Need a diet Buddy

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Jacaranda 9 years ago.

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  • Hi Everyone,
    First fasting day today,hoping to lose some of my excess weight that I have had for years. I am aged 66, not very active, bad foot at the moment, anyone out there same age group as me, senior citizen, but not giving up yet.Hope the 5:2 diet will be good for me, nothing else much has worked so far, need to lose about 4 stone, so here goes.

    Hi Jacaranda,

    Welcome and good luck to loosing your weight.

    There are many forums you can dive into, look and see what takes your fancy. My hubby and myself are both 66 years. We lost 30 lbs over 4/5 months when the 5.2 came out unfortunately hubby had double knee replacements and we went back to our bad ways and put most on again. We have been on it the last 5 weeks and the weight is now coming off again, a week off over Xmas now pushing forward again. We both felt really fit and well before so hoping by about June we will be there again.

    It is very easy way of life but you have to be positive on what you are doing on a fast day, you will be hungry but after a couple of weeks it is easier and you find you do not eat the big portions what you normally eat. We do Monday and Thursday Fast day, go steady and small Tuesday and Wednesday, no biscuits,cakes or alcohol….the Friday, Saturday and Sunday eat normal, drink, have a piece of cake, fish and chips, roast dinner. I have thrown all my diet books out and there were lots..2 carrier bags full….this is the only diet / way of life for me now.

    Hi Jacaranda,

    Welcome and good luck to loosing your weight.

    There are many forums you can dive into, look and see what takes your fancy. My hubby and myself are both 66 years. We lost 30 lbs over 4/5 months when the 5.2 came out unfortunately hubby had double knee replacements and we went back to our bad ways and put most on again. We have been on it the last 5 weeks and the weight is now coming off again, a week off over Xmas now pushing forward again. We both felt really fit and well before so hoping by about June we will be there again.

    It is very easy way of life but you have to be positive on what you are doing on a fast day, you will be hungry but after a couple of weeks it is easier and you find you do not eat the big portions what you normally eat. We do Monday and Thursday Fast day, go steady and small Tuesday and Wednesday, no biscuits,cakes or alcohol….the Friday, Saturday and Sunday eat normal, drink, have a piece of cake, fish and chips, roast dinner. I have thrown all my diet books out and there were lots..2 carrier bags full….this is the only diet / way of life for us now.

    Good luck x

    Hi there, Thank you for your information, you sound to be doing really well, weight seems to stick at our age, I do not mind it being a slow loss, as long as I do lose, will take your advice on the non fast days. I too have tried most diets without much success, and ended up heavier, the old story. Here goes, thank you for your help, I am going to do monday and thursday too, we are usually at home those days. I will let you know how I get on.

    Please do..good luck..I am sure you will get on well…

    Hi happy new year,

    1st week lost 2lbs

    I didn’t find it too hard, a bit cold and a bit hungry, but I expected that, I had read some of the other posts so brain was prepared. I went over my 500 calories on my fast days by about 200, next week I will make homemade vegetable soup so I will be more prepared, and stick to 500.I usually walk around the village, but I have hurt my heel,so I am not getting much exercise at the moment, I have bought a step counter in readyness for when my heel is better, not sure when that is going to happen.But I am feeling positive, and in for the long haul, I have a new fleece I cannot zip up, thats my first goal, don’t M&S drive you crazy with their sizing it’s all to pot. I am usually a size 18, so I bought a size 20 so it would be nice and roomy, it doesn’t even zip up, not taking back, waiting until it fits. Hopefully you have lost too, best wishes for 2016.

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