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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  katkins99 9 years, 5 months ago.

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  • I’m new to this dieting lark, never tried it before so here goes. yesterday I put my bike leathers on and realise that something had to be done.
    I never considered myself as overweight until now. I’m 183cm and 95Kgs, numbers don’t mean much, but like a lot of men my age (57) I’ve got a fat stomach and it’s not nice. It seems to have just caught up with me, I haven’t changed my life much over the years and I’ve never been particularly active, I did belong to a gym a few years ago and didn’t really enjoy it much, it wasn’t really ‘me’ if you see what I mean. So this diet seems to be one that I can keep up with, so lets see what happens….
    wish me luck !!

    I had one of those “something must be done” moments 6 months ago! Fortunately, my husband had just watched Eat, Fast, Live Longer and told me about it.

    In that 6 months I’ve lost nearly 20 pounds and just reached my goal weight. I enjoy food more than I used to, so I can mostly just eat the good stuff, but less of it. Eating habits are stubborn, but you CAN form new ones. Best of luck to you!

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