New to 5.2

This topic contains 43 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  WrXgirl 6 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Hi I am 70 years old diabetic,thinking of doing 5.2 diet.i have been doing weight watchers since February and lost 2stone 5 lbs but seem to have ground to a halt.hoping this may kick start my weight loss again.i have ordered books any suggestions thanks

    Hey all,
    I’m 40 year old mum of three beautiful girls. Looking at starting this diet plan in the hope to loose 30kg
    Would love to hear people success stories so far

    Hello new followers.

    I am a 69 year old male.
    Up to the age of 60 managed to keep weight under control.
    But for these later years the extra pounds have become a close friend.

    My reason for starting on the 5:2 scheme are offcourse long term health.

    over all I hope to get back down into the normal BMI range?

    As an alternative to the 600 cal fast day I intend to just eat fruit snacks when the hunger pangs kick in on my fast days.

    please stay in touch as any encoragement is seen as a very big positive.


    Greetings friends! I’m 64 and there’s so much more~~ I am an Artist and Nature girl / animal/bird lover, and a newbie to this intelligent way of nourishing ourselves! I like the idea of allowing our cells to rejuvenate and our organs to be able to do their jobs properly while we allow them to, on our fast days and over time with eating much more nourishingly instead of how for example I got into some un un healthy routines~
    I’ve been doing the Fast way for 4 weeks today~~ this is my first post~~ I am down 9.4 lbs!!! It really does work! I have done 2 Fast days a week and a couple of those days I felt empty – a strange sensation~~ I will have to contemplate that- and then sometimes hungry so I would eat Amy’s chunky vegetable soup~~ this is after I ate my 500 calories… some fast days I have gone to bed early to get out of the food areas!! For me that really helped!— on the non fast
    Days I limited my calories by 500 as recommended in the book after finding my BMI etc…as I am determined to get back to my healthy weight~~ I have counted every calorie for the past 4 weeks because I am looking forward to a lot less of me :—) with a smart phone it is easy to find calories for everything! Just type in the food or drink name followed by calories! Google. So best wishes and fasting to all!

    Hello, Bunny. Fasting could be a good fit for you, especially the “Blood Sugar Diet” by Dr. Mosley. Since you are a diabetic, consult your MD to make sure there aren’t any other factors to consider.

    I’m 69 yrs old and have been Fasting with my ODH for 5 years. He lost 45 pounds, and I lost the weight I wanted to lose, and then some more.

    Mrs Milo, welcome to Fasting. This method works, as long as you can resist temptation as well as WrXgirl. If you are someone who eats just because it tastes good, this can be a struggle. We have found it to be very sound.

    Quakerbruce, Fasting should do the trick for you. What do you mean by ‘fruit snacks’?? Actual, whole fruit, or something manufactured? Real food is always better. We prefer 2 meals at <300 calories on each Fast Day. Protein, as opposed to carbs, really staves off hunger. Of course some people do not eat food at all, they just drink water all day. You can do this!

    WrXgirl, you have some good coping strategies and has had real success. Good job! Keep up the good work.

    Hello fasting_me

    Yes my fruit snacks are either a handfull of grapes, apple or banana.
    Although in the past i was very partial to 4/5 dates to end the evening.
    But I now understand dates, pinapples etc are no go fruits.

    Using fruit snacks means I do not have to prepare a separate meal than the family.
    So now they accept I am on a fast day.

    This last week was a very good weight loss, such that my first target of crossing from obese to overweight is very much in sight. Seeing this I will really try hard next week such as to achieve this first goal.

    Come on all new members.
    The 5:2 diet works with very little effort???

    Good morning from Oregon, Saturday ~~I don’t think it’s very little effort!!! I think it’s muchos effort and deciding what it is you are desiring and for me changing unhealthy routines of snacking etc…then of course the 2 fast days more limited calories ~~and some days they aren’t easy! It’s about what do you want ultimately and also such good health with this eating plan! My experience ~~ changing ways of being, not easy!!! May you all have a beautiful weekend! Ducks football starts this eve woohoo Go Ducks!!!

    Good results, quakerbruce! Keep up the progress. Once you’ve been doing the Fasting Lifestyle for a year or two, it does become easier. Really! Yes, there are ‘hungry days’ for no apparent reason, and then there are days when not eating is not a problem. It varies.

    We Fasted yesterday, although we don’t usually on Fridays. We had been off for 3 days in wine country and had both gained a little weight. One good Fast Day and we each lost 2+ pounds! Back to ‘fighting trim.’

    Two of you have quoted someone saying “Fasting takes very little effort.” Who is saying that? Those of us who are used to it do find it to be easy, as we have fallen into a rhythm and our bodies are used to it. I keep a file of recipes to choose from and that makes it easier.

    Have a great weekend.

    As we are new to the 5:2 program and in general using it to loose or control our weight, one central feeling we will all come across on fast days is HUNGER.

    Although nearly all people will claim to be hungry on a daily basis, this can be a very strange feeling when it first crashes into your fast day.

    For me I welcome it; even the mild discomfort it brings.
    Because it is telling me something is happening, something is working.

    If the feeling starts to get the better of me; in the past this would mean time to raid the biscuit (cookie) jar.
    But not now since I find that a handful of grapes, banana or other fruit snack can realy tip the balance in my favour without the feeling of guilt or that no diet is going to work.
    another alternative for me was lemon juice in water, this took away the feeling of hunger.

    At the start of my 5:2 prog I was having problems getting over to sleep when the hunger kicked in.
    To solve this I try to eat another fruit snack just before going to bed.

    Overall I now welcome the real feeling of hunger, but with a few tricks can control it as a positive sign of weight reduction and hoped for longer term health.

    Maybe the 5:2 prog should be renamed the Hunger Games.
    But this time if we stick to our resolve we can win the various goals we have set ourselves.
    This seems to quieten the hunger such that I can get over to sleep.

    Good ideas, quakerbruce. I like the Hunger Games analogy — but no one has to die in this version.

    With the help of the 5:2 Prog I have achieved my first weight loss goal.
    At my latest weigh in I have now moved out of the OBESE BMI range and down into the OVERweight range.
    Ok I accept I am now overweight and it is still a long long way down into the NORMAL range.
    With effort and perseverance this could be achieved at or around Christmas or NEW year.

    The other positive with my weight loss to date is that over the weeked I had to search the garage for a hole punch, such as to but a new tighter hole in my trouser belt.

    Still playing the hunger games.

    Quakerbruce, that is fantastic!!! Congrats on all you have achieved!!!
    I’m 5+ weeks in, lost 9.4 lbs which feels good but then severely injured my leg on 8/31 my 4th week, now I’m in a full leg brace with tons of stitches for 2 more weeks so no exercising and can barely walk sheesh~~~ setting me back but am grateful I didn’t break bones or cut tendons etc….

    Life ~~~~

    Thanks so much for your Congrats.

    SO so sorry to hear about your injury.

    I think being overweight is not in the same solar system as a your leg brace with embroidery.

    Hope the next 2 weeks fly by and you can soon get back on the prog.

    Please please, what you have lost to date is for ever and there will be more to follow.

    Kind regards

    quakerbruce, thank you so much for your kind words~~ it’s kind of lonely sitting with my leg up etc… 2 weeks will be quickly zooming yes!!! Today is fast day#12~~
    I find it’s a bit harder to fast when I can’t distract myself by going for a long walk or short jog~~~

    Keep those shrinking hole punches coming, an inspiration for the weary~~~

    Hope everyone’s Moonday is stellar~~~

    Over And out>>>

    Bunny, how is Fasting working for you? Any questions?
    MrsMilo, are you inspired by quakerbruce’s story? What’s new with you?
    WrX, so sorry about your injury. Was it exercise-related? It takes real determination to Fast under those circumstances, but you will thank yourself later.
    bruce, keep up the good work.

    Fasting_me I fell across broken concrete & tree roots between sidewalk & street, crashed leg on broken concrete ~~ severe deep wound below knee 17 stitches etc.. 12 days first small walk today yey! Fasted Mon and it was challenging more than usual~~ Howz everyone???

    Hello WrXgirl
    With your knee injury why not use the sofa time to re read the 5:2 diet book.
    Or another use of the time could be to look into improving and maybe practice of mindfulness?
    I think at some stage it could be of significant benifit in helping us stay on program and maybe get over the ups and downs that losses and Gains that will occur.
    Right now I feel this week may not be as good as the past, but still I can accept that.
    Today is a fasting day?
    But I had to eat a slice of birthday cake from a family friend; I only hope she fully understands the sacrifice i made on her behalf??
    to All

    quakerbruce and everyone~~~Fasting Day for this one~~I had to laugh with your mindfulness post, exactly what I’ve been doing, reading The way of selflessness, teachings of the world’s great mystics and upping my meditations~~~

    I’ve gained one lb with no exercise for 2 weeks but now can start walking slowly so it will improve over time~~

    Great that you had some cake! We have to all enjoy some treats now and then for sure!

    How is everyone else doing? Bunny9, fastingme, Mrsmilo??
    I haven’t read much of the other forums~~
    Hope you all have a great weekend! 🐋🦅⚓️

    Weighing day for me?
    My personal target is to try to achive a 2lbs loss each week.
    At weigh-in I had lost 1.8lbs.
    This is fully acceptable considering that throughout the past 8 weeks I have lost nearly 20lbs and are ahead of the 2lbs /week curve.
    Hence it is onward and down for me.

    But biggest problem was an anxious night sleep before the scales revealed how the week progressed.
    I need some mindfulness training myself such as to stop getting hung up about the numbers.

    Still the result was fully acceptable, although next week I do hope to achive an overall 10% reduction from my start weight.
    See this is how you start to get hung up on the numbers.

    Maybe it would be best to take a rest week.

    How do other New 5:2 folks feel about taking a rest week?
    Or maybe giving up targets which seem to have taken over for me?

    Still will enjoy a small personal celabration today and Sunday.

    Greetings everyone~~ wow great job quakerbruce! And how are the rest of you faring? I dumped my leg brace Wednesday and got half of my 17 stitches out yester!!!! Woohoo felt good enough to take 2 small walks!!! Yester was a FAst day and lost 2 lbs yey so I’m almost back to my preinjury losing~~ it was a challenging day of fasting~~ almost lost it then went to bed to avoid food ha! It worked! Also I have been measuring my body and 3 weeks I’ve lost 2 inches from my waist, 2 1/2 from my thigh, 1 from my chest so that helps me realize my form is losing fat etc… keeps me going down and in a happy direction ~~ hope you’re all enjoying your Saturday! I’m going to have a slice of pizza today while I watch the Ducks (Univ of Oregon) football game ! Over and out ~~~

    Good progress, WrX, [my husband used to drive one of those] — with weight/fat loss and your recovery.

    QBruce, we don’t take time off from Fasting. Not even on vacation. If we did, we would gain back the weight. Today is a Fast Day for us, so we ate a 277 calorie breakfast. However tonight we have reservations at a restaurant that is hard to get into so we had to take what they offered, even on a Fast Day. Weight will bounce up tomorrow! But tomorrow we will have a complete Fast Day [2 meals, total <600 calories] to make up for it. Then another on Thursday. “Weary not in well-doing…” as the Good Book says. Hang in there and keep moving down the BMI ladder to NORMAL.

    MrsMilo? Bunny? What’s new?

    Hey Bunny, welcome. I’m a 5:2 newbie as well, although I’ve been experimenting with 16:8 on and off for few months.

    Things I love about IF so far… first of all, the simplicity. Two days in the week where I don’t think about food. For someone who can obsess about food, that’s powerful. Once I’ve told myself I’m on a fast day, I can turn my mind to other things without the distraction of food. Today I’m fasting and got a load of work done with maximum mental focus. Feels good.

    I also like this feeling of tightness in the stomach when I’m fasting. It used to make me panic, and I’d reach for a snack. But allowing myself to master the hunger pangs (and they’re really not that bad) is another good feeling.

    The weight isn’t dropping off me effortlessly, but I’m going to be patient and enjoy the mental focus in the meantime.

    And now I’m going to have dinner, my first food all day. Beans on toast. I know it’s going to taste AMAZING.

    By the way, Quakerbruce, 2lbs a week is incredible progress!

    I am 58 years old and am morbidly obese. I am in the US so I calculate in lbs. I would like to lose 50 lbs. To get to my ideal weight I should lose about 120lbs.
    Today is my third fast day. I’m quite hungry today. I am more hungry than I felt last week.

    Hello Clutchv223,you sound a bit down.Have you read the Michael Mosely/Mimi Spencer 5:2 diet book(s).Are you fasting for 3 days on the run?Might need to ease yourself into the fasting!
    The Blood sugar diet book is also excellent reading.
    Read earlier posts by Simceoluv,he has it about right!!
    Good luck friend.

    Hello marsbar2. My third day is over. It was my first of 2 days in my second week. I am fasting on Monday and Thursday. I have been a little down for various reasons. In my first week I lost 3.7 lbs. I’m happy about that.

    Thanks for your response. I’m going to try to stick with this for a while.

    You can do it, Clutch! We are rooting for you. Hope losing weight will elevate your mood.

    I will be turning 65 this month, and am starting 5:2 today. These posts are so inspiring. Thank you.

    Hello all and you new people nice to have more on this forum! I’m 6 1/2 weeks in on 5:2, fast days Mon & Thurs also. Recovering from a leg wound so haven’t been able to walk hardly or exercise for 18 days now, just a couple very short walks so am basically maintaining at the moment~ my first month was exciting, I went down 9.4 lbs~~ some fast days go by fairly easily but some are not so sweet~~ my best distraction is exercise and going to bed early ha~~ miso soup works pretty great as well~~
    Clutchv223 3.7 loss is fantastic! I’d like to lose about 50 as well~~~ perhaps we can egg each other on~~ and all of us>>>
    maybe I’ll eventually try 4:3 but I’m happy with 5:2 for now..
    Have a wild Wednesday everyone!

    Hello all

    Yesterday was my 2nd fast day of this week and this morning I am trying to decide about taking some breakfast or keeping the fast going until this evenings meal.

    But the evening contained an added temptation that I feel proud to have resisted?

    On a regular basis my wife goes out to dinner with friends where they sit around drinking wine and blaming men for all the world’s problems???

    On these previous nights I have full control of the TV and unrestricted access to the drinks cuboard and fridge/larder. this generally ment a large G&T a large bag of crisps (chips) and maybe biscuits or chocolate if I could find any.
    Yes I was a secret binge eater.
    With all the food guilt that any one needs.

    But after 9 weeks on the 5:2 prog last night was different.
    The only fast infringement was a small natural yogurt with a spoonful of honey.

    Please please let the scales tomorrow fully recognise my supreme exercise of will power.
    Regards to all.
    Onwards and down!

    Good morning All from the UK.

    This mornings weight check showed a 2.4 lbs reduction from last week.

    For me this is another mini milestone achieved, as in the last 9 Wks on the 5:2 prog I have achieved a 10% overall weight reduction.

    Wishing you all a similar success.


    Good morning from the US. Yesterday I finished my second week and my fourth day of fasting. As of yesterday I have dropped 6.4 lbs. Since beginning. My weight cycles up and down but my average fat mass is decreasing while muscle mass, water weight and bone mass are increasing.

    All in all I’m feeling successful.

    hello Clutchv223

    You are awake very very early this morning???

    After only 2 weeks you advised weight loss is very good.
    How are you feeling or reacting to the hunger pangs during your fast days.

    Got to report for myself that after 9 weeks the pangs this week were more easy to live with.
    As advised earlier my trick is to eat a small portion of fruit or drink some lemon water if I really feel the fast could crash.

    Please enjoy your success and I feel sure there will be many more positive results inthe weeks to come.

    For me I try to focus on the benefits too my long term health.

    Onwards and downwards to you

    I am enjoying my success. I want to lose weight but even more, when I go to the doctor, I want good blood results.

    I have strong hunger pangs on my fast days and on I have a strong headache. I also have to stay close to a bathroom on my feast days. I’m hoping these side effects will subside.


    Wow clutchv223 & quakerbruce you both had great success!!! Inspiring! And clutchv223 your blood work should greatly improve! After one month I went off prediabetes with my blood sugar!!! Yey! So this way of improved eating definitely helps correct past behaviors! With my injury I couldn’t exercise but at least I maintained my 9.4 first month loss, which is something and now I can start walking more to continue the downward walk of weight loss ~~~ quakerbruce is inspiring to me for 2 lbs a week at least as a goal~~~for me side effects have lessened ~~ on Fast Days I have snacks of veggie soup, miso soup, half a banana etc… thosenreally help. I like the idea of yogurt too will try that one- – -Happy Saturday to all!

    Monday Monday~~~ Oregon ~~~

    Hello everyone how are you all doing???

    I’m ecstatic to report my stitches are all out and I can drive again woohoo and walk more yey~~~ and I’m down 11 lbs in my 7.5 weeks of Fast Dieting~~ and the 3 weeks I couldn’t walk far with my leg injury included in the 7.5 weeks~~~ I usually do Mon &Thurs for my fast days but am trying an experiment of 3 fast days, Sun, Wed & Sat just to see how it feels and what the results may be…

    I also love be the meatball recipe on pg 154 in theFastDiet cookbook. It is YUM and you can double it for a few meals.The cookbook is a helpful addition to the other book if you haven’t got it ~ I recommend it as it has a lot of good recipes and ideas especially for fast days.

    Yesterday I fasted and had a challenging time at the end of the day so I ate 1/2 an apple with a little peanut butter and didn’t feel like I blew it and I still lost weight~~the old me would have eaten popcorn, pretzels, crackers etc… like quakerbruce said about searching for biscuits and the like…

    Well I look forward to hearing everyone’s stories and experiences along this fasting path!

    Bunny9, Mrsmilo, crumpet, quakerbruce, Marsbar2, fasting_me, caffeinebrained, clutchv223~~~

    Miss you please write soon :—)

    Bunny, where are you? How is your journey going?

    QBruce, Clutch, WrX: you are all doing so well! You are changing how and what you eat and you are being successful. Excellent!

    Fast Day for us. For breakfast, a buckwheat crepe topped with ‘mediterranean vegetables’ and egg. For dinner, watercress soup with tomato/mozzerella salad.

    Hello All

    On Wednesday of last week I came down with a cold.
    But it had a upside of killing off my appetite, such that I think I made 3 fast days last week.

    Hence the Saturday morning weigh in was a success, in it showed a reduction significantly greater than my 2lbs per week target.
    Overall in the 10 weeks of 5:2 prog i have lost over 25lbs.
    Against my average weekly target I now have a healthy surplus of 6lbs which will help balance out any sub target weeks in future.
    This gave me a bit of a lift but am still stuck with this cold??

    See even when you are not at your best do not loose your 5:2 prog motivation.
    Onward and down as another mini milestone is now ver near.


    Funny how being ill has benefits! Cold or seasonal allergy? Good luck with that next milestone, QB.

    Fasting today: Egg Bake with chanterelles, olives, and Gouda cheese. Fish Cakes with pickled beets for dinner.

    Hello All

    Got to admit that this mornings weigh in was a let down, as it showed a +1lbs gain.

    Ok I am still ahead of my overall target curve; and so will still go forward with that positive.

    If only I could shake off this cold it may allow me to get back to regular walks.

    I feel sure that exercise and the fast diet will overall take me to where I want to get to.

    My daughter always advises that this is a marathon, not a sprint.
    Such that one small trip is not going to affect the overall race result.

    See I have already talked my way out of the down that the scales threw at me this morning.

    Onwards and down.

    QB, every aspect of life has its ups and downs, and weight is no different. Keep talking yourself out of those low mood moments and persevere.

    Bunny, haven’t heard from you in a while. Hope you are making progress toward your goals.
    WrX, how is it going in Oregon these days?

    Greetings all~~ fasting_me, you are maintaining I believe ~~ quakerbruce you have done exceptionally well at 25 lbs WOA that was fabuloso for you, and depressing for me, maintaining only since my injury ~~ just starting to be able to walk and yesterday ran a short short distance for the first time in 5 weeks, ~~ like starting over ~~ not into fasting this week so have to get struck by lightening and change up my attitude!!! I did 2 days of 1000 cals instead of fasting just couldn’t hack 500 and now I am on 500 cal FD – – I will think of you all for strength ~~~ have a fab Sunday and week~~ how are the rest of you???

    Hello everyone,

    Today I am starting week 5. I do great on my fast days. I’m starting to get used to the hunger. I had some trouble last week. I didn’t eat until dinner on my fast days then ate too much. I also have been following a diet that is less than ideal for losing weight. This diet has included many sweets and carbs. Amazingly though, this week, I am still 1 lb. lighter with a .2% drop in body fat.

    With this being week five, I am going to refocus my resolve and be more careful on my fasting days.

    Clutch v

    Clutch, if carbs/sweets are a temptation for you, then a] hide them b] don’t buy them. it they aren’t in front of you, then they won’t tempt you.

    Come on, WrX, you are better than that. It isn’t about how much exercise you get — it is about how much food you put in your mouth. don’t blame this on being sedentary. buck up!

    Hello All

    My update is that over the last 2 weeks I have flat lined; with no reduction but no increase??
    This is acceptable for me.
    In mitigation, I am after 13 weeks still just ahead of my target 2lb per week curve.

    I have bought a copy of the fast exercise book and have changed my walk to include both high intensity and steady pace. This is in the hope of improving my aerobic fitness and maybe boost the weight reduction.

    Onward and down

    QuakerB, if you want to budge from the plateau, change what you eat on Fast Days. it works for me.

    Greetings everyone,

    Congrats quakerbruce on 2lbs a week that is fantastic for 13 weeks!!! And Clutch v 1 lb a week is what I have been going for, and at 12 weeks on the FDiet this day I’m 11.8 lbs down which is mahvelous to me! My life has always been about exercise so I’m glad to be back to almost normal after my leg injury 8 weeks ago. Normal meaning my energy is just about fully back and I can bend my leg in yoga poses agin etc…

    I will have to check out the FD exercise book~~

    Happy Halloween,
    and may the blessings of the ancestors be yours, WrXgirl

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