New and so happy I found this!

This topic contains 6 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  ChrissieinBrittany 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hi, I heard about this at the hairdressers Friday, bought the book and started the fast before she finished my hair. Today is my second fast day and its a little harder than the first but definitely doable. I am on a Friday and Monday for now. This is so exciting, both for the health benefits and the weight management. I’d like to lose ten pounds and this time keep it off! Can you experienced 5:2ers tell me if it gets easier on fast days? Thanks in advance for your encouragement and advice.

    welcome Mimbs,

    it does get easier & then 1 day it get’s hard & then not

    u will start realizing that the most nutrient dense foods

    & drinking allot of healthy water or drinks will help

    enjoy ur success & adventure

    Yes it gets easier. I did have one difficult day last week but i had a bug and didn’t realise until the day after.

    Good luck! Keep at it. As in life there are good and bad days (more good ones to be honest!) just keep at it 🙂

    I’m new to this diet but one of the things that keeps me going is the thought that tomorrow I can have anything I feel I’m missing out on, on a fast day. I drink loads more on a fast day than I would on a normal day and that really helps keep hunger at bay. Even though I’ve not been doing this long my appetite has already started to shrink.

    Good luck with the diet 🙂

    I’m new to this too. Need to lose 3st if I’m honest. Hate having photo taken but I want to have some taken with my son so this is spurring me on.

    First fast day yesterday, dinner time hard as I have to cook dinner for my son, so had an options hot chocolate which worked and also kept drinking herbal tea and cleaned!!

    Its now the day after and I thought I’d wake up starving but I reckon I could go til mid morning before eating.

    Yesterday I had two headaches which I see as a positive! I was cleansing!

    It is hard to resist temptation when cooking for our families isn’t it? As long as I don’t start picking I’m ok but should I so much as taste anything………. I’m a gonner!

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