two weeks in, 7lb lighter with 4 stone to lose. Found it rather easier than I’d imagined, but I guess this terrific weather is conducive to eating less. I’ve felt less tired, Much livelier and lighter.. Long may it continue!
    Looking forward to the adventure, do drop by my inbox for a virtual wave!

    YAY!! Glad you’ve made good progress thus far, and I have to say the same – easier than I imagined as well! Ah yes, thinking that too – in summer, we get out, move around, enjoy life; come winter, it will be more of a challenge! Probably we need alternative to the indoor boxed-in feel we get in winter, better festive routines. I do ski x-country in winter, do you do something similar? Biking in fall is good too – dress warm and once you get used to it gradually, it’s truly a breeze!
    Yes, me too – I feel like I’m a kid again, I can jump even!!
    Glad you’re here Lemonthyme.
    -from Chuck.

    Hullo Chuckk, yup, I always get the urge to hibernate in Winter. I pile on the pounds in Jan/Feb, but I’m now wise to it, and I’m not falling for it in winter ’14!
    I don’t live near mountains so no skiing for me, but I do have dogs to walk what ever the weather.
    Yikes, fasting and Weigh-in day today; I’ll report back later! Cottage cheese, mango and apple beckon…. Adios Chuck, Lemonthyme

    Ok, so weight in showed weight lost lost in the last week is 3lb. Big shiny gold star to me; again, finding it very easy in this heat. Just hope I can keep it up when it gets cooler… How’s everyone else doing?

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