New member from USA, attempting 5:2, 20:4

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  • Good morning everyone,
    I have been following low carb/high fat for 5+ months and have lost 11 pounds. I am a lifetime binger and I need more rigid boundaries when it comes to food. I completed my first fast day on Wednesday without any problems. I can NOT eat but when I start, look out. LOL

    Does anyone follow 16:8 or even, my preference, 20:4 the day after a fast? I had breakfast the day after my fast and, true to form, I had difficulty refraining from eating all day.

    I look forward to what may happen. I’m very optimistic this time around. I’ve seen some other admitted bingers here and it’s nice to feel somewhat accepting of it and attempting to work with it. On any low carb boards I’ve participated in I was always made to feel shamed. We are not all alike. Just because being in ketosis makes one person have no appetite, and not able to eat, doesn’t make me a freak because I still can.

    Thanks in advance for any advice, words of encouragement and just a place to be a part of.

    I’m new here too and also in USA. Into my second week of FAST now and already feeling results. Jeans are not quite as snug, anyway. What is motivating me is the blood work results from my physical a couple of weeks ago. Cholesterol high (especially triglycerides) and glucose put me in the pre-diabetic range. Doctor’s immediate suggestion was medication. Uhhh…no. My husband takes enough meds for the both of us. I guess I’ve been fooling myself that because I walk a couple of miles every day (two dogs) and gym work out 3 times a week that I could eat (and drink) as much as I want. Well, I weighed 182 at the doctor visit, so time to get serious about what I’m putting into my body and how much. I would like to get down to my “dancer” weight of 130, but will be happy with 150, even happier with 140.

    Not sure I’d call myself a binger, but I’ve always been prone to having more than one helping—and serving size has always been an issue. :-/

    Two fast days so far and managed to get thru with minimal discomfort. My biggest challenge is the husband that thinks it isn’t a meal without meat. If I was preparing just for myself, I could easily do with out it.

    Anyhoo, nice to meet you and hope we can encourage each other on this journey.

    Hello TapGypsy,
    Nice to meet you. I weighed in on Monday at 179 and would also like to get down to 140. (I’d be pretty happy at 150 as well!). I am going to aWedding this afternoon and am hoping to save my 500 calories for the reception. I have not had wheat or grains in close to 6 months so those food items are not a concern to me. I figure I’ll be busy all day and may as well give it a go.

    I’m hoping to have my fast days on Mondays and Thursday’s. I am in the process of moving. Settlement is in 9 days. A bit stressed!! By the way, I’m in Delaware. How about you?


    NatMau, I try to compress my eating window on all NFD’s to <10 hr’s. On FD’s I eat only one meal typically between 2-4PM. On the day after a fast I typically eat my first meal at 10:00 AM

    I’m a 64 YO man 5’10” 176 lbs. I’ve lost 70 lbs of fat and kept it off for 20 years. I eat a relatively high fat diet but I do not eliminate carbs. Most of my carbs come from lots of non starchy veggies. They are loaded with fiber and nutrients that are filling and they prevent constipation. I do eat high GI carbs like rice and potatoes but only after working out. I have one binge meal a week, usually pizza

    TapGypsy, your husband is correct, it’s not a meal with out meat! LOL Or at least some protein. Grass fed organic beef or Bison is very healthy to eat, filling and it tastes great! I eat a lot of it and my blood chem is stellar.

    Diverdog, thank you for your encouragement. I know this is going to be a day by day adventure. Everyone is different and we all must find what works for us. I don’t feel as though the low carb was a fail for me but so un-Godly slow. Maybe this is the jolt I need. I do, on occasion, crave a nice light sandwich or some pasta but I have heard such horror stories of people reincorporating wheat after a long period of time and I’m a bit apprehensive. My mental clarity has been wonderful and I have attributed to removing wheat.

    I think I’m most excited about eating fruit. I was staying under 20 carbs and so fruit has been on the ‘bad foods’ list. Bi have been enjoying the steaks and chicken. I agree that a meal needs meat.

    I was tested and gluten / wheat is not inflammatory for me but I do not keep bread in the house as it is a trigger food for me. When I go out I eat plenty of it! With butter or olive oil of course! LOL

    I do eat fruit on my NFD’s but only around workout time. I may have berries or cherries with breakfast as the have a very low GI.

    I eat high GI carbs to spike insulin on purpose to feed my muscles after a hard workout. It also helps to keep the fat burning hormone Leptin at a good level.

    Staying in ketosis all the time suppresses Leptin and slows fat burning.

    BTW I started 5:2 for the potential health benefits and in 2 1/2 weeks I’ve gone from 182 to 176 lbs. I fast on days I don’t do an intense workout so my fasts alternate 5:2 and then 4:3

    I applaud everyone above! And Natmau, I started 5:2 nine weeks ago. The first month I lost 10lbs then stalled a bit, so added 16:8 (Lean gains method). That jump started me again.

    20:4 (Warrior diet) is a bit much for me, though I did make it 19 once! Let us know how it goes. I am in Pittsburgh, by the way. Reached my first goal this week…under 160 for the first time in 10 years.

    Natmau- I am in NE Ohio.

    Did pretty good yesterday, but ended the day with a few drinks. My first booze since I started 5:2. However, I didn’t indulge with cheese and crackers to go with the wine.

    Can someone explain the 16:8 and 20:4 methods? Don’t know what that is.

    TapGypsy, good morning. I didn’t drink at the wedding yesterday. Open bar and all. I did, however, take a couple of bites of dressing under the chicken. Big mistake. 5+ months of being wheat free and I feel hung over. Never again!!! Wow

    The 16:8 or 20:4 is when you fast for 16 hours (or20) and your eating window is 8 hours ( or 4). For example, I prefer to stop eating for the night at 7 PM and then fast for 20 hours eating again at 3PM the next day. And then stopping at 7 PM again. I do the same for my fasting days but I eat my 500 calories at one sitting- usually closer to 7 though. Well, I did it for my fasting DAY so far. Lol

    I can’t stop eating but fasting doesn’t bother me. I eat my TDEE in that eating window.

    Yesterday, because the wedding was a bit late, I ended up fasting for a little over 22 hours. I keep a bottle of water nearby to keep something in my belly.

    16:8 and 20:4 refer to eating windows in a day. Some studies done on mice have shown that the same amount of calories eaten in a shorter time span will result in less weight gain or more weight loss depending on how many calories are consumed.

    The theory here is that compressing the time window allows your body to consume the available glycogen stored in muscles and liver and then switch to burning fat.

    Leangains is an eating plan pioneered by Martin Berkhan for gaining lean muscle while losing fat. He uses a 16:8 eating window and very specific nutrient requirements with intense resistance exercise

    Thanks for the explanation! I don’t consume anything after 8 pm and breakfast around 7 am. May try and adjust that to later in the morning. I’ve always been good about drinking lots of fluids, i.e., water, tea, coffee, and that helps. Recently started adding a shot of organic apple cider vinegar to my morning liter of water and amazed how it seems to help the snack cravings.

    Tomorrow is a fast day so need to plan what I’ll be eating now. Later!

    Interesting comment about being constantly in ketosis lowering leptin and not burning fat. I thought that was one of the points of fasting (besides lowering insulin). Of course, I doubt I am in ketosis for long, if at all. But still interesting!

    I was in ketosis for 3 months. It gets so confusing at times……do this…….no do this instead…….this is the best way……. no that will not help. I have hopped around so much in the last year and all I want is to be healthy, stop obsessing about food and lose a few pounds.

    I have been scared to eat fruit because of the carb count and the fear of coming out of ketosis. I won’t re-incorporate wheat products but rice and potatoes on occasion, possibly.

    I have been doing IF for a while and the 5:2, this is my second week. There are so many opinions and articles that contradict one another. I’ll stick to clean eating, no artificial sweeteners. Making it up as I go. And I’m going to eat some darned fruit.

    Natmau, I agree. Easier to just not eat!

    Blood work yesterday showed my cholesterol 115. It was 109 a year ago. Apparently the low car, high fat has not created any issues. I had an 11 pound loss before starting strict 16:8 with the added 5:2. I put my scale away but was weighed at the health check. Down another 5. 16 isn’t what I’d hoped for when I started this journey 6 months ago, but I’m still pretty content.

    How is everyone doing??

    Hello everyone!

    Just spent a few minutes catching up on this thread and you all seem to have the same mindset that I have. I just want to be healthy and lose a few pounds! Actually, I’d like to lose 25 or so, but I’ve been stalled for a long time.

    5:2 didn’t work for me as I guess I ate too much on my non-fast days. I’ve been doing Fast 5(5 hour eating window) for about a week and quite enjoy it. Not sure what the scale will say on Friday, but to my eyes, I look slimmer! I’m very active, doing boot camp at 5:45AM 3 days a week and then doing a 30 minute or so run/walk on my off days. I also play golf on weekends and get lots of steps walking the course.

    I’m from Pennsylvania…quite close to some of you! Nice to see a growing group of Americans finding the fasting lifestyle.

    I look forward to reading of your progress.

    NatMau, I have seen others say their cholesterol goes up. My bp went up (from release of epinephrine).

    What are your goals? Why are you disappointed?

    Welcome, Lori_Pa! You are close to me, for sure! I used to exercise hard core, and I couldn’t lose at all. Now I only do three 15 min. HIIT sessions and week, and weights 1 day, and I’m doing better!

    Hope to hear from others!

    Oh gosh, do not want to hear cholesterol goes up on this plan! That’s a big reason I started this was in hopes it would go DOWN. Doctor is pushing me to take medication for that. I weighed in yesterday morning and down 6 pounds, so that makes me happy.

    Hi TapGypsy:

    Everything in context.

    Research has shown that people that lose a lot of weight quickly (like 40/50 pounds in a year) can develop elevated cholesterol levels for some time after the weight loss stops until the cholesterol can be filtered out of the system, at which point it returns to normal levels. This can happen with any successful diet, not just 5:2. The ‘excess’ cholesterol comes from the fat cells that are emptied by the diet – every cell in the body contains cholesterol. Most people don’t know that the body will die if it does not have cholesterol, and that is why it is one of the few substances the body actually makes. The elevated cholesterol is not a ‘problem’ and does not need to be ‘treated’ as the body takes care of it naturally.

    The medical profession never cared about cholesterol levels until the low fat diet came about, with its theory (now debunked) that eating saturated fat led to increased cholesterol levels led to heart disease. Research now shows that cholesterol might be good for you (dah), but, like the low fat diet, it may take a few decades to debunk the idea that cholesterol is bad and cholesterol levels need to be tightly controlled.

    In the meantime, elevated cholesterol levels resulting from losing a lot of weight quickly can be a short term fact of life for some people, but the research shows they cause no problem and the body takes care of the issue over time.

    Good Luck!

    From the studies I’ve seen Simcoeluv is right on about cholesterol levels. Like most of the things we discuss here it is a complicated subject. It looks like the type of cholesterol HDL vs LDL and types of LDL are more important than the actual number. Also triglycerides figure into the equation as well. Low fat high carb diets that where recommended by the medical profession for years cause a bad cholesterol profile and very high triglycerides, and very bad thing indeed.

    I’m all for a high fat diet and I regularly consume 35-40% of my calories from fat. But not just any convenient fat. My sources are; avocado, nuts, seeds, coconut, grass fed butter, olive oil, sardines, organic grass fed bison and beef. I do not eat any processed or fast food. Whole eggs are a great source of fat too but the yolks are inflammatory for me so I just eat the whites.

    I am not at all concerned about my cholesterol. My PCP comments how incredibly low mine is. So a few points up when it was already low is not a bit concerning.

    I’m disappointed at my slow losing. I’m hoping the 5:2 helps kick things up a notch. I’m glad to see some new additions to our little group. Lori, what city in PA?? Delaware is right next door!!

    Hope everyone continues to check in and has a great rest of your day.

    I am in a small town an hour north of Harrisburg, the capital. I doubt that you’ve heard of it…Lewisburg. I’m 3 hrs from Philadelphia, 3 hrs from NYC, 4 hrs from Pittsburgh. Close enough to get to the city quite easily when we want to. Now, that was more detail than you asked for, wasn’t it?

    Talking about cholesterol, my HDL is so crazy good that it is off the charts. The total number means nothing because my good cholesterol is so high(over 110) The husband has been on statins for a long time. His total was over 1,000 when first tested years ago! I don’t like that he takes the meds, but that’s the way it is.

    Ok..enough of my rambling. Have a great evening.

    I have a PA connection too. Both of my parents are from Nanticoke PA. I grew up and lived most of my life in central NJ. I live just outside Las Vegas now and truth be told I don’t miss the pollen, mosquitoes, humidity, freezing weather and high taxes one little bit!

    Wow diverdog!! You mentioned all the bad stuff! LOL and hit the nail on the head. I live in Delaware. My boy friend is from PA and we have been house shopping. The taxes in PA???? What? We decided on a house in Delaware. Settle Monday and move on Tuesday. Cold, humidity, Mosquitos? Yeah, not a fan.

    Lori, I’m about an hour from Philly. I know Harrisburgh but not your little town. And I love the Steelers!!!

    Okay, 7:30 so I need to get ready for work. Have a great day today folks.

    Yeah…I’m not a fan of all those things you mentioned either! One day I hope to move somewhere that doesn’t get so freakin’ cold in the winter! I play golf, so I nearly go crazy from November-March. Of course, every place has it’s own set of stuff to deal with. Whether it be bugs, or hurricanes or tornadoes. We have to have something to complain about, right? 😉

    Opening my window at 1 today. I’m finding that 2 is too late as then I don’t want dinner with the husband. I usually close my window by 6 or 6:30, so 1 will work ok.

    I think I’ve had a good week, but not counting on the scale to agree. All my activity is counter productive to seeing the scale go down, as weird as that sounds. Oh well… day it will catch up!

    Have a great day!

    Delaware has some of the lowest taxes overall in the USA and PA is cheap compared to NJ. The climate in Delaware is more temperate too. Not a bad place to live. My wife was a west coast girl so we made the big move. Unfortunately she got sick and passed away 2 years ago. So now I’m out here alone but I really like it and plan to stay.

    The scale can be very fickle. I prefer to track my measurements with a tape measure.

    Morning, everyone!

    Since I checked in my weekly weigh in on the June challenge, I thought I would do so here also.

    After 5 days of 16:8, and switching to a mostly protein and fat diet, I am down 1 lb. No 5:2 or 4:3, and didn’t count any calories. I did eat pizza and a candy bar earlier in the week. And best of all, NO CRAVINGS! I really wanted them gone, and I guess the fat does it.

    Those notions of fat being bad for us is so ingrained, that I could feel myself hesitate every time I saw higher numbers on labels! I heard it all my life! Eat low fat. Eat more carbs. Funny, though, how all the women in my family followed that, and all died fat and diabetic.

    I am going to continue thks week, only may switch to broiling, and using olive oil, and adding more fish.

    Good thing the local grocery store has a “pick 5” meats for $20! Perfect sizes for me!

    Hope all enjoy their day!

    Concerning the elevated cholesterol, look up “transient hypercholesterymia”. It is temporary.

    just join forum been following the fastdiet for a few weeks and have been happy with results as it has been slow and steady. Have some questions about what I’ve seen posted;16:8 and 20:4 what does that mean? For some reason I don’t know all the lingo of this eating plan. I just eat whatever I want on non fast days but try to keep calories at the correct amount and not eat past 8 or 9 PM and then don’t eat breakfast before 8 or 9 AM. – what’s the 16:8 or the 20:4 ?

    Also from the USA

    Welcome to the forum, jackdog!

    Scroll up to diverdog’s post on 6/7. Great explanation about 20:4 and 16:8.

    Good morning everyone. I have not been doing my fasts this week. Moving in a few days and fighting a horrible headache. (4th day). I will get back to this lovely way of eating once I get settled. I have been following the 16:8 though and of course it’s kind of ingrained in me to avoid wheat products of any kind. But fruit?? Yeah, had some of that!! Eating under 20 carbs for so long has me afraid to eat fruits and veggies. I’m going to rework my eating plan. I look forward to getting back to basics but first, let me go get some more packing done.

    Enjoy your day. ☺️

    Where are you from Jack?? Delaware here. From Maryland though. Welcome.

    NatMau, Moving is a PITA! Feel better soon. I eat small portions of fruit on non fast days but it is mostly low GI, IE cherries, berries and I can’t resist mango when it is in season.

    I’m from USA Cali
    My BMI is 1311 TEDD is 1573
    I would like to start my 5:2 to lose 10 lbs baby weight

    I’ve seeing 16:8, 20:4 but this meth is on fasting days or non fast days ?

    Like I usually eat my dinner 6:30 and if I’m going to fat next day I’ll eat my breakfast 10:30 and dinner 6:30 ?

    Can I have diet soda on fasting days ?

    Thanks everyone

    Welcome Emilylee. Basically 5:2 is 5 days eating at TDEE at 2 days at 1/4 TDEE. On FD’s some of us eat two meals and some eat one. I started at 2 meals but found out I like it much better to eat just once around 3-4:00. Since your FD will be < 400 calories the meals will be rather small if you split them. FD meals should be protein, good fats and non starchy veggies.

    20:4 refers to compressing all of your calories into a four hour window every day with no fast days. Some of us on 5:2 also try to compress of eating windows on NFD’s to ~8-10 hours to compliment 5:2 FD’s.

    Yes you can have diet sodas on FD’s id you can’t do without. The jury is out on the health risks of artificial sweeteners.

    PS I’m from Las Vegas

    I’m born and raised in Pittsburgh, but now the wife and I live in a 5th wheel trailer and started to travel the country. Oldest daughter called us home for 1st grandbaby and mother in-law became ill so we are not traveling much, till things work themselves out.

    If ur interested in my 5’ver – google Cedar Creek 5th wheel by Forest River- most people have no idea how nice they can be.

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