New faster!

This topic contains 8 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  kwillyau 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hello! This is my first day of fasting, my first day on fast diet. It’s been so easy, I was scared I was going to feel dizzy, tired or sooooo hungry, but i just didn’t I went to the swimming pool on my lunch break and felt so full of energy! And the rest of the afternoon was just as good: very focused and not sleepy as I normally felt before. Very happy I joined the diet!

    Hi there! I, too, experienced my first fast day and found it remarkably easy. I managed to do my yoga and walk my dogs with no problems. The most impressive thing I found was that I managed to answer several questions on university challenge…so it’s great for my little grey cells!!

    Hope your next fast day is equally as good 🙂

    Looking forward for next thursday! Fast day! Infeel very happy, my goal ismto loose 8 to 10 kilograms and this time I think I will getbrid of those kilos for good!

    Have you got your meals planned?!

    Hi! I also just started the Fast Diet. Tues/Thurs are my fast days and I did not have any problems with my first fast day, I feel great. I am really confident that I am going have success with this process. Also looking forward to Thursday. 🙂

    Best of Luck!

    Hi there, this is my first week too and I have just finished my second fast day – unfortunately due to dinner and weekend commitments this week I had to do 2 consecutive days, but hey, I’m still alive!! I entertained the 4:3 fast but I’ve decided to do the 5:2 and have fast days on Tuesday and Thursdays. I didn’t eat anything during the days, except bucket loads of water, green tea and a miso soup at lunchtimes and then I had a delicious 500 cal meal each night, salmon one night, chicken the other and plate full of veges/salad! I actually enjoyed planning and fine tuning my dinner meal during the day. It’s been much easier than I thought it would be, especially when I realised I would have to do 2 consecutive days, I would be interested to know if it gets harder or are those first few days always the worst? I will certainly plan better in future to avoid consecutive days. Good luck everyone! Nads 🙂

    Hi Nads, it sounds like you did very well getting started, especially with fasting on 2 consecutive days. I’m also new and the forums are very informative and helpful. A user “wiltldnrUSA” shared this forum link for us newbies and it has a lot of great tips and videos.

    Hope this helps and Best of Luck! 🙂

    Awesome TC, thanks. I’m just having another read of the forums in preparation for tomorrow’s fast day 🙂 Have also just finished the book which was an excellent read!

    I saw the doco last week which I found incredibly motivating. As a non-dieter it made totally sense. So brought the book and the cookbook and did my first fast on Saturday (as I didn’t have much on). On Sunday morning I felt really good so went for a walk before breakfast. I cooked the pork meatball recipe from the cookbook for my main meal on the fast day which was really nice. My second day will be tomorrow and dinner will be the left over meatballs. I am quite determined to work on this. Glad to find this forum. Already I am thinking I need to eat better than what I have been.

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