New girl

This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Jude63 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hello, I’m intending to start this tomorrow (yes, really!) but just wanted to hear a few viewpoints from other people to see how this is working for you. How much weight are you losing a week, on the 5:2?

    Hi Jeannie,

    I started Tue and will be on fast day tomorrow.
    You will feel rough, but you will get through it.
    Drink lots of water/green tea and plan what you’re going to eat
    Good luck 🙂

    I’m making a photo diary on Instagram @ (same user name)

    Hi Jeannie,

    I hope your first day is going well!

    I am onto my 4th week and so far I have lost 3lbs, so bang on 1lb per week. I am hoping to lose 10 in total. It seems to be slow but steady loss but as long as it keeps up I don’t mind!

    Good luck!

    Hi Jeannie – I hope your 1st fast is going well. I am fasting today too and have made it through lunch with a total of 200 calories so far. This is my 3rd week and I lost 7 lbs the first week and stayed the same on week 2. I am hoping week 3 shows some progress but if not 7 lbs in 3 weeks is ok with me. I like the freedom of this plan and hope it works for you. So far I don’t feel bad on Mon which is my first fast for the week but usually by the end of my second one on Wed, I have a headache. And I agree with moreaboutmyself, planning is KEY!

    Hi Jeannie- first and foremost- good luck! I’ve been on the 5/2 diet (lifestyle change) for about 6 weeks now and lost 15lbs. When I first told me wife I was going to try it she laughed and said I would just be starving myself and it wouldn’t work. Well- she was wrong! I have found this plan to be very easy to follow if you set strong guidelines for yourself. The first day will be tough- I know it was for me. I eat a small meal in the morning, fast for a full 12 hours then eat another small meal at night. The first day was hard but I challenged myself to make it through and drank a ton of coffee and green tea and I finished it. Even though the first day was very tough, every fast day since has gotten easier and easier. I actually look forward to my fast days now because they make me feel so good. The best advice I can give you is to challenge yourself to try 1 full month then make a decision if this is right for you. Many people quit on the first day but don’t realize it gets much easier with time. By your 3rd week it will almost become like 2nd nature. Again- good luck!

    Hi Jeannie,
    Welcome and good luck. I’ve only found the site today but have been fasting since beginning of January and lost about half a stone. I found I was very hungry the first few fasts but it does get easier. Around week 3, my weight went up a bit which was disappointing but I think I weigh myself too much. It did go off again and I am back on track. The things that help me are drinking lots of water. Tea and coffee make me feel a bit sick but herbal teas are ok. I find it much easier when I am out of the house and doing something, it takes your mind off food. Also, try to remember that when you feel hungry, fat is burning! Also, you can have what you want tomorrow. Also, be flexible, if you don’t feel like doing the fast on a set day, put it off until you feel better. Good luck!

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