New..looking for a mentor or buddy to help me through this journey

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New..looking for a mentor or buddy to help me through this journey

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Parveenh 6 years ago.

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  • Hi.
    I am new to this and was looking for a buddy for motivation and support. Somebody who has done this and worked for them.


    Plenty of threads on here to join and get the support better than just one person… will find most people are friendly to help, offer support with different ideas and general well being…look around and see if one takes your fancy, post every day and get to know people..

    Good luck it’s a great way of life….

    Thanks for your message.

    One question I have for anyone that can help is duration of fast, for example , if my last meeal is 7pm on Sunday and I choose my fast day to be monday, what time can I start to eat?
    Or does it not matter, as long as it is 500 calories?

    Hi Sachi, I don’t think it matters as long as it’s with 500 calories. I had dinner yesday about that time and then had a yogurt at about 5pm today, some sustinance for the drive home. So my fast was for about 22 hours. During the day I had 2 black coffees and a black chicory drink in the afternoon.

    For dinner I just had a bowl of vegetable soup (ottelenghi) which was just right.

    I don’t recall doing my fast days like this before. Will try this format again on Wednesday. I think I used to have breakfast but then by the afternoon I would be beside myself.

    Let me know how you are doing.

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