New but not…

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  storitelr 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • I am not new to the 5:2 as I have been on it for two months. That being said I am new to the forum. Hello! I have lost roughly 1 pound a week and have seen a big dip in my cholesterol since I started. I have also found that an auto-immune issue I had involving painful hives has completely gone away after 8 years of being a pain in my life. Two weeks on 5:2 and it is gone.

    Go figure.

    Hi storitelr. Congrats on the weight loss and doubly so on the hives issue. Sometimes it is surprising what works, when I bet you had tried lots of different remedies.

    Yeah the extent I went to get rid of them only to have a little 2 day fast do the trick. Who knew!

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