
This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  ljc1011 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hi. I haven’t started fasting yet. I have read the book and I’m keen to get started. Joined to get advice on sticking with it and how to deal with cravings.

    I’m a vegetarian and dont eat many carbs but drink way to much fuzzy juice!

    Enjoying reading everyone’s posts and getting lots of tips

    Cantvwait to get started now.

    Hello Coffeegirl72,
    It is surprising, but the cravings really didn’t happen for me, I was too busy that day & no cooking food around to awaken the stomach’s mind of it’s own! So you may have similar luck. Vegetarian as well, I used to go for the juices as well – fresh fruit is an excellent substitute (especially in berry season). My first week has been a breeze, hope you have a great week too!

    hi everyone,
    I too haven`t had any cravings, drinking lots of cold water though!!!!! I have bought KIDZ 5 A DAY POWDER been reading about this , have done my 2 days this week of fasting, so will have it next week for a change,on the fruit side, strawberries and water melon have helped in this hot weather. This is half way through my second week and have lost 6lb, loving it, good luck to you both

    Hi funtime..
    Is this available in the US?

    Funtime bobby-you’ve got a few posts on this product haven’t you? You were a weight watchers leader for 11 years according to your bio, how very convenient.

    If anyone is in any doubt about this product-read a thread on moneysavingexpert expert-it’s a scam.the owner HIMSELF EVEN PLUGS IT SHAMELESSLY on you tube-like as though he’s just a user of it.

    The product itself has

    been the subject of a case complaint to the advertising standards authority , which was upheld-they were told to stop saying its organic and stop saying it provides 5 a day- but they have not. Stopped doing it. hes an ecommece entrepreneur, He even reviewed his own product on amazon.. And most of his reviews on there have- yes you’ve guessed it-one review only.

    They’ve now switched to saying its for kids to trying to latch on to the fasting diet, what a creep.

    Diet coke is ok. I have a glass on an evening on fast day and pretends its wine. Fizzy stuff rots your teeth though.

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