New Here and to 5:2

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  simcoeluv 10 years ago.

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  • I’m new to this site and new to 5:2.

    Male 60, 5’7. 232 Lbs (105kg as per my conversion) I have a lot of issues with health.

    I had a minor stroke at 40 with the only lasting effect being a droop to my left cheek when I get tired.

    I had my first heart attack at 49. I’ve had a total of 9 I was clinically dead in two of these.

    I have severe respiratory problems COPD, and other lung function issues. I smoked until 8 years and 4 months ago when I quit cold turkey. (I got mad at the Govt taxes)I’ve got high cholesterol, per-diabetic, and being treated for congestive heart failure which seems to have stabilized.

    I take a half dozen pills and am on inhalers etc. So I’ve got lots wrong.

    While I need to loose weight. I need more so to improve my overall health. Exercise is very difficult due to the respiratory condition. Walking a mile is a feat in itself. I’ve tried numerous diets and calorie counting and …. well lets say lots of diets and not one made a lasting difference and when I went off them I gained the weight right back and more.

    My biggest weight gain came when I quit smoking 40 lbs in 3 months. I can also gain weight like crazy when my lungs have issues and I’m put on steroids. 10 lbs a week is nothing. Though I will loose that weight or 95% of it over 3 or 4 months. Then I’ll have another lung infection and back on the steroids. So over time I’ve continued to gain weight. From 141 at 49 years old to 232 last Sunday night (Jan 4th 2015)

    I’ve discussed 5:2 with my Dr. he investigated it and said I don’t see an issue. Though any surprises stop and see me immediately. He took base blood work last week and said I was good to go. Set up appointment for 4 weeks barring ANY untoward changes in health.

    I started on Monday Jan. 5/15 with as fast day. I didn’t have anything but liquids. Water. tea, and broth. Sunday 10 Pm I had my last snack then fasted until Tuesday morning. I ate normally Tuesday and Wednesday last snack at 9pm on Wednesday and again had nothing but liquids. Water, tea, and broth. I’m feeling so fantastically good that I’m going to extend this fast until I feel true “hunger”.

    So far so good. I won’t talk weight for a few more weeks. I do have to weigh myself daily to monitor water retention in relation to heart health. So that might be a bit of a downer when the time comes I gain or don’t loose over a period of time.

    I do feel energized, maybe psychological in just taking back control of my eating. No issues with heat palpitations, or bowel problems. I seem to be thinking clearer and quicker at this point.

    I’ve got a long road but then I’ve also got the rest of my life to get this right. I’ll check in every so often.

    Thanks to all those have written with their stories and words of encouragement to others, without it I’d never have approached my Dr. on this or taken that first step.

    Welcome Quietone. Good luck to you. Please stick with this and I look forward to seeing you report on your weight loss again.

    Hi QuietOne and welcome:

    Here are some tips:

    Good Luck!

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