New to 5:2

This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Mistyblue 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hi All I have been reading the stories and am amazed at the loss of weight. My colleague in work has been doing the 5:2 diet and like me finding it hard to lose the half stone I want to lose. Some may say what are you worrying about but I am still overweight and the weight needs to be lost. I practically live on salads as I am a lover of them and my weight is at a standstill and feel that I need to make a drastic change to my diet. I plan to start on Monday but just reading stories to see how it was for others. Can anyone recommend the book I should get to start as I have seen there are several thank you

    Hi Mistyblue

    I bought the kindle version of this book so I could start reading it straight away. I’m 50% of the way through and did my 1st fast day yesterday.

    I have also sent off for the paper version, so I can keep it handy to ‘dip’ into when I need ratehr than have to search through the kindle. I think the beauty of the kindle version is that you have to read it all you can’t just ‘dip’ into it. If you know what I mean.

    I have also got the recipe book pictured here but to be honest, I wouldn’t bother with that if I were you.

    Good luck 🙂

    Hi Mistyblue. You will have no doubt seen from reading around the forum that people have hugely varying experiences with weight loss on this plan. Some lose very quickly, others slowly, others not at all! My own experience is that I’ve done 9 weeks of fasting and have lost a paltry 2 lbs. Like you, I’ve only got half a stone or so to lose. I had very much hoped it would come off quicker, but I’ve reached the conclusion that it’s worth persevering with because:
    a) quick-fix diets only work in the short-term (and I’ve tried every one of them, believe me!)
    b) most of the time with this plan I don’t feel like I’m ‘on a diet’
    c) the other ‘unseen’ health benefits gained from fasting make this a worthwhile lifestyle
    The best book for you would be the one suited to your country of residence. Are you in the UK? If so, look at the links on the webpages (I think it’s on every one of them!) and you’ll see the link to Good luck!

    thank you both for your thoughts that is very helpful. Yes I dont normally do any fad diets just healthy eating but that doesnt seem to work for me and thought that 5.2 you can still eat healthy but a differnt sort of diet. I am in the London, UK so will I think get kindle and book as suggested good luck you you guys

    In just a few hours I will have made it through 2 fasts in a week. I dropped two lbs and have not found it to be too difficult. My concern is that I will not keep up my current enthusiasm. I start every new diet thinking this is the answer.

    I ordered the book before I started and have been reading it slowly. This sight has been very helpful. In addition to weight loss, I hope to reduce my blood sugar levels. I am not diabetic, but after 3 sets of blood work and the doctor telling me I need to watch it, I hope this helps. I have been watching my sugar intake more and have cut out a few items from my daily routine. I think that probably contributed to my weight loss. Anyway, so far so good.

    im new to 5;2. I tried the eight our eating window fast but it didn’t work for me. im on my second day & had a light lunch & a low calorie & low gi curry later. the bbc good food site is very good, 99% of all the recipes show the calorific value of the meals & they do low gi, low cal recipes too. the low cals are between 200 & 400 calories, but there are also lots on the healthy eating page too & the vege & vegan. iv found the fast diet book very interesting & like the quick look calorie list. its good to know whilst everyone else is on a fad diet every day, were just tweaking our lifestyles twice a week not just for weight loss but also to be healthier, which the majority of diets don’t….good luck all xxx

    Thank you guys well Day 1 of the dietI will let you know how I get on 🙂

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