new here from USA

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  PreciousBooBoo 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • hello, just found out about this diet and the idea sounds like something I could do. I have been interested in paleo diet and this does seem to fit in that paleo people would have had days where they would have fasted. I am concerned about my health and weight, I just hit the 300 lb mark and do not want to go any higher. My wife is diabetic and will be joining me on this jouorney.



    the nicest thing about this lifestyle

    is u can plug in whatever diet u want

    vegan paleo

    mine is low carb mediterranean

    since it seems 2 be the best scientifically proven

    so far can’t go vegan have tried over the yrs

    i know it makes live longer but ugh

    adding the fasting will help ur concerns

    especially 4 ur wife i’m a diabetic 2

    click on names click on their replies & their topics

    use the search u will find nice people who r just as concerned as u

    don’t go ocd on weighing urself i weigh ever 4th fast

    u will have many plateaus but it will go down

    if u r a man u will achieve it quicker no fairur wife like me a type2 diab slower

    i posted the video by dr michael

    of exercising 3 min a week

    also his video on fasting

    also posted a link of all his replies

    post u & ur wife successes ur paleo lifestyle
    we r interested
    wish u & ur wife a happy healthy & no hassle
    journey on this fastday lifestyle 🙂

    Welcome Oldehippie & Mrs. Oldehippie 😉 Lots of newbies about here for support and loads of longtermers like me for inspiration & motivation to keep going. This is a super simple lifestyle and you can adjust it to whatever works for you and your personal preferences (food wise). So hopefully you’ll quickly find a pattern and a menu that works for you. Good luck.

    this is not a computer glitch
    just checkmarking
    Notify me of follow-up replies via email
    u should all
    4 ur topics & replies

    Howdy oldehippie and oldehippie’s wife

    It sounds as if you couldn’t have started at a better time!

    Let us know your progress

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

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