New and excited!

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  • I am new here and looking for motivation.

    A short story about what led me here:

    I struggled with depression since the age of 16 leading me to be on and off various medications and a 8 year period off work. During that time I pretty much drank anything in sight and ate what the hell I felt like.

    Six years ago I began to finally recover. I still had my bad times but definitely a light at the end of the tunnel.

    I got a job and during the first year I went from a large size 18 to a 14. Simply due to not being sat at home. I have had a couple of minor relapses but still getting better.

    In the last few months I began meditating on a regular basis. Something I struggled with before but I new was good for me and I finally hit that woohoo moment where something becomes a good habit.

    As a result I became more self aware. Of my mental triggers. That’s when I noticed if I missed a evening meal on a night out my apetite was reduced the next day and eating breakfast made me hungry all day long.

    I did some research as I had heard of the fast diet and I thought it might naturally suit my body.

    I started last week and was amazed at how well I managed. The next day my apetite was reduced I was allowing myself to eat all the crap I wanted but I found myself not wanting it!

    Well all went well until yesterday I have pms and I have it for 10 days a month. Yesterday evening went a bit mad. I always crave alchohl when I’m hormonal. Well I drank six Budweiser and then got a maccy d’s. Now this morning I woke up and reassessed the situation. Normally I would have had twice as much beer and only ate half my portion of chips. So I’m taking it as a small victory and getting back on it today!

    I found that I slowly developed more control after a while on 5:2, for me the issue was binge eating on non fadt days. Hopefully you will find that the deviation from healthy habits continues to improve for you too. Good luck.

    Congratulations Littlesnowbear,
    You’ve got it exactly right.

    I keep in mind that 5:2 is a sustainable lifelong eating pattern. That means that if I have a bad day, or a bad week, it is waiting patiently for me to get back to it.
    But best of all, fast days are like a ‘reset’. Such a welcome break and the space to put all the good things in place.
    I am still muddling along, but I have been at the lower end of my healthy weight range for nearly two years and the bad days do get less bad and further apart. My two fast days keep me on track so that all the other days eventually fall in line.

    Best wishes to you. PMS is no fun.

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