New member question-tightness in neck on fasting days

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New member question-tightness in neck on fasting days

This topic contains 2 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Minka 8 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Wondering if anyone has ever experienced this-this is the 4th week of 5:2 for me, and I’ve noticed on the days that I fast I have a tightening in my neck. Usually this is a symptom of anxiety for me, but I don’t have anxiety, just the tightening feeling. I’d love to hear if anyone has had this before!

    cant say Ive had a tight neck. You may not think you have anxiety but your body has probably realised something strange is going on and is reacting to it. I chew gum like my life depends on it, try it, it might help release any tension that you may be experiencing.

    Do you have a croaky voice, or other symptoms of ‘silent reflux’ (Google it!)? This happened to me. Doc says it could be related to a fasting when I explained about the diet (actually I was doing the ‘blood sugar diet’- 800 cals a day, so long periods of empty stomach) but he couldn’t say for sure. Basically stomach acid comes right up and burns the top of the oesophagus and/or vocal chords. I’m now eating more frequently while it heals, and if I was to return to fasting in the future I’d consider taking Gaviscon after eating to protect against reflux. Not saying all this applies to you of course, but if you think this fits maybe have a chat with you GP as long term damage is serious.

    Hi butterfly,

    I have the tightening neck experience and have found that mine is related to a low magnesium. If I take enough magnesium even on fasting days, I’m fine. My body requires more magnesium than most and definitely more than I’m able to extract from food.

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