New member

This topic contains 15 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Nika 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Hello all, I’m new and just checking…

    Hello Emily

    Welcome to the fast diet forum.

    What are you checking?

    Checking in? Checking us out? Checking wether this works? Checking the weather?

    Okay I’ll stop 😉 Welcome! Tell us a bit more, when are you going to start IF?


    Eeeeemily! Oh Eeeemily!

    … Dumpy, what do we do about this? She’s clearly been taken hostage or something.

    Dumpy…you can’t call me that, my hubby had a mate called dumpy!

    Call me ling.

    Like I’m in china with ya.

    Maybe Emily was a spammer? Or she didn’t click ‘ get reply’ and doesn’t know we are all sitting here watching her?

    Haha that sounds creepy, like we’re stalking her. Creeping outside her house and standing in the corner of her bedroom watching her sleep – okay I’m gonna write a horror story, brb.

    Did the photos come out ok last night?

    Yeah they’re drying in the dark room at the moment. Especially the one with you in it, hanging over here and making stupid faces… some perfect ones there!

    Do you think the video will work …as I know 3 weeks a go it was too dark in there. But With the candle you brought, it was perfect.
    Very romantic light, as I hung over her.

    Well when I took them out of the bath and into the stopping liquid they looked fine. The candle did bring out your eyes quite well, nice glisten in there.

    So the video also worked, excellent.

    That’s straight on to you tube…

    Pfft you’re thinking too small. I say admit it to Sundance.

    Hi Nika and Dumpy (I love it) – it’s you two again!

    What have you done to Emily? She was just checking and clearly she thinks we are all mental like you two!

    If she isn’t crazy…might be best to not check!!!

    Teehee! See, it’s Dumpy now! You’re like the 8th Dwarf in the snowwhite tales. Do you have a pickaxe at home? I’ll carve your new name in it for you when I get there.

    Also I’m not mental, my mother had me tested.

Viewing 16 posts - 1 through 16 (of 16 total)

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