New here,

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Bea1968 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Happy to join you all. I have hust done my first fasting day and in spite of feeling very tired midday, I feel it has gone very well. Found that making myself a huge bowl of dry-fried veggies was a filling and tasty way to get the most out of my 500 cal. Hoping so much this will work, have been dieting since I was 8 and really need something that actually works, fingers crossed!

    Hi Bea, I have been looking at loads of different forums on this site. my main goal was to see if anybody had been properly successful with this way of eating. Like you, I have just started fasting. I have just done my second day. I have lost 1.4 pounds but cant quite believe it yet as i have been bitterly disappointed before. my mind is saying dont get too hopeful as i will put it on tomorrow. I am a bit of a skeptic but eager to try anything. before starting this, i was encouraged to try slimming world as my mate had lost 9 lb in 3 weeks. me? 0.8 lb in three weeks!!!! i am not making that up!!!!

    We appear to be of similar age and again, i really cannot remember a time when dieting was not something that crossed my mind daily.

    About me. I am 45 (just), have two kids and a husband. I am 5 foot tall and as of today 12.3 lbs. given my frame i calculate that i need to lose about 40 lb to get anywhere near healthy.

    anyway, perhaps this could be a new thread where you can record your losses/achievements to spur each other on and anyone else wanting to join in. i am not that great on computers and dont look at them daily so may be a few days or so between posts.

    anyway, keep strong and well done for keeping to your 500 cals. I must say I found it hard !!!

    Dear dodger, thanks for your post -I’ve only just seen it now. I lost my motivation as I could only manage to fast for half a day only to have a binge in the evenings. Now I am trying to get back on the horse – had a few days of only eating between 12 and 8pm and I found this much easier than only eating 500 cals per day. Haven’t lost any weight at all but had a good fasting day today and since it hasn’t been to hard, I’ll keep on 🙂
    ps. I find it tricky to find my own posts here for some reason so if I don’t reply that might be a reason but aiming to check in regularly now.
    best of luck with it all

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