New to 5:2, couple of questions please

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  fasting_me 6 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Hello folks

    A good read of the forums over the last couple of weeks has answered most of my questions. Thank you to the many informed and knowledgeable people out there.

    I’m on week 2, and suspect I will eventually want to stop eating altogether on fast days. I actually feel hungrier when I’ve eaten on these days; today, for example, I saved my 600 cals for one good meal (protein/veg/fat) at 7pm, and now feel much more uncomfortable than I did beforehand.

    I’d also like to adapt to not eating at all for 36 hours because it seems I’d be burning fat for much longer.

    I’m also given to understand that if I break that fast period at all, I’ll produce insulin and the fat burning will cease. Is this correct?

    Finally, would a cup of Bovril (20 mainly protein cals) or a dollop of fat (whipping cream or butter) in my coffee constitute a break in the fast?

    Thank you very much.

    CC, as to ‘breaking your Fast’ with 30 calories of food, no: that does not constitute breaking the Fast. You burn up those calories just by breathing.

    When you say you ‘feel more uncomfortable’ after eating 600 calories for an evening meal, perhaps that is a clue that for you, one big meal is not the better choice. You have to play around with it to see what will work best for you. We eat <300 at breakfast, then <300 calories at dinner — and that works for us. If you want to Fast totally, go for it. Find what satisfies your goals and your digestive system.

    As to burning fat for 36 hours, I don’t think in that direction, so someone else will have to help you.
    Good luck.

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