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This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Just Saying 8 years, 12 months ago.

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  • Are there any other newbies? I started this diet last year in April, and lost 25 lbs., but put back 5 over the holidays. Now I’m trying to lose those, and another 20, that’s my goal this year. Don’t want to become obsessed with counting calories, etc, and I thought this would be feasible, and it was, but I find it harder now, not easier. I let loose a little over the holiday (hence the gain), and now I find it hard to get back to it…
    I’d appreciate any encouragement.
    I’m 57, by the way.

    Wow, you sound exactly like me! I also started last April, lost 35 by July, kept it off, gained and lost the same 5 thru December, then told myself Jan. 2016 I was going to be back at it. Hah! Well, I was…back at eating!

    Then I sat myself down and told myself ENOUGH! I committed once again to 5:2, then 4:3 along with low carb, to lose my last 20.

    One thing I did that I hadn’t thought of doing last year when I hit the plateau was recalculate my TDEE. I am not a chronic calorie counter, because I don’t believe in calories making you fat as much as what kind of food you eat making you fat, but I wanted an idea of where I was. So I calculated it based on the weight I WANTED to be, actually my IDEAL, DREAM weight, and my actual height, which I have never measured, and was an inch lower, and it came out a lot lower! SO I adjusted my intake on NF days, do three 36 hour Fast Days a week, relax a tad bit more on weekends, but haven’t touched sugar or refined carbs AT ALL since restarting.
    It isn’t easy. Don’t try to fool yourself, and don’t let anybody else try to tell you that. You just absolutely HAVE to make an agreement with yourself. It sounds strange to some people, but I honestly want to be thin. I have wanted to be thin my whole life. I admit it. I am vain. I have been told I have a pretty face, and I was never obese but I have always been a bit overweight (50-70 lbs). Now that I am in my 50’s, I want to do it before I am too wrinkled for it to matter!

    And I want to be healthier! I saw my mother, who just passed away a few months ago, suffer with dementia, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. I refuse to be that person. I don’t want my daughter to have to take care of me like I had to take of my Mom. I was honored to do it for her, but it was devastating.

    So, for every week I follow my plan with NO cheating, I buy myself the “gift” of the week, which I plan the week before. Last week was a pair of gorgeous “badass bitch boots” that I have had my eye on for weeks! I have absolutely NO place to wear them to but I bought them anyhow! And I love them! I don’t care if I wear them around the house doing chores! This week is a pair of low cut skinny jeans to wear with them! Ooh la la!

    So, motivation? Girl, I got lots of that! Hitch up to me and we’ll get there…and look great when we land! We can exchange email addresses if you want…

    Justsayin – fitnfast

    Sliding off the 5:2 pattern is easily done if one doesn’t stay focused and mindful of what one is aiming for and doing, is what you are doing in line with your goal? If not then you have to shift. It is more difficult to restart and realign after a slide to many people look at it as “another” weight loss failure and get so far down many don’t get back on the pattern.

    The pattern is doable. It has to become habit but at the same time I have to stay focused on the eating pattern and mindful of my actions in that effort. What I eat, quality not junk, how much, how often enjoy what I do, the selection and prep of food should give one a sense of satisfaction and pride. It should not be onerous, boring, or a chore to get done with.

    Take time to think about how you feel when you are fasting. The first bite of food after not eating. One of the reasons I’m a great believer in water fasting and zero caloric intake doing 5:2 is that it garners a whole new appreciation for the taste, flavour, texture, and fullness of food. That first bite of great food or fruit after nothing to eat for 36 hours is truly wonderful. (That being said I had a corn dog over the holidays from a food truck that was awesome.)

    I believe fully in calculating your TDEE for your goal. Might not be your final goal but your next goal. If you have 50 pounds to loose set your goals in 10 pound increments. When you hit that goal assign a new goal and calculate your TDEE for that. Always calculate your TDEE under what your present weight is.

    One doesn’t set off on a drive from New York to Los Angeles with only the end in mind. At 600 miles a day you’re still going to need almost 5 days to do it and it’s not enjoyable at all.If you want to enjoy it and all the stops and visits it will be longer. So on so you break the trip up into goals that are doable and enjoyable.

    Hi Just Saying – I’m a newbie to the 5:2 thing and on my 4th day fasting. I have about 25 – 30 pounds to lose. I’m so happy to have stumbled upon this WOE, as I really feel like this is something I can manage, without bring too deprived. Good for you for taking the first step back. You are at least here. Take 1 fast day at a time – just commit to one fast day, and then go easy on yourself on the other days. You can work up to improving the eating on the non-fast days. Before you know it after a few fast days are down your mind set will switch into gear to not undo the good you have done.

    @fitnfast – I loved your post. I am so with you on the “want to be thin”. I have really wanted to be thin all my life too. I have never been really overweight, but thought I was. In my 20’s and 30’s I was a good healthy weight, just a little 5-10 pound pudgy fluctuation. Now I’m in my mid 40’s and 2 kids later the 5-10 pounds is now up to 25-30 pounds. I don’t want to grow any older bring miserable with my weight. I too, want to enjoy my thin body before I’m old and wrinkly. I love the sound of your boots 🙂

    Hello everyone. Thank you for all the good advice and support. That’s why I started this thread, because I felt I needed to hear from people who maybe had good results for a while, then kinda let it slide, then got back on the wagon. I admire your willpower to keep track of calories in your non fasting days as well, but the only reason I started this diet and kept at it was that I understood I didn’t need to do that. I really don’t think that a lifetime of counting calories or staying away from sugar and carbs is for me. This diet did help me change my eating habits some, as now I don;t eat as many sweets, and the fruits and vegetables are more satisfying to me, but I still have desserts, mostly homemade. I don’t eat out all that often, but if I do, I will eat what I want, and I won’t spoil it for my companions by insisting on diet stuff, or making a point of noticing how I don;t eat bread anymore, etc. I have been to dinner with people like that, and it’s not pleasant.
    Well, let us continue on this good path, and as of this morning I have lost 4 of the 5 lbs, I put on over the holidays. Encouraging. I am doing 4:3 at the moment, as I want a jump start, but I will go back to 5:2 soon. I am toying with not having any food on fast days, but I think it is easier to do in summer than in winter, for me.
    Best to all.

    Hi, Just,
    I wish I could not watch what I eat like I did when I first did 5:2. I always had a refeed/feast day on weekends! I honestly don’t know how I lost all that weight!

    I have been a bigger all my life, and I am sick of it, so I added that to my goal this around. I want to, if not eliminate, then at least calm the beast, of my severe sugar addiction. I can, and have, easily eat a whole half gallon of ice cream, a whole bag of cookies,etc. Then starve myself for days to get it back off. And hide it from everyone. That’s no way to I have to learn to control this but not indulging at all, except for once a month, with healthier, low carb recipes. And I have such massive insulin resistance, I wouldn’t lose any weight if I ate more than 5 or so grams of carbs a day. Everybody is different that way. You are one of the lucky ones!

    Great for you that you lost 4! Do you have a reward system? I found a pair of pants for my boots. Next week will be a shirt, and on and on til I have a whole ensemble with accessories, makeup and all!

    Wish we could post pics! I started a website called “”, talking about my 5:2 journey, my friends here, with pics, but it would be nice to do it here.

    Not so good news yesterday…I found a hernia above surgical scar from when I had back surgery (opened front and back).,so surgery in my future.
    Write soon and enjoy your day.

    Weigh in shortly

    fitnfast: Good for you that you can wear those low cut jeans! I can’t, I find them very uncomfortable, but then, I am and always have been, bigger on my bottom half…
    Sorry about your hernia, and the incoming surgery… it must be difficult dieting and exercising when one has health issues. I hope it’ll get solved soon for you.
    As for how I deal with carbs, not sure if I’m lucky, it’s just that I think life is short, and I cannot live it with no dessert, and no bread. And counting calories, thinking about each morsel of food that goes into my mouth all the time would make me miserable, so I can’t do it. Not in the long run, anyway. Otherwise, this is just a diet like all the other diets, and where’s the fun in that?
    Since I want to loose only another 20 lbs., I am doing the 4:3 now, because I do think that after the indulgences of the holidays I need a swift kick in the rear end, but I will go back to 5:2, as soon as I see that I am going in the right direction on the scale. My biggest challenge is to incorporate exercising in my life, since I have no set schedule, and I hate exercising! Always did, I never got that endorphin high that people talk about, even when I exercised every day for at least an hour/day…I was just tired, and then hungry, and then ate because I felt entitled, so I did firm up some, but didn’t lose anything, and got very frustrated. I know that exercise is supposed to help with health in general not just weightloss, but I never really liked it. Walking is fine, but it’s cold now…and walking on a treadmill is no fun at all.
    Probably in the Spring I’ll start walking again with a friend. Meanwhile, I am trying to convince myself to go to the gym…
    Well, you have a good weekend, and let me know how it goes…

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