New at this, 30 something working mum of 2 children wanting to lose weight

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New at this, 30 something working mum of 2 children wanting to lose weight

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Pissupoosa 8 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hi Everyone

    I’m still very new to this, I had my 1st fast day last Thursday after having a conversation with a neighbour who has been following this plan for 15 months and has lost loads of weight.

    I have previously followed Slimming World on and off and have tried various other diets in the past including Slim Fast and just counting calories.

    I am 5ft 8″ and would like to get back to my pre-wedding and babies weight of 10st 7lbs if possible. As I am going on holiday in just over 3 weeks I figured I would give this diet a try to see how I get on. The trouble with other diets is I love my food and enjoy a couple of glasses of wine at the weekend. Other diets seem to restrict me so much that I don’t stick to them permanently as.

    Maybe this one will be different??? I have 10lbs to lose but would like to lose 3 or 4 lbs before my holiday.

    Fasting days are going ok apart from feeling light-headed/wobbly. Does that go away in time?

    Im also hoping for the health benefits if I manage to do this long term.

    Thanks for reading

    Hi louloumolly

    How’s your 5:2 diet going? Just realized that your post is already a week old 🙂

    I’m new’ish to the diet. I’m on my 8th week now. Since starting I’ve lost on average 0.5kg/week. I also incorporate exercise – running, gym classes, cycling and home workouts (not so many recently though) at least 3-4 times/week.

    I haven’t tried any other diets before starting 5:2 – I like my food too much :-p
    This one works because I don’t have to particularly give anything up. Saying that, I have reduced my carb intake in general – mainly rice and bread, also cakes and other ‘junk’. I only have a treat if I feel it’s absolutely worth it.
    My struggle has been with cravings – though I’ve reduced carbs, I struggle with sugar cravings specially on fast days (FDs). Also, If I have a particularly bad stretch of non-FDs (last week for an example, I couldn’t fast because we had visitors staying over all week and me cooking or eating out with them…) then I struggle to get back.
    First 2-3 weeks for me were comparatively easier than recent weeks – this might be the other way round for many. I think I found motivation in the novelty 🙂

    Also re. your question on ‘feeling light-headed/wobbly’ – I’ve had a few of those. I also get headaches post-FD. I’ve put it down to some level of dehydration. So drinking plenty of fluid is important. I always keep a bottle of water with me now. I’m not a frequent water drinker/sipper like some people, but since starting 5:2 I have increased my intake.

    Most importantly, I do find a lot of motivation on this forum to keep going. There are loads of people who achieve their goal weight/size and maintain it – most of them have already gone through the struggle and succeed.

    I’m going on holiday next week (first time since starting 5:2) – we’ll be traveling around Scotland for 2 weeks – walking, some hiking and island hopping on a boat. So how I’m going to keep to 5:2 while on holiday will be interesting.

    Happy to keep chatting here. I’m always in search of motivation and inspiration to keep going 🙂
    All the best.

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