New Starter

This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  parrankin 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hello from Australia. As indicated have just started and into my 2nd week. I chose fasting for Monday and Tuesday, two consecutive days seems to works for me. I’m listed in the overweight category, being 58yrs and 97.5kgs and 182cm tall, giving a BMI of 29.5, I should be be less than 25. I would like to get to 85kgs (my fighting weight so to speak!). The principles behind this is because my family has a history of heart issues and my father died of Diabetes back in 2007. It was a very sad time. I have two teenage boys and I want to be around for as long as I can (I thought I would do something for my body and get my stat’s in the right places).
    The fasting has been a bit of a shock to the system, it seems we have an eating pattern that we are used to. I agree with the book, by fasting there seems to be a re-set process…. I possibly should not comment much as I’m only two weeks in, however on the normal days I do not eat so much, and not looking for food.
    I will see how we go!
    Keep up the good work all!
    Will keep in touch (good to be in touch with other people doing the same).

    Hi Peter and hello from UK! I am very new to this …. my first fast day was yesterday. I agree with you, a bit of a shock to the system but not unpleasant and I dont even feel very hungry this morning! Slept fine (felt very tired) and no other effects apart from being very thirsty – this was no bad thing though as it meant I kept my water intake up. I am looking forward to see how this affects my health as well as my weight. I have around a stone to lose (sorry, not sure of kg weight) and my health is fairly good, although I suffer high colesterol. I have managed to get my colesterol down by diet alone but would like to see if this helps too.
    Anyway, good luck with it… agree it is good to be in touch with others doing the same to share hints and tips.

    Hi JacquiA,
    Thanks for the quick reply. The only other comment I can add at this stage, is I’m feeling pleased with myself as the rest of the family are eating normally and I have not caved-in! While I expect to loose weight eventually, mentally I feel much better about myself (.. possibly a feel good factor!). I haven’t organised myself as yet with the meal preparations as yet. I expect it will be a bit easier once I have spread my 600 cals better over the fasting days. Currently I have a normal breakfast and allow myself a coffee later in the day, with half a carrot in the evening and possibly a black tea.
    I have not had my cholesterol checked as yet, however I’m keeping an eye on my blood sugar. Fasting level is 5.8mml… it will be interesting to see how this goes over the next few weeks.
    Sorry I do not have any hints and tips as yet!

    Hi there I’m from the uk and my first fast day will be Monday 3 rd . I’m really worried that I’m not going to be able to eat so little as in the past my willpower is rubbish lol, but I am really going to try my hardest , any tips and advice will be greatly appreciated 🙂

    Hi Anna,
    You will be fine.My mantra is ‘it’s just for today. I can have anything I want tomorrow’. My big tip would be to plan and buy what ever you are going to have to eat on Monday, before Monday. I still find food shopping when I am fasting tough. Have a whole load of projects lined up to keep you busy and out of the kitchen.
    I have just got Mimi’s book after 18 weeks of doing this alone…and it is a godsend. If i look at another tin of soup I will scream!
    Give yourself small goals, reward yourself with something other than food, plan to lose no more than 1 lb a week, increase walking every day to 10,000 steps(get a pedometer)and record waist, hip, bust, thighs before you start.Drink loads of water-fills you up and stops any headaches and remember, you won’t collapse in a heap and start gnawing the furniture. The feeling of hunger passes and you will be asleep for much of the fast-before you wake up and at the end of the day.Good luck!

    I’ve started this plan today, by default. I bought the book yesterday when food shopping. My daughter has been following this plan for 2-3 months and lost a stone, she has had to stop as she is pregnant. I need to take myself in hand, I know I have high cholesterol and I would be surprised if I’m not pre-diabetic. I am 5’6” tall, weighed 11st 5lb this morning and my BMI is 25.7 at present.

    I woke at 6am (very early on a Saturday for me). I made myself a cup of tea (redbush, no milk, drunk for years) and had a banana, thinking I would have breakfast later. I took the tea and the book back to bed and read it from cover to cover. I realised I could start the plan today as the banana was about 100 cals.

    I have found it easy. I’ve had 2 cups of black coffee and loads of water. I am hungry and can’t wait to eat but I can see this is very doable.

    As shown above, I’m still in the new starter period… this is into my third week. Isn’t it interesting, I do my fast over two consecutive days and the second day is a bit challenging. I saved some mashed potato last week to have on my first normal day breakfast after my fast days, I was so looking forward to it to have on toast (I know this is one of my odd-ball things). When it came to the breakfast I did not feel like it, I was not particularly hungry and the thought turned me off. I think it goes to show that the body does change it’s attitude towards food, this is possibly the re-set thing going on, from my bad old days.
    I have found it is hard to get started, however feeling much better about myself. Looking forward to doing my stats again this week to see what is going on.


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