New to 5:2. Two weeks and zero difference

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  CalifDreamer 7 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Hi there
    I’ve started 5:2 two weeks ago along with 30 minutes of HIIT every day and the scales are still very stubborn! This week I’ve gone for 4:3 as suggested by Michael but again no change.I’m not pigging out on feed days – in fact I’m not sure i’m reaching my TDEE on some days.
    I’m 5ft 4 and weigh 57 kgs, so I want to lose 5 kgs or so and a couple of inches.
    Any tips?


    Saying you’re not sure if you are reaching your TDEE suggests you aren’t actually monitoring what you eat on non fast days.
    Although this way of eating is supposed to free you from daily calorie counting it is worth doing it for a couple of weeks to ensure you aren’t overdoing it on non fast days. You also need to bear in mind that TDEE is an average so it is too high for some despite all having similar statistics.
    You should also look at what you are eating as lots of carbs, sugar etc really make losing weight difficult.

    As for exercise, it is very useful for cardio vascular health, general fitness, toning and well being but it isn’t a weight loss tool.

    My personal view is that you are very well building muscle and shedding fat, Sleach. The only way to know in the most accurate way is by getting tested via DEXA or Inbody scans. These precisely measure fat and muscle changes and friends of mine have undergone these bi-weekly and have seen changes that quickly. In other words, their home scales showed absolutely no difference in weight numbers but their DEXA scans certainly did! They definitely gained considerable muscle and lost fat and their home scale deceived them making them think they were making no progress when they were making the best progress possible. Yes, the DEXA scans cost around $65 here in Australia or Ibody $15 per session, but these friends who were working out daily and on a healthy diet improvement program while seeing no bathroom scale results, wanted to look deeper at what was going on with regard to fat loss and were pleasantly surprised. By the way, these friends had a Tanita at home which measures body fat, but even it wasn’t accurate and deceived them. Hence why they actually opted for the DEXA scans.

    I agree with Minka. If you’re doing any kind of weight bearing exercise you’re more than likely building muscle at the same time you’re losing fat. Your bathroom scale doesn’t differentiate. The good news is that it takes more calories to sustain a pound of muscle than a pound of fat, so you should soon see results and it should be easier to lose weight in the future. Your body burns calories to sustain that muscle even when you’re not doing anything.

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