New here, not new to 5:2

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Ceedub 9 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Hello all. As the title suggests, I have done the 5:2 diet before but fell off the wagon somewhat! Mainly as my fast days were boring – I love food and although mostly I love healthy stuff I was finding it difficult to vary my diet.

    I’ve now joined in the hope that I will find some inspiring recipes that I can use to keep interested rather than getting bored and failing again! I have added incentive in that I have just got engaged. I don’t need to lose a lot of weight, but I don’t want to put any on! I also want to get generally healthier. I have problems keeping my weist measurement down so don’t want to be at risk of diabetes later on.

    Just thought I’d say hello before scouring the recipe posts 🙂

    Hi MsFrog, I hope this time it works well for you.

    I think I am the complete opposite to you, because I am making it work by having the same thing every Fast Day (a small bowl of porridge in the morning and soup in the evening). I vary the soup, so that is a little bit of excitement! But I just love not having to think what I am going to eat, and worry and try to count calories and all that.

    And while I am hungry I think about all the lovely things I can eat the next day, and plan some lovely meals!

    Well, the wonderful thing about 5:2 is that everyone can make it suit their life. I hope you find some inspiring recipes, and that this time you can make it suit a way of life that is healthy and interesting!

    Best wishes!

    I usually eat the same type of meal every fast day but sometimes if the family is eating out, I don’t know where we are eating and order a salad or a chicken dish grilled with veggies.

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